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Everything posted by BobRedthorp

  1. You really need the proper controller for this game otherwise its a nightmare to play
  2. it may just be fecked, I dont't care I got it for nothing anyway, at least the Mega drive still works, but now I've got 12 of the damn things lol
  3. I have loads of import games but most are pre-owned and never had the spine card, I've got a few other imports which should arrive over the following week (Garou: Mark of the Wolves, The Castle of Shikigami II, Ikaruga, Puyo Puyo Fever and a few others) but I already have backups so I'll just keep them sealed I was happy to find out that the Japan Blue Stinger was actually English with Japanese Subtitle! otherwise I wouldn't know what the hell it was all about, I don't even know why I didn't buy this game when it came out, strange I would put Space channel 5 on my FTP if I could rip, but I don't have the BBA, plus I can't be arsed going through the guides that are about, lol
  4. Yeah, can't beleive I found it new! its well cool, plus its got a cool shiney foil on the instructions and insert, I kinda prefare the Jap version, I also have the original PAL version, but I'm gonna have a go at finishing the Jap version sometime tomorrow.
  5. ADSL, 1MB downstream and 512K upstream
  6. No, theyre all originals, I just don't get it
  7. Cool, I'll keep em safe, I found a wee computer shop in a small town while I was away for the easter, it was great. I managed to get the Jap versions of Space Channel 5, Blue Stinger, Virtua Cop 2, Sonic Adventure, Samba de Amigo 2000 and Sonic Adventure all brand new for £6 each! I'll def be going back there sometime! EDIT: Ah I see now, the loose card folds around the spine of the CD-Case and the plastick wrap would secure it, its all clear now, I thought they where stickers
  8. Ah its cool, I worked it out
  9. Well, yeah, that about all I can really do to try it, I dunno, it plays carts but just don't know what else to do??
  10. I got my hands on a Mega CD, you know the CD-ROM add-on for the megadrive/genisis. I got it with a megadrive already attatched but I don't know how to use the CD-ROM, do I need a Cart to tell it to run the CD Game, anyone got one and can help?
  11. Amen brotha! I learned that the hard way. On my 2nd PC i dropped some Cool Aid all over the keyboard.....talk about "sticky" keys. I cleaned it up but the +/= key is still whack. I generally have water with me and empty water bottles to the right of me where i sit. should do a thread with Workstation Pics.......heh.....the horror!!!! One night my roommate came back from a party drunk as hell and pissed all over my desk. So it went all in my keyboard and mouse so they stopped working. That was a terrible night because I thought I was dreaming when I saw him stumble to my desk and piss all over it. WOW, that is really drunk, lol I normally have beer with a few mates round and a few games on either the Cube or Xbox, playing Soul Calibur and super monkey ball while being drunk is great fun!
  12. Sigh, These types of forums should not have political discussion, it drags on and on and we all end up falling out.
  13. I just bought a few Jap Dreamcast games online and I was just wandering what the long thin stickers (or stickies) are for, they have the game title and barcode on them???
  14. In my experience its allways best to stick to official, but if you are gonna wander I would suggest on only buying Mad Catz or jotech 3rd pary products, as they are normally well made and don't have that cheap feel that other companies have.
  15. I just use the default settings
  16. It's not. Just another way of killing time and getting to know a bit about the people here, since the posts in "Hi! I'm new here!" are kinda short on info. Okay then, how about a so how big's your.... erm.. never mind Moving on...
  17. now we are all showing our age, lol
  18. Yeah, upload it somewhere...its takin forever wit suprnova.com....56k sucks....i miss my cable connection It would be on my server so the link would not be closed unless I said so, I'll do it tomorrow
  19. He was only in the UK, was popular in the late 70's early 80's and sort of dissapeard until the headlines hit the news a few years ago!
  20. I remember watching it when I was young
  21. One solution, buy your Gamecube games!
  22. Yeah kind of, pretty crazy! what a way to go though!
  23. Ah good old Rod Hull, he is missed
  24. Bill will be worlds No.1 again, its just a matter of time
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