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Everything posted by BobRedthorp

  1. I've lost mine due to beer intake lol The missus hasn't complained too much
  2. 5'6, 11 stone, so slightly over weight, but you know what, I don't care That's what happens when you drink many beers,
  3. Go to ebay and type in LED's, you will find all you need there! Even UV LED's, those are the ones I'm gonna get!
  4. yeah, go for it, I'm gonna get a new case for my yellow one, and add some LED's behind the controller ports! I think the guy on that mod website wen't a bit too mental,
  5. I might host a direct link for this game, just because its so small, dunno though what do you think??? EDIT: the one I have is 18MB though
  6. Okay, as much as I hate to say it, but Nero is the best for compiling, But DiscJugglar for everything else!
  7. I just always use the default settings
  8. Where can I get hold of those transparent cases?
  9. I would suggest using either DiscJugglar or Alcohol 120% I hate that piece of crap Nero! Only copy on the fly if you have a really fast CD-ROM and a high buffer, but I would suggest only copy by creating an image then burn!
  10. We have VAT here, which is why the games are so dear hear, does this mean I will have VAT whn the item is shipped from this website?
  11. OMG! that is a great site! free shipping worldwide! and only £22 for a game! this is exactly what I am looking for! cheers The only thing that concerns me is this quote from there FAQ: What is GST and PST?
  12. Hmm... I think I may spray paint it black! whats a good colour to spray it?
  13. I live in the UK and normally buy my import stuff from the web site Goblin Direct, but for a US gamecube game they charge me £50 which works out $91, and I'm pretty sure you guy's don't pay $91 for a game at a local sore!, so right away they are makeing a huge profit on me! Does anyone know of a US website/company who deliver to the UK but will sell games to me at US prices?
  14. lol, no it doesn't lol, erm... is that that new stuff thats meant to shift anything?
  15. I was having problems burning a Powerstone Nero image, I was using Nero 6, and it was doing what you said. I tried it with nero version and it burned fine, also make sure it says Close disc, as I have noticed Nero sometimes leaves this Checkbox unchecked! and the DC doesn't really like un-closed discs, well in my experience anyway!
  16. Ah, cool so I have the full version, nice
  17. Hey Shiba! is there anyway of getting rid of yellowness?
  18. does Death Crimson OX have speach? mine only has Text
  19. Hmm... the only thing is, is tat not an ostrich?
  20. Yeah, but in windows update there is a download to get rid of this, that is what I must have downloaded without knowing. but I have the latest version of Noron Antivivus installed now anyway.
  21. Go to this thread, I already asked this question a while back http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=5198 I personally feel Confidentil Mission is the only other game worth playing with the Dreamcast gun, however there are a few more.
  22. Hmm, maybe, but I doubt it, cos if they where after a fast way to make money, a version which would play loads of games flawlessly would sell more fast, plus the thing which backs up my theory is the fact that the beta we all know about plays some games better than oher and some not at all. If I had a so called ripped version of one of the colour ones I explained above I would send it to you to see if you had any luck, but I only have the other's which don't appear to do anything I think they may be fakes, dunno though Here is a quote from a text doc in the bleemcast! archive archive: The versions included in the archive are: Blue Green Orange Purple Yellow I've never even heard of a Green, Yellow and Orange
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