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Everything posted by BobRedthorp

  1. well, you can't please everyone all the time lol,
  2. Ah, I know of this sort of thing, but a different name, yeah, a lot of people would be against it, but I'm a for it
  3. Sure, why not, lets see how it goes, erm... wat does it involve???
  4. Right, I made a CDI image of the Nero image of Street Fighter 3 - Third Strike, the US version, I have succesfully applied the RGB Patch. SO the US, Self-boot, RGB Fixed, CDI version of Street Fighter 3 - Third Strike is now available on the FTP! I burned it and played it! My machine is a PAL using an RGB scart, and it works fine running at 60Hz!
  5. I can just imagine it, I phone her up and say "Hey Mum", "Yes son", "Erm.. Never mind." I rekon she will say its time to move back home as she'll think I can't look after myself anymore, lol, mama's boy...... erm, why mama's boy
  6. I pre-ordered mine, so I had to pay the full ammount, but I also bought another one for the Mario Kart and the Zelda collection disc, and sold the console to my cousin, lol
  7. Put it this way, If I could get a Gamecube for £55, which is $100 coverted, I would have gone for it!
  8. ERM... read my post! above, this is the exact same problem I had Remote Precedure Controll (RCP), , its prolly beacuse your broadband connection is not fully supported and you have not used Windows Updat at all! do what I did and you should be okay! I cant remeber exactly which update fixed the problem but you may have to install 1 update, restart and keep doing it til them problem stops, i.e. by ilimination!
  9. This is piracy, and the reason "games in my country cost so much so i want to burn my games" is a poor excuse EDIT: And before you say, ah but you have DC games, well the DC has allready been killed down to this! Oh and where is it you come from anyway where games cost so much?
  10. I dont think if you haked the discs intended for 1 game would play all games as each one has obviously been enhanced to use the commands each game has, and since they are from different developers, they would prolly be different.
  11. You will have to be a bit more specific on what the popup message said? I did have a problem like this when I connected to the internet, it was something to do with Remote Precedure Controll (RCP), I got rid of this by connecting to the internet and downloading the updates form Windows update, but I could only download 1 update before my system restarted again. It took a while, but I got it in the end lol
  12. I have all three originals and they only run the game they are intended for: Blue: Tekken 3 Purple: Metal Gear Solid Green: Gran Turismo 2 At least these are the only ones which where available here in the UK, I do have some other Betas which are called Orange and Yellow, but I can't seem to get them to work, I don't think they have actually been ripped prop, but you can still buy them new anyway
  13. I can just imagine it, I phone her up and say "Hey Mum", "Yes son", "Erm.. Never mind." I rekon she will say its time to move back home as she'll think I can't look after myself anymore,
  14. Right ENOUGH ALREADY you have now taken this too far!
  15. I know of this problem, and the way I got rid of it was to use SpyBot, its the only thing I know which really does get rid of Spyware get it now! You will find it here, and it is free! http://www.safer-networking.org
  16. Yeah, I hunted the mutha down, heres how to fix it, just incase anyone else has the problem: It is a registry problem so to fix it you have to alter your registry settings: Start Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe) Find and click the Default value under the following keys in the registry: HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell Click Modify on the Edit menu. Type none in the Value data box, and then click OK. Then exit! Simple as that, no need for a reinstall!
  17. Yeah, I though that, I just wandered if anyone else has had this problem, I'll do a full sytem check with Norton and Spybot.
  18. I'll try to explaine better... to open a folder on your computer you normally double click and it will open, when I do this the search window for that folder opens like this: And when I right click on the folder these are the options you see, as you can see Search is at the top, but on your computer open will be at the top: Any suggestions?????
  19. I have a problem which is a pain in the arse, every time i double click on a folder it opens the search window, also when I right click search is at the top of the pop up menu instead of open. I'm using Windows XP btw, anyone had this problem or know how to fix it? EDIT: Just realised this should be in the PC Technical Help forum, can a mod move it.
  20. In my oppinion CDI is the way to go, I've never gad a problem with a CDI image The image on my server is Nero, but I burned it using version 5 of Nero and it works, but because its not the original CDI version I cant patch it to play on my RGB Scart!
  21. Wow, you guys really know your stuff great work GameCop and co for catching this arse peice
  22. I personally think £70 for a Gamecube is a great price! it just means you get les £ for the $ but more $ for the £, well thats the way I like to look at it
  23. I think it works both ways
  24. cool, that did it, I used dir/w I would have done this but I didnt know you could copy from the command prompt window, Cheers for taht
  25. Can anyone tell me how I can list a directorys content to a text file, I have a directory on my Harddrive with thousands of ROMs, rather than type the names 1 by 1 on a text doc, I need an easy way to have them listed so I can show people what is available, I think I explained it okay, Any suggestions?
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