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Everything posted by SgtSarros

  1. I'm a computer programmer/repairman, in college, to learn how to be a computer programmer/repairman.
  2. WOO HOO! Time to party down! Thanks for the news Alexis, you made my night!
  3. When I was young.. I used to leave the school at lunchtime, and head over to the Thunderbird restaurant.. they had for years 3 games at the front of their place. Robocop, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, and Haileys Comet... I played these games constantly and was sometimes a little late for school... There was almost always someone on the comet tho, so i rarely got to play it.. When I heard about MAME, this was the game I was most looking foreward to, but it's not ready yet! So thats the game i'm waiting most for. What types of games are you waiting for, and any names?
  4. 2002-11-12: R. Belmont added sound emulation to Toffy and Super Toffy. David Haywood added several non-working Semicom games to the Hyper Pacman driver, they don't work because of unemulated protection. 2002-11-11: Zsolt Vasvari fixed the DIP switch settings in Megadon and Catapult. David Haywood added Fancy World to the Tumblepop driver. Nicola Salmoria fixed the banking in Don Den Mahjong and added Watashiwa Suzumechan to the Royal Mahjong driver, but they aren't playable due to lack of correct input ports.. 2002-11-10: David Haywood added the Austria / Hong Kong version of Battle Garegga to the Toaplan2 driver. Kale submitted a fix for the collision detection bug in Mermaid level 2. Nicola Salmoria decrypted Cross Shooter and Air Raid, but didn't emulate them further. 2002-11-09: Aaron Giles fixed the sprite/background priorities in Relief Pitcher and Shuuz. 2002-11-08: Mike Haaland added Megadon and Catapult to the Epos driver, but only Megadon works. Phil Stroffolino sent in a preliminary driver for DJ Boy, but it doesn't work at all yet. 2002-11-07: David Haywood, Ryan Holtz and Stephane Humbert wrote a driver for Status Trivia II, it's working with sound except colors are wrong. 2002-11-06: Aaron Giles updated the ThunderJaws and Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters drivers to handle sprite/background priorities correctly. 2002-11-05: Stephane Humbert fixed the DIP switches and inputs in 4 En Raya. Paul Priest fixed the brightness in Lode Runner The Dig Fight. Tomasz Slanina added Cycle Shooting to the N.Y. Captor driver, but it's unplayable due to a missing MCU dump. 2002-11-04: Tomasz Slanina submitted a driver for 4 En Raya, sound is also emulated in it. 2002-11-03: The graphics in Strikers 1945 III were fixed by a redumped graphics ROM. get all the latest details (with pics!) at www.mame.net/wip/
  5. NO NO NO NO NO!!! what kinda newbie are you? You can't say that name around here! From here on out, we'll only call him "TIMMAH!", got it?
  6. i hope you're not talking to me. i never said anything like that. i have a p4 1.9ghz prossesor. so im good and ready for anything they throw at me. Nope, he was talking to good old Sarge... I know most of them won't work, but still, a few of them just might.
  7. Thanks alot DCL, I haven't looked in a CFG file for a long time for a program, last time I messed with one i had to spend hours reinstalling a ton of junk
  8. ARGH! They updated the mame website.. I don't know if im thrilled or totally *censored* off right now... I want mame.62 dangit!
  9. Does anyone know if it's possible to change the directory is saves it's savegame files in? because, i'm not exactly thrilled with the fact it saves the games in the same directory you run the rom in.. last thing i wanna do is have 2 copies of roms on my PC, or have to move the roms back and forth every time i wanna play one.
  10. It was actually a collection of files I found on bearshare.. I didn't notice a big difference in the size, but most of the files in the file were pretty small anyway, so i can't hoenstly give you a good word one way or the other.
  11. Dude, we've never gotten along 100%, but I can honestly say the loss of you to this or ANY forum, would be a serious blow.. if you have a problem you need to talk to someone about? I'm only a PM away.. my PMs rarely go more then 4 hours without me reading them.
  12. Anyone know of a GBA program that works on a 300mhz PC? I know, I might as well be asking for an N64 emulator that will work, but...
  13. Well I was relaxing at.. "The Other Place".. anyway, I was relaxeing and getting a little bored, nothing exciting ever happens there.. When I see this thread by some "Punk" named GameCop. I'm thinking "great, some jerk IDSA supporter here to ruin the fun" So I open it up and it's saying to go check out his new forums.. I'm thinking "this has gotta be some sorta trick" so I turn on my virus checker and head to the site.. and I see this place, run by this cool guy named GameCop, with several... different.. okay, BIZZARE moderators.. and I think "This is just what a need! A new place, to liven things up" And, well.. here I am.
  14. It's been a long time (11-2-02) since the last update on the Mame WIP page, and most mame sites that announce fixed bugs and stuff like that have been astonishing quiet.. So one of four things happened. 1. Mame is dead. (ya, and monkeys will fly out of my... well anyway) 2. The guy who updates the Mame WIP is dead (may he rest in peace) 3. Everyone took a vacation at the same time. 4. MAME.62 is about to be released! I'll leave it to you, to make the final decision. EDIT: It's called a spell check Sarge, learn to use it...
  15. GameCops post gave me an idea for a thread.. Who was the single greatest person who convinced you to come to Emulforums? (And no, you can't say "TIMMAH!" brought you here, as much as some of you want to )
  16. You are an absolute genious
  17. I've seen a few files lately on the net with an SIT format.. it seems to be a type of archive format, at least thats what i can get out of it... does anyone know anything that uses an SIT format so i can figure out what to do with this file?
  18. I got a nice letter in the mail yesterday that reminded me.. Boris makes alot of designs for The Franklin Mint.. in fact his newest, "Warrior Princess, Warrior of the Golden Sword" just went on sale. If you guys wanna see some of his best work, i'd suggest checking out one of their mags, or if you live near one of their stores (there is one in Mall of America) go check it out. You won't regret it =) I think they have a website, but i don't know it.. most likely franklinmint.com or something like that.
  19. Took me DSL about 30 seconds to display all the pics. Don't know if thats good or bad *shrug* but i'm happy with it.
  20. Baseley! Damn man! good to see you here! Since everyone else is barking out orders *cough cough* LISTEN UP SOLDIER! I've had enough of your puny whining.. this isn't the Girl Scouts! If you don't smarten your (censored) up now you'll be doing pushups till you're 103!
  21. XXL, I swear if you even TRY to leave here I will track you down and hound you till you come back... After all.. someone has to keep us nutcases in line!
  22. I never thought of that.. i'll have to go through the SNESMISS.txt file and see if there is even a record of that game in the list.
  23. On my site people wanted a fantasy picture of go along with their rela selves.. So I was searching the net and found jonathon.. A couple of emails later he gave me full permission to use any of his pictures any way I see fit, just put a cute little banner on the top of any page that had one of his pics on it.. Between him and I, we had some really great stuff up there, even added in some lake reflection and snow javascripts on his pictures during certain times of the year. If only everyone was like that and "HEY YOUSE! YOUSE BE HAVING ME STUFF ON DA NET! YOUSE GONNA GET THE IDSA ON YOUSE!" .. sorry, got a bit off track there..
  24. Does anyone know if there is a newer version of GOODSNES then is on zophars website? I have several WORKING (i've tested them) SNES roms on my machine, but according to GOODSNES.. they don't exist? If anyone knows if there is a newer version, or has had this problem with OTHER snes games.. let me know.
  25. I've played very few games.. but I'd have to say my favorite is Advance Wars
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