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Okay another updated link is provided above. This version now supports decrypted roms, and fixes a bug in the prior builds that would some times hide the display of Demul when it shouldn't have...leaving the impression that Demul couldn't play the game, when it could and was. Also since adding support for decrypted roms, a small glitch was created that would cause the taskbar to be flashed briefly...because of this I now hide the taskbar; the taskbar will reappear after exiting the emulator, if you run into any problems with this please let me know. Arcade Decrypted Command Line for AFE is: Loader_Demul.exe "3" "[ROMDIR][ROMNAME].[ROMEXT]" Roms should currently use the same short rom names as Demul currently uses. Note: Current users when extracting should be sure not to over write their Loader_Arcade.ini & Loader_Dreamcast.ini
Okay updated Demul package linked above. It still doesn't take full advantage of v0.5.5 but its in better shape, and make a bit more future proof. Anyways if you started using the first package please perform the following actions. Extract the contents of "[Arcade] Demul (Naomi).rar" into your Demul folder, over writing everything. Delete the following from the Demul root folder: Loader.wav Loader_Create_INI.exe Rename the following in the Demul root folder: Loader_Arcade.ini to Loader_Arcade.bak Move the following from the Demul root folder to the Loader folder overwriting everything: Loader.ini Loader_Arcade.bak Loader_Dreamcast.ini Execute the following from the Loader folder: Loader_Update_INI.exe You'll see a ListView dialog at the end of the execution of "Loader_Update_INI.exe" select the contents of this ListView and click Copy...then paste that into a text editor. This is basically a list of Arcade games you didn't have available to tweak to your liking in the prior build. There are a couple of new executables in the package. Loader_Update_INI.exe Loader_Create_INI_Arcade.exe Loader_Create_INI_Dreamcast.exe Loader_Update_INI.exe currently only works with Loader_Arcade.ini but in the future will work with Loader_Dreamcast.ini; its basic purpose is to pull settings from an old .bak version of a file into a newer .ini, its an attempt to save some leg work. Loader_Create_INI_Arcade.exe pulls game listings and bios listings straight from windows and menus of Demul it's self, when creating a new Loader_Arcade.ini; this is for when a new version of Demul comes out that supports more games, you don't have to do as much hand editing or wait around for me to release something to work from. Loader_Create_INI_Dreamcast.exe is more or less a renamed version of Loader_Create_INI.exe but with some minor changes...it will now also pull DC bios listings from Demul. I'll try to get a version out that better supports the features of v0.5.5, and update documentation accordingly.
Naomi Demul Loader: [Linky] Will not work with GameEX Arcade Command Line for AFE is: Loader_Demul.exe "2" "[ROMNAME]" Dreamcast Command Line for AFE is: Loader_Demul.exe "1" "[ROMDIR][ROMNAME].[ROMEXT]" Okay first off instructions are going to be a bit of a disaster starting off but I will try to improve them over time. Instruction 1: Extract Extract the contents of "[Arcade] Demul (Naomi).rar" into your Demul folder Instruction 2: Loader.ini Please open "Loader.ini" in a text editor Notepad will do fine. There are three values that should be of interest to you. One is under the "General" section and two others under the "MultiDisc" section. "ExitKey" is a user defined keyboard key to exit the emulator. Demul already uses ESC to exit so this is redundant, but should you wish to use a different key for some reason this allows you to do so. Digital Gamepad/Joystick users can exit with: POV or Joystick1 held to the Upper Left + Buttons 4, 5, 6 all held at the same time. "PrevKey" is a user defined keyboard key to select the preceding disc in a Multi-Disc game cue. Digital Gamepad/Joystick users can select the preceding disc with: POV or Joystick1 held to the Upper Left + Buttons 1, 5, 6 all held at the same time. "NextKey" is a user defined keyboard key to select the next disc in a Multi-Disc game cue. Digital Gamepad/Joystick users can select the next disc with: POV or Joystick1 held to the Upper Left + Buttons 3, 5, 6 all held at the same time. To make the proper changes to "ExitKey", "PrevKey", "NextKey" refer to the AutoIt 3.2 Help file, under Functions/Keyboard/Send. Please save & close the "Loader.ini" when you are done making any changes. Keep in mind that I currently have no bloody idea if the disc changing routine will work with Demul. It just makes the proper changes to the "gdrImage.ini", and when it does it plays the "Loader.wav" file to let you know something has happened. Instruction 3: Loader_Arcade.ini Please open "Loader_Arcade.ini" in a text editor. You will first notice that there are commented System Titles. Just below the titles are commented reference numbers to different BIOS currently available in Demul for that system. The numbers are a zero based index of the BIOS menu listing for a given system. Below that are Sections using short rom names, with the commented long name for the game rom below. Under each Section is a number of Keys, each with or without values assigned to them. These Keys are largely user defined with the exception of System which MUST be left AS IS. BIOS - Please select the number reference for the BIOS you find works best with a given game. System - Don't touch...simply just walk away. Video - Select what works best for you, and is supported by the game. 0 = VGA 512 = Standard Display SH_FX - Select whether or not to use Shader Effects. 0 = Disable 1 = Enable SH_Mode - Select the strength of the shader usage. 1 = Minimum 2 = More 3 = Medium 4 = Maximum SH_Path - The directory pathing to the shader to be used. SH_Name - The name of the shader to be used. The shader values can be gotten from opening the "gpuOglv3.ini" after having set things up through the Demul GUI. Please save & close the "Loader_Arcade.ini" when you are done making any changes. Instruction 4: Loader_Dreamcast.ini Please open "Loader_Dreamcast.ini" in a text editor. You will notice this file is very very much like the "Loader_Arcade.ini" file, with the noticeable difference when you look at Section "D" or "Alone in the Dark - The New Nightmare" where you notice some new Keys. "Disc_#" Keys are used to provide a cue for games that have more than one disc to them. You should double check these values to make sure they are in the proper order, but they "Should" be. Instruction 5: Loader_Dreamcast.ini Please delete the "Loader_Dreamcast.ini" file. Honestly it would be to error prone and to much of a hassle to edit mine to match your collection. Plus mine just has the defaults anyways so nothing is gained from using it. Instruction 6: Rename Dreamcast Games Okay this section is really important so please be sure to reread it, and to post questions to me to define something that appears unclear. First off if you have two or more copies of the same disc please select one to use and move the other copies else where, than your roms folder. Next I suggest finding a good file renaming application, ideally one that supports regex, rename preview, rename folders/files/sub folders. I highly recommend http://www.rlvision.com/flashren/about.asp but it'll set you back $20. All open and close square bracket "[]" !MUST! be removed from sub folder and file names. All additional tags "should" be removed with the exception of tags for mult-disc enumeration. Multi-Disc enumeration !MUST! be at the end of the sub folder and file name. Multi-Disc enumeration !MUST! follow the naming convention below: <Game Name><space>(Disc<space><#1><space>of<space><#2>).<Ext> Example: Shenmue (Disc 1 of 4).cdi Shenmue (Disc 2 of 4).cdi Shenmue (Disc 3 of 4).cdi Shenmue (Disc 4 of 4).cdi If you are using GDI's the folder containing the GDI files should also be named like wise. Example: .\Shenmue (Disc 1 of 4)\Shenmue (Disc 1 of 4).gdi .\Shenmue (Disc 2 of 4)\Shenmue (Disc 2 of 4).gdi .\Shenmue (Disc 3 of 4)\Shenmue (Disc 3 of 4).gdi .\Shenmue (Disc 4 of 4)\Shenmue (Disc 4 of 4).gdi Hopefully you know regex (regular expressions) and have found a good renaming application, in which case it should only take you a few minutes to prep the files. Instruction 7: Loader_Create_INI.exe Okay execute "Loader_Create_INI.exe" and browse to your roms folder and select it and then press OK.......once you get a message box notifying you of the completion, its time to move to the next step. Instruction 8: Loader_Dreamcast.ini Please open "Loader_Dreamcast.ini" in a text editor. Okay now I do hope you deleted my "Loader_Dreamcast.ini" other wise you now have a mess...and need to delete mine now and create your own. Now if you did the right thing and deleted mine...you should now be looking at the contents of your own, without any of my junk present. YAY! Make any edits you see fit...minus touching the System key...thats still off limits. Please be sure to check and make sure Multi-Disc games are in the proper order...they should be...but check anyways. Instruction 9: Front End At this point you're on your own...ideally I've given you enough information to where you can make some good use of this loader, but I will try to improve upon the documentation along with the loader its self in the coming days and weeks ahead.
Well glad you like it but its still of beta quality...there are still a few minor things that should be done to it before it gets really wide exposure. Plus Naomi Cart support is very limited in the emulators at this point...mostly because the eprom's encryption still needs to be by passed. Most the action is in the Naomi Disc's since the key's are known for most of them...so by passing the encryption is more straight forward right now. Update Here are some Loaders for use with Frontends. (Will not work with GameEx) Loader Downloads: [Linky] (Makaron) [Linky] (NullDC) Users can exit using ether the ESC key or whats predefined by their FE, or digital gamepad\Joystick users can exit with a combination of POV or Joystick1 Upper Left + Buttons (4, 5, 6) pressed all at once. Makaron Command Line for AFE is: Makaron_(Naomi)_Loader.exe "[ROMDIR][ROMNAME].[ROMEXT]" NullDC Command Line for AFE is: NullDC_(Naomi)_Loader.exe "10" "nullDC-Naomi_1.0.3_mmu.exe" "[ROMDIR][ROMNAME].[ROMEXT]" NullDC's...command line is different as its broken up Loader, Time Delay, Executable, RomPath\RomFile. Time delay is in seconds, and ideally should be set short enough to where the Naomi Splash screen is seen and not hidden. Update 1: Okay there has been a change to the Makaron Naomi loader...it now sports a method to simplify the BIOS error messages. What you now have is a INI file called "Makaron_(Naomi)_Loader.ini" the first section is called "Naomi Bios" here you have three keys with values. 1. hotkey - is the key you define to trigger a Macro SendKey string...for possible values here you'll have to review the AutoIt manual in reference to "Send". 2. sleep_1 - this is a time buffer in milliseconds...by default this is set to 4 seconds...you may wish to increase this value so something higher if the Bios Macro fails to do the right thing. Mainly this the time between pressing the Service key, and reaching the Main Bios screen menu. 3. sleep_2 - this is a time buffer in millseconds...this is set really low as it deals with flipping between sub menus in the Bios...but there maybe times this needs to be adjusted...typically though you'll want to adjust sleep_1 prior to messing with this. All the other sections must match the names of your roms minus extension...if they don't match...the Bios Macro will fail. 1. value - is a series of SendKey's as defined in AutoIt and deal strictly with the Bios sub menu "SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS". If you read the AutoIt manual and take careful notes of what keys are pressed and how many times...you should be able to update this list your self if need be. Currently the "Makaron_(Naomi)_Loader.ini" only supports GD-roms as named by my converter...you may change the names as you require, you may also add Cart support if you so like, but the names must be different than that of the GD-roms or things will go sideways. Update 2: Makaron loader now supports per game settings. You need to first run the game directly through Makaron and adjust the JVS.ini & NAOMI.ini files as desired for your common setup, then create two folders called Controls & Settings, move the JVS.ini into the Controls folder and rename it to Default.ini, do the same with the NAOMI.ini but move it into the Settings folder. Then for every game that requires special treatment...again run the game through Makaron directly and once all settings have been made and saved; move the files to the proper folder and rename them to match the rom name...thats it. Basically all the loader is doing is checking to see if a INI matches the rom and if there is it overwrites the current INI's...if there isn't then it overwrites the current INI's with the default INI's. Update 3: Added support for Xpadder in Makaron Naomi Loader Simply edit the Loader.ini Run value for Xpadder 0 = Don't Launch Xpadder 1 = Launch Xpadder but close it when exiting the Emu 2 = Launch Xpadder but load it with default profiles when exiting the Emu Make sure to run Xpadder at least once as Admin this will make sure the required registry key is set for AppPaths. If you are going to use the Run value of 2 you'll need to make some default profiles in Xpadder's root folder for each peripheral. Default - 1.xpadderprofile Default - 2.xpadderprofile Default - 3.xpadderprofile ... For Run values 1 or 2 you'll need to create a new folder inside Makaron Naomi called Xpadder. Next you will then need to make some default profiles for each of you digital joysticks/gamepads, that matches the settings in your JVS.ini Default - 1.xpadderprofile Default - 2.xpadderprofile Default - 3.xpadderprofile ... Then for any games you want to have custom bindings you'll need to create profiles for them...and they should be named after the game rom you wish to play. Again for each peripheral...inside the Makaron Xpadder folder. Guilty Gear XX - 1.xpadderprofile Guilty Gear XX - 2.xpadderprofile Guilty Gear XX - 3.xpadderprofile ... If your going to do custom bindings in Xpadder...you really should only be using one JVS.ini other wise your looking at a lot of headaches.
I've put together an automation package for converting Mame 0.131 or newer assets so that they can be used by current Naomi builds of Demul, Makaron and NullDC. Directions: The Mame: input area is required...and must lead to your Mame Assets folder. The ROM: input area is required...and should lead to where you want the output files to land. The ZIP: input area is optional...it should point to where you want zipped files to land. The Conversion Drop Down sets the type of conversion and for what target emulator. The Archiver Drop Down sets the compression type for stored zip files. IsoBuster options require that IsoBuster is installed in its default install path, and that the interface language used is English. Its suggested to be ran, when your going to be away from your computer for a while...this isn't a quick process...just hang out for a bit to make sure the first one converts without error...then go wonder off for a while. [Linky]
2007.07.07 Improved startup speed and memory usage Improved executable size Improved global settings design Improved all settings tab icon displays Improved INI file reading, number validation and saving efficiency Improved option change processing Added "Minimize when closing main window" option Added "Show icon in notification area" option Added "Remember assignment window position" option Added highlight to button currently being assigned Fix a bug where Assignment window did not close when clearing assignment 2007.07.06 Improved startup speed and memory usage Improved key emulation speed Improved emulation compatibility for Windows 98 and Windows ME Added Clear option to assignment pop-up menu (or middle click assignment button to clear) Added Windows and XInput version information to About window Added clicking of None/Max assignment rumble icons to instantly slide Added settings icon for renamed Controller Settings window Fixed a bug where "Process Non-Selected Controllers" option change required Settings window closure
Well here are the current list of changes to the application: 2007.07.04 Over 50 optimizations reducing exe size, startup speed and memory usage Minimum resolution required to start now 640x480 (see development forum for info) Added resolution checking for large windows 2007.07.02 Added Windows 98 and Windows ME support Added resolution checking (minimum supported is 800x600) Fixed a bug where assignment window title bar could be off the screen at 800x600 2007.06.30 Improved startup speed (2.5x faster than yesterday) Improved memory usage (20% less than yesterday) Improved minimize/restore speed Fixed a bug where assignment window did not close when settings menu popped-up Fixed a bug where assignment window showed previous set after main window restore Fixed a bug where auto-XInput detection displayed wrong rumble settings in assignment window Fixed a bug where deleted controllers were demoted to Unknown INI section 2007.06.29 Added forwards/backwards compatibility for INI files (see development forum for info) 2007.06.28 Improved Windows version recognition to include all from Windows 95 upwards Added Windows version specific DirectX version messages Fixed a bug where XInput was scanned for on pre-XP systems (caused TraceMessage error if found) Fixed several bugs that caused crashes on Windows 95 (it nows gets to the "Not Supported" message!) 2007.06.27 Improved speed and memory usage for second instance handling Added INI file support (see development forum for more info) Added relative filename support Added controller name to open and save window titles Fixed a bug where displaying trigger window prompted to save profile changes on exit
NullDC Joypad Tutorial
Nologic replied to eleminator30's topic in DreamCast & Saturn Emulators [/pc/dc+saturn]
I'm guessing thats a link to a profile I made...honestly I've heard reports that it doesn't work out all that well unless you are using the same gamepad I am (logitech dual action) as button location and identification is likely to be off. I'd highly suggest ether following the tutorial given at the top of this thread or watching the tutorial I did that can be found at the bottom of this page: http://xpadder.com/chat.html Ether one goes over setting up Xpadder for use with nullDC in good detail. Needless to say the profile previously linked to is not required, and prone to failing dependent of course on hardware used with it. -
You mean on his. I have very little to do with Xpadder other than I tend to pimp it, and beg the author for features. As for what it does, it allows for getting a gamepad to play with games\emu's that have no gamepad\joystick support...nullDC is a prime example as it currently is keyboard only. Xpadder does this by making symbolic links between the keyboard and the gamepad\joystick so that when a gamepad button is pushed, the linked keyboard button is also registered as having been pushed. Xpadder also allows a gamepad to act and behave like a mouse. If you have ever played with Joy2Key...its basically the same thing...only Xpadder is on roids.
Xpadder simulates keypresses and mouse movements using a gamepad You can find it @ http://xpadder.com Xpadder has switched to doing nearly daily updates, this means we are less likely to see big features added soon, but in contrast we will see more polish to whats already being offered. The list below is compilation of the last 4 minor updates up to the current 2007.06.25 release. Improved interface startup speed (33% faster) Improved tray icon startup speed Minor improvement to theme handling Reduced memory usage when using identical controllers Reduced executable size and memory usage by detaching rarely-used registry converter Removed unnecessary relocation table reducing executable size Fixed a bug where the display didn't update shown set after restoring window Fixed a bug where double-clicking a profile in Windows XP failed if the path included spaces Fixed a bug where default options were not used in some situations Fixed a bug where Settings help buttons did not receive focus on tab-change Added Windows 2000 support Added Windows Server 2003 support Added auto-select set 1 option on minimize/restore in settings window Added real-time controller file synchronizing for identical controllers Added ordering of identical unknown controllers based on instance
want working dreamcast emulator
Nologic replied to Gamer_Mad's topic in DreamCast & Saturn Emulators [/pc/dc+saturn]
Actually it will auto start a disc image (nulldc) when using GameEx or any other FE. http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=3778 -
Are both CD images in ether CDI or GDI format?
Check this thread for GameEx support for nullDC: http://www.gameex.info/forums/index.php?showtopic=3778 The same loader can be used with other FE's with a little bit of effort.
NullDC Joypad Tutorial
Nologic replied to eleminator30's topic in DreamCast & Saturn Emulators [/pc/dc+saturn]
Well I did a flash based tut a little while ago...thought I had it posted here...guess I didn't. Any ways for those that might be helped by it here it is. [linky] (for xpadder) -
Okay I have created a rough working setup for GameEx in order to run nullDC with it...source code is included so it maybe modified to work with other FE's out there. Hehe just don't be looking to me to support or code it. Any ways head over to the GameEx forum and grab it. Oh source code is written using AutoIt...which is a free & easy.