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Everything posted by ken_cinder

  1. This is an issue for some reason again, this time within my own home. I can't be logged in on my desktop without it logging me out on my laptop, and vice versa. Via a router, single IP address so the cookies are tied to something machine based or the local PC's internal IP address behind the router. Whasa matta? I find it so annoying, when I open 1emu on my desktop I just close it again and don't even bother unless I'm on my laptop.
  2. Title says it all, if you haven't played this game yet...you can't beat FREE. http://store.steampowered.com/freeportal/
  3. Neither hardware, PS3 or 360 is region locked, and it is left up to the game publishers to region lock their titles or not. Some do, some don't. http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Region_Free_Xbox_360_Games A larger majority of PS3 titles however, are NOT region locked. There are some titles that are, the Motorstorm games for instance ARE. Let me correct you here. PS3 games are NOT region locked at all. Only the movies are region locked. X360 games are region locked unless the game developers did not lock it (mostly happens in multiplatform games). HOWEVER, shops in CHina tends to sell you X360 MODDED as that is their core business Your correction is wrong, there are a handful of region locked PS3 titles. It's entirely up to the developer, and it's exactly the same on the 360 only more devs have opted to lock their titles.
  4. Neither hardware, PS3 or 360 is region locked, and it is left up to the game publishers to region lock their titles or not. Some do, some don't. http://gaming.wikia.com/wiki/Region_Free_Xbox_360_Games A larger majority of PS3 titles however, are NOT region locked. There are some titles that are, the Motorstorm games for instance ARE.
  5. Devs are killing PC gaming all on their own, yet they continue to blame pirates. Funny...they're making pirates out of their own paying customers. I haven't bought a PC game since I bought MGS2 for PC, and I never will again. Overhyped crap with draconian DRM, games with NO demos or joke mini segment demos are a huge turnoff. Don't even get me started on the garbage EA releases like the NHL games that look 10 years old compared to the console versions... Then there's stuff like Crysis when it came out, that required you have THE latest gear just to even play it at a tolerable framerate, means what? I spend $60 on a game, then realize I need to drop a couple hundred more to even be able to play it at all, because the devs lied about minimum specs and the game runs like total ass at those specs? Devs don't want PC gaming anymore, I think they're releasing PC games now the way they do, to try to turn PC gamers into console gamers. Consoles are where they can nickel and dime you for micro-transactions, control EVERYTHING about the game, and it's one hardware platform to optimize for instead of the multitude of PC gear.
  6. They say too much masturbating makes one go cross-eyed...maybe thats why? Could affect depth perception.
  7. That's because the movie wasn't made in 3D like Avatar was, it had post-processing run on it.
  8. Mostly disagreement on my part there too, the Cube controller is THE most ergonomic controller I've ever used, it's Analog shoulder buttons far superior to anything to date and just feels right in my hands. My only gripe is the ridiculously small d-pad. Hideous design? I disagree 200% there, there is alot crammed in that little cube...that fits well anywhere you put it, and it looks nice too, if you have a platinum one like I do. In it's generation, it was THE best looking console. The PS2 and Xbox were abominations style-wise with what sat in my entertainment center. I will agree with the lack of games, but I wouldn't call it abysmal...you're reaching there, and I'm willing to bet you simply don't know most titles to be had on the system.
  9. Yea... like I said... $25,000 price tag currently. Even though its still not on the market. Do you forget that when Plasma sets came out, a 42" set would run you around the same? Yet here' the kicker with that, Plasma technology had been around for DECADES prior to it becoming consumer TV gear...
  10. I can't agree with that. I own a 360 and over 30 games, and while it gets the majority of my play, my GF also owns a Wii and I think it's awesome when effort is put into the games. I bought Metroid Prime Trilogy for her Wii, and I love what they've done with the Wiimote for all 3 games. The problem is with devs that don't actually make use of the controller, and MAKE it a gimmick...little waggles to do something they should have programmed full motion to do ie; Swing a sword, swing the controller...not barely move it, or your sword barely moves, ya dig? This IS possible, the devs just have to actually do it, instead of just copying and pasting source from the SDK for basic motion into their code. There is an accelerometer in the remote for a reason, it's just rarely used. Too many 3rd party devs being lazy and trying to make a quick buck are the Wii's problem, the Wii itself is awesome and there are enough games all-told, to make it a respectable purchase. If you want to talk Shovelware though...I STILL point the finger at the PS2. Touted as having the largest library ever? Sure, but once you pull all the junk out, you're left with what? Enough A list titles to count on 2 hands, and the B rated ones on my toes? I don't count multi-platform games, remakes or arcade ports as titles for a system btw.
  11. It IS the glasses that kill it. It's bad enough they are required, but they add $200-$300 PER PERSON to the cost of your already overpriced TV. If they want this to take off, they're going to have to at least start including enough glasses with TVs, for your average family of 4. People will get used to it though, just like we gamers got used to being shafted with new consoles. They only come with ONE controller now and NO game (Unless it's a special bundle, that comes after launch), even the damn Wii which is marketed as a "Family" experience, and a second one will set you back $60+. Funny how a system can cost $200-$300, and include one...but buy one separate and it's $60-$70. If people are dumb enough to buy it and not complain, it will keep getting sold. The most brand recognized companies FEED off of this. Apple, Sony...
  12. Glasses required = UTTER FAILURE! This is 2010...not 1970. If I wanted glasses, I'd put those stupid ass red/blue ones on and be done with it. The hell with your $10k TV, and your $200-$300 a PAIR glasses.
  13. If I have my Mega Man and Ironman team, I'll play it. If one of them is missing, fawk you.
  14. Oh damn! You're black and you live in Arkansas? You are brave... At least that means my last post doesn't apply to you. Never met a black redneck...
  15. Well you ARE in Arkansas...3 things come to mind. Trailers, Mayonnaise sammiches and sister fucking. Damn, did I say that out loud?
  16. Had...not a fan, very hot. Brutal when you're sitting at an intersection waiting, I'd get home and my helmet lining would be soaked on hot days. Helmet was hot to the touch on the outside, could probably cook an egg on it at those intersections.
  17. I just saw one of those retarded mohawks yesterday actually. What the hell is the point? They look stupid, why don't people realize they look like a retard?
  18. Say what? Not know what you speak of... I love seeing the morons wearing shorts and a t-shirt, would love it even more to see them after a crash.
  19. My mother by the looks of it and my neighbor.
  20. Dude...my house! WTF http://maps.google.ca/maps?hl=en&ie=UT...241.68,,0,11.03 Not afraid to share...you better bring a gun, a big one.
  21. Two words No and Hackintosh
  22. New helmet picked up today, now I just have to drop it off Sunday for Safety Certificate and it's on like Donkey Kong!
  23. Evicted...buying new video game. I don't suppose you're being evicted for non-payment of rent? Yes...fail indeed!
  24. There's nothing "pussy" about a 125, that's what my CBR was and it could still hit 135km/hr and I could outpace a guy at work that road a 1000cc Goldwing in winding roads. Douchebag squids that head right for litre bikes, wearing shorts and a t-shirt are the only ones that would find it "pussy", and most of them wind up as pavement grease. I had 2 guys riding Harley's come over to me once, tell me my bike was nice and when I told them the "what" and "why" of my bike choice they told me I was smart, and anyone that thought otherwise would be an idiot. btw, the "What" being that I chose a 125, the "Why" being that my bike insurance for FULL coverage was less than my car with only Liability. Going straight to a 600 would be insanity for insurance.
  25. I don't think anyone but staff are able to post in the news section, and I don't do news...never have. We can't even change that so the rest of our members could, no access to the ACP. Biggest problem we have is that lack of ACP access, or we could get stuff done.
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