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Everything posted by ken_cinder

  1. I sold my Saturn, I don't care for most titles on it...the hyped ones are ridiculous (Sorry fanboys, Panzer Dragoon SUCKS) The only older systems I have would be my N64 and my Dreamcast, emulation of both is sub par still. At least too poor to move to strictly emulating them. In my bedroom, which now contains what used to be my office. I have my Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, 360 and my Wii. Well the Wii is my GFs. The 64 and DC stay downstairs on my old CRT TV, they look like ASS on my HDTV.
  2. Nope, pray for "Non Hodgkins", very treatable and can be cured. A GF I had in high school had it, and she's fine now and has 3 kids.
  3. It's called Lymphoma, and there are more than one type. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lymphoma Most forms are quite treatable, some outright "cureable" and others...terminal and nothing can be done. Good place to talk to others with Lymphoma for advice etc - http://forums.lymphoma.com/
  4. I have, that one. lol Sorry, I don't find whackjob goth attractive.
  5. Nice one on that tata's collage Cominus I'm a legs man...these be some nice legs, primarily the one in the middle (Everything else is nice too mind you!)
  6. $120 for an empty case is laughable. Companies pour $5-$10 worth of plastic resin in a mould/$5-$10 worth of aluminum shaped and even after factoring labor costs are making a tenfold profit off you because you had to have the "Cool looking" case. Bet you own a Honda Civic with underglow, a big system and a fart pipe too where the shit ON/IN your car is worth nearly as much as the car is huh? hehe
  7. 3 weeks weirdy? You lucky bastard...that's me after 1-2 days! Only my hair goes right up near my cheek bones...I look like the wolfman lol
  8. I'd have to agree that for professional uses, when Apple was sporting some nice 64bit PPC RiSC processors and not x86/x86-64 tech, at the time they were second to none for those professional uses in video editing and processor intensive jobs. I still think OSX should be illegal, it's based on a free backbone and not only does Apple charge for it...but they lock it down with heavy restrictions on what it CAN be run on. I hate the Apple of today, they're the new Microsoft of yesterday....
  9. Dude..."Apple" is YUPPIE for "Here, have my money...as much as you want and I won't ask questions"
  10. I shave in the shower, run my face under the hot water and even after not shaving for days my coarse hair comes off like butter doing this. No cream or anything required, so I'm saving my cheap ass money too. I just shave up to a certain point, like below where I trim my sideburns to (Or to a lack thereof) and finish up the tiny bit left infront of the mirror.
  11. I have 3 electric shavers (2 foil and 1 rotary) and they all do a shit job. All those commercials showing guys getting "babies ass" shaves with electric shavers are 100% bullshit, they do not come close enough to the skin to do it. Those "models" have no hair on their faces anyway...too much androgynous estrogen going on in their "metrosexual" bodies to grow anything but peach fuzz lmao Stick to a real razor if you want a close shave, electrics are TEH LIE.
  12. Too damn cold up here in the winter, even I'm starting to hate how brutally cold it can get sometimes.
  13. Governments in any country know that forcing something huge down their citizens throats that a serious majority oppose and are willing to take up arms against, is total suicide by said government. This sort of thing will NEVER happen without the will of the people allowing it to.
  14. This has been going around for a while. Actually the Bush administration had started this. They do want to merge these 3 countries. They're thinking it'll help the economy. Since Obama came into power, the agreement has been placed on hold but not actually thrown out. Kinda makes me wonder. Not gonna fuckin happen. Ask any Canadian born here this, and they'd tell you we'd die before this happened. I'd be the first one at the border with a rifle in hand. Sorry, but there's no way in hell I'd allow something like that to happen...over my dead body. Your country is run differently in some ways we can't stand up here. You guy's are like "Cousins" but you don't live with your cousins...you visit. Now as for Mexico...shit you guys have plenty of border jumpers as is from there, they'd be HAPPY to come in and ruin your economy some more by free-loading on your welfare and health care system.
  15. Meow...Face on the one on the left is kinda weird though, don't look at the fire while you're poking it however.
  16. Hosted sites on PDRoms work fine still, so it's def not a DNS issue. Something/someone is redirecting the main parent domain, while subdomains are just fine.
  17. I tryed that Im to far in debt! Bone you a rich old dude. Their not listed in the phone book or google so I wouldn't know where to look for old rich dudes Gentleman's Clubs or a pub on a Wednesday around lunch time, look for the guy with a pint a Guinness AND a glass of Scotch lol
  18. Those aren't big...they're too big, and they already sag IN a damn bra.
  19. Indeed fixed, at my GFs now and didn't have to log in again.
  20. Nah, he's probably just on the same page as me....not caring to see tits that will probably touch the fucking floor when that bra hits it.
  21. Problem with Sammy's "B" series...there's no dedicated scaler in the B lineup, so anything "stretched" will not be filtered etc I have an A series 32", I see no such thing as "pixels" (You would be meaning "pixelation" of an image) at 720P and anyone that say's they can tell the difference between 1080P and 720P on a 32" panel is talking out of their ass, or has never seen a half decent 720P panel.
  22. Does your work use the same ISP, in the same town/county? If so not a problem, at my GFs she has a different ISP and so do some of the places I sit at with my laptop I presume. I have no problems staying logged in for an indefinite period of time if I stay on my connection at home, or just so happen to tap in somewhere with the same ISP.
  23. Can we set the cookies up so they're NOT tied to IP address/IP range? As soon as I'm on my laptop somewhere else, I have to login again, and the only reason I can see is that my IP address (Or even the entire range) has changed. So VERY annoying, as I'm at home...or over at my GF's, or on the go somewhere else. Then I hop on my desktop at home and if it's changed on the laptop, same thing and I have to login again.
  24. IT? If you want to work at McDonalds with the other half billion people that trained in the same field, go for it.
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