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Everything posted by ken_cinder

  1. Yeah...as if it hasn't been a mess of Elitist idiocy for years now.
  2. I'll stick with XP...7 sounds great, but I'm just not jumping on that wagon. Memory management is better, that's great...but you need more RAM to begin with. I'm not interested in what it has to offer, when I have to trade off resources...and I have no interest in running a box with 8GB+ RAM in it for no real reason.
  3. You'll have to put him on a leash 100% of the time until he gets to a point while on the leash, it's like he's not on it...ie; he doesn't pull and does what you tell him every time. With dogs and getting them trained, it's guilty until proven innocent.
  4. Probably be more of a challenge just to find, "non stupid humans" online...I think the ratio of them is the same as the ratio of water to land on earth. ie; 7 out 10 people online, are dumb as a post.
  5. Good for it generating tourist revenue, but they should still be footing 100% of the bill themselves...
  6. So what's it like knowing that your tax dollars are going towards paying for almost all of this $40+ MILLION so called, Royal Wedding? Yeah they're making fun of it on the radio here, so to speak. I'd be steaming and seeing red, if I lived there...your economy is in the shitter, but those Royal Sponges can take money out of citizens pockets to pay for a ridiculous wedding.
  7. Ah yes, I have Green Beret Commando sperm. We were planning on trying to get pregnant in November, but my boys had other plans and beat her pill sometime in July. I had the last laugh when we found out it was a girl, I said from the moment we found out it would be and she argued that I may be wrong. Did the "Nananana! " thing when we found out, and I've had a "No Boys Allowed!" picture on my facebook profile since. P.S. You don't need to be uber fertile when you hit it twice a day lol
  8. Say what? Me no understand...
  9. My new little baby girl came Thursday afternoon. Born at 1:45 pm on April 14th, 7lbs 0oz and 19.75" long. Welcome baby Kaeleigh!
  10. So that Majora's Mask is a gold cart? That would be why, those are a bit more rare than the Ocarina gold carts.
  11. Wow and your currency is up in value over the US and Canadian dollar. I remember only a couple years ago, where it was around HALF. What was it that put the auction up that high? Can't be the Gold Ocarina carts, they aren't worth anything special, not like they were Limited Edition as I have one and I've seen many in person. Unless they're rare in PAL format, there is actually nothing else I see that makes the auction sky-rocket worthy.
  12. Hmm quite right, and even though I think $30 is absolutely hilariously ridiculous(As with the price of anything on that site)...nevertheless, link removed.
  13. I'm so sick of trying to figure it out. For $150~ you could get a Radeon 5830 or a 6790. The 6790 "appears" better, but it's got less stream processing units. Same could be said of the GTX 550 versus the 460, the 460 is actually the better card if you look closely enough...but is it? Clocked lower, but more stream processors. Someone needs to shove their foot up video card manufacturers asses, and get them to stop pulling this douchebaggery. It's intentionally misleading and it's pissing me off. Piracy is killing PC gaming? No the douchebags responsible for THIS shit is killing PC gaming... Ever since we left the Radeon X series and NvIdia's Numbers first series of cards(think that 8500 GT), they've thrown up a BS smokescreen. We all knew an 9550 was better than an 8500, or an x800 was better than an x300. We knew the XT line was better than the vanilla line. All that is gone out the window now! A 5830 should be better in every way than anything before it, and nothing after it. Assholes...
  14. I just checked out a bunch of Youtube videos of ME2 with your card, all I can say is "Nuh uh...20fps isn't playable". With almost everything turned down low, on my x1650 I could get the game to run smoothly, but I did not enjoy playing it that way at all and in some really active scenes I got a bit of slowdown. Start with a new video card, you'll know if adding more RAM will help you after that...though I honestly suggest it anyway.
  15. You could use a faster CPU, but it's not the problem with what you mentioned. 2GB of RAM? I would put more in, how do you know it didn't make a difference? Of course you won't notice sitting at the windows desktop, but it will help with drive swaps and load times etc in newer games. Stutters you may think are CPU/GPU related are likely drive swapping with large files, in games with seamless loading. That 8500GT IS your huge bottleneck. The Mobility Radeon x1600 in my old laptop can run circles around it.
  16. Rachel is slow for a reason. Wouldn't you be slow with massive tits weighing you down?
  17. Yes and that's all we hear over here, the wedding crap. Not one person I talk to here gives a rats ass about the "Royal Family", they're considered a big fat joke to us. Mostly because such a big deal is made of them, and Monarchy's haven't ruled for a long time.
  18. The Fireball Classic is what my trip was for, it was the pickup 6 hours north of Montreal. Well worth it, it's near MINT and my gas was covered for the entire trip with payment for my deliveries. The Phoenix isn't working, but is fully cleaned with new rubbers and just waiting on board repair and it's ready to go. I paid far less than what it is worth, and someone is doing the board repairs for me for free since I don't have time with a new baby coming. The playfield leaning up against it is a fully populated(missing 1 flipper actually, meh) spare for it that was gifted to me on my trip! I could drop it right in, in place of the existing one if I wanted.
  19. Back home, will have pics tomorrow.
  20. In Montreal at a hotel right now on my way back home. Still a good bit of driving, but I've delivered all 3 pins nd picked up my 1st of 2.
  21. Work? In BC? Where? Enjoy the possibility of a big quake and tsunami's, I'll stay put right here in the central part of the country...where it's safe, and there really are jobs.
  22. Blech, I live down the street from a KFC...I hate their food. Nothing special about it in Quebec, still the same KFC throughout North America. I have not been to BC since I was little and my grandmother lived in Vancouver. Why do you ask?
  23. 2001 Pontiac Montana, will fit 3 pins comfortably with the seats out. Just too short (2-3") to stand them on their ends, or I could probably move SIX. Though that would be alot of weight.
  24. No this is some Worldwide shit! My rule is "No Steak and a BJ Day...No Valentine's Day!"
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