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Everything posted by ken_cinder

  1. It's Steak and a BJ Day dammit!
  2. Making a big trip this weekend, as I'm purchasing 2 pinball machines. Also sold one of my 29" Nanao monitors, and moving 3 pinball machines for others along the way to subsidize my trip. My Current Route My current route linked above. Friday night I will stay in Montreal at a fellow collectors. Saturday night my GF and I are staying in a hotel in Montreal and doing some site-seeing and EATING! Mmmm Donair and Poutine, and I've been told by her that St. Huberts is a must or she'll beat me. I won't reveal the two pins I'm buying till I actually have them. A collectors "No-no"... The starting point on my map is about 15 minutes from where I actually live, but I'm not wasting paper on what I know off by heart (GPS I will have but it's nice to have paper if the GPS should die!). The furthest point out in "Normandin" is where one of my pins is waiting...only delivering stuff to as far as Montreal.
  3. Like I said, Firewire....2.0. It will flop as it's uses are not intended for the masses. Of course it may not flop in it's uses that are not for the masses, but if they're looking to push it on the masses it will fail.
  4. What game isn't? I don't let it get to me, and I even have one game where I would have 2 1st place records....were it not for the obvious cheaters. Both are time based records, the obvious cheaters have like 1 second completions etc, which is IMPOSSIBLE.
  5. Looks like a Mega Man hack to me...alot of things hacked, but still a hack.
  6. I probably should, it got here yesterday though. The bad part? I was home all day and my tracking was updated to say that delivery was attempted. Nobody came to my door, and there was no notice left. Delivery was not attempted at the right house, if it was attempted at all...nothing wrong with the address on my package. I check tracking to see it was left with "Darlene at Reception at Quick Print". I'm like "Why the hell do they have my package!?" Turns out Quick Print is a Purolator place too. They didn't have my correct phone number on file though, so if I hadn't called them I'd have likely never gotten my package! Oh and they have people who check search spider stuff for negatives. Canada Post does too, we got a CP rep on another forum I'm at after a thread was started that amounted to dozens of us showing eachother our complaints awhile back.
  7. Cargo planes and Trucks (Or as you call them there, Lorries) Funny...I'm home.
  8. I've never had something take this goddamn long from Newegg... So it takes less than 2 days to get from LA to Vancouver, AND leave the Vancouver depot, but it's the end of 3 business days later and it's STILL not here? Monday was a holiday. I r not fucking impressed.
  9. Yeah but those advantages don't apply to HDMI comparisons. The things potentially offered by Displayport aren't much use to anything but the PC world. HDMI is perfectly suitable to anyone with their PC inside of 15', any of the other so called "features" have yet to come to light. These things are all theoretical right now anyway. The biggest proponent, Direct Drive monitors don't even exist yet, a key focal point of DisplayPort. So as of right now, DisplayPort is fairly useless to be putting on the average video card that isn't destined for a Mac. Who buys just an LCD Computer monitor anymore, when you get a TV in it too for often times LESS money? You're not finding DisplayPort on TVs yet, as there is no use. I'm aware of the benefits, but those benefits are not even really needed by the masses. I see DisplayPort as a gimmick at best, kinda like FireWire was so shit hot...where did that go?
  10. http://www.nfohump.com/ NFO's are just info's
  11. What in the hell is the point of this Mini Display Port crap? It's an Apple proprietary connector that has no real world use beyond their own products, so why do I keep seeing it on video cards? We all know you can't use anything but an Apple Badged and Bios'ed card in a(actual) MAC.
  12. Somehow I doubt any Warez site is going to carry a 9 year old version of Nero lmao
  13. Typical retail talk...almost nothing makes full use of multi-core CPUs these days. The pure overall power of all cores doing the work yes, by default only...but proper multi-core optimization is still not bothered with by most devs. That's exactly why I haven't bothered to waste my money on a Quad Core yet. We are in an era of "More than necessary" computing now, with processors far exceeding requirements or even the capabilities of consumer grade software. 2.0 is 100% backwards compatible with 1.1/1.0, it's mandatory just like AGP 4x cards MUST work on AGP 2x or 1x slots. They're just looking to sell you a motherboard and processor too. One you DON'T need. CPU bottleneck my ass, the GPU is there to take the load OFF the CPU...we're not talking putting this card in a Pentium 4 FFS. That would be bottlenecking it...
  14. I should be getting around $3000 back...and it's already spent on shit I wish it didn't need to be. Approx $1000 on new windows for the front of my house Approx $1200 for new flooring in my upstairs hall and master bedroom The rest most likely on car repairs.
  15. I didn't even realize this was out yet...and it must not be as good as people hoped. It's already marked down at a store I was at today, by $15! It's $50 and it was $65!
  16. You can expect to pay LESS for a used copy than the first one. No, seriously...after ME2 came out, I walked into Gamestop pondering picking up the first one. You know cause you'd assume it MAY have gone down in price. No, it went UP by $10 and ME2 could be had for the price ME1 WAS! It's ok, cause at all 4 stores in this area, they have dozens of copies. It's only a matter of time before they wise up and I end up getting it for $5 instead of the $15 it was originally.
  17. I would have opted for a beefier card, but my power supply is an issue and upgrading it is not an option. I was looking at a 5830(?) and I don't want to risk not being able to use it. I have a nice little MicroATX case under my TV, and it's only packing a 370w DiabloTek MicroATX PSU. To get a beefy PSU at such a size, is expensive. Given I'm not very gaming focused on my PC anymore, I'm not spending lots of coin on anything.
  18. I just bought a 4650 512MB, which should outdo the 5450 by a good bit. Turns out the 5450 has a 64 bit memory bus, and I specifically looked at this in store and thought I was buying a card with a 128 bit memory bus. It's not on the box anywhere, but was on some other types of cards I looked at. I either got sidetracked talking with the guy and just assumed, or another card I had off the shelf showed it was 128 bit. I have someone coming to buy the 5450 today, and I'm only losing $15 on it...sucks but meh.
  19. I haven't kept up with the video card thing for years Emsley, and they seem to have made it intentionally confusing to a degree. You would think the newer core in a 5450, with 512MB of DDR3 would outperform an x1650 with 512MB of DDR just on pure horsepower alone. We're not even talking a craptastic bus, I am well aware of how hindering a 64bit memory bus is, this 5450 is 128bit...so there is no excuse for it's pathetic performance compared to my 1650. I am not in the market to spend even $100 on a video card right now, I play almost no games on my PC anymore. All I wanted was a bit of a boost, and it would seem that I got totally ripped off instead. Seriously, how the hell does a 5 year old card that isn't even top end of it's series, beat out a card from this generation? Budget card or not, that is just total horseshit. The one thing I grasp, is a 5850 is better than a 5450. Well that's obvious. But why the hell is a 4850 better than a 5450? That is intentionally deceptive by manufacturers. I knew this too though, but can one find a comparison against an X series card? No... For all intents and purposes, even this 5450 should whup my 1650 to some degree...not be WORSE than it! How fucking slow is a 5450 with 64bit DDR2? God I cringe just thinking about it...
  20. So I figured it was time to get a new video card, nothing fancy and nothing expensive. I was running a Radeon 1650 Pro 512MB... So you figure anything near current gen would be better right? WRONG! I picked up a Radeon HD 5450(A DDR3 variant no less, not DDR2), knowing it was a "budget" card, but this thing HAS to be better than my old 1650 right? WRONG AGAIN! God this thing fucking sucks, I'm gonna put my 1650 back in and see if it's as bad as I think. How the hell can a 5000 series card be so under-powered in comparison, that I can tell right off the hop it's at least doing no better a job than a card a good 4-5 years older!?
  21. I made chili last night...now send me some cornbread NOW dammit! I've never had cornbread, it's like unheard of up here. I think Monteray Jack or Pepper Jack cheese would be better though.
  22. Shouldn't I merge this thread, with this one? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=32450 The title is an exact match...
  23. Looks to me like the army there doesn't much care for what the president wants, they seem to be calm with the people in the streets and just hanging around to try and keep some peace. The police were the violent ones, but they're done for and have fled or changed into civilian clothing and joined the mob. The president there needs to realize that with almost everyone against him, there are only 2 outcomes to this. A: They catch up with him eventually and kill him B: He flees the country He seems hellbent on keeping power, so I see A as the only outcome.
  24. Problem is...if you're gonna have a REAL revolution...you need to shoot BACK!
  25. What are we supposed to do? If anyone in the west gets involved...they get shit on for it in that part of the world.
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