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  1. So if i download kawa-x plus all i have to do is replace the m1 and p1 roms of KOF2K2, Rage Of The Dragon, and Metal Slug 4 with the ones in this kawa-x plus pack to play them?
  2. So if i download kawa-x plus all i have to do is replace the m1 and p1 roms of KOF2K2, Rage Of The Dragon, and Metal Slug 4 with the ones in this kawa-x plus pack to play them?
  3. Thanks guys i got it to work. It was the P1 rom. Had to get a updated one.
  4. well i'm about to give up because i can't get pass this black screen. Also i check all thehex's and they were done right.
  5. Is ther any way i can add these lines??
  6. I have no lines with 0x in front of it. I have none of those lines.
  7. also i dont have the full version of winhex.
  8. I have winhex but it gets a error everytime i start it. I checked for the string in hex workshope and it could not find it.
  9. also is this the offset you see and the bottom of the screen in hex workshop 0013A678??
  10. do those lines start on the left?? And do they look exzctly like that? Because most of the numbers in the XBE have spaces between them.
  11. i can never get the hex editor to replace anything. ALso to i put the 0x in the first part to??
  12. ok it still did not work. Is there any wasy you can send me a copy of your XBE?? I have all the messengers and mirc and icq.
  13. Trying the one you gave the link to now.
  14. I did it and i still get the black screen.
  15. how can i tell if it's CRC : 7F01DAC5??
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