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Everything posted by OneEvilDog

  1. BritneysPAIRS, what is the real difference between usa roms and others? (europe-japan) Off Topic.....
  2. Britney's awsommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme. Tron works great now! You Rock!
  3. Yes, drooling on myself.....
  4. I'm biting my toe nails off! I can't wait! I forgot to ask if you fixed tron deadly disc. Where the target(which is movable) in the background is not working? Great list you have by the way.
  5. Cool can't wait. Remember the mininova I will be seeding there for a few days if its put there.
  6. BritneysPAIRS...I see a torrent named CoinOPS Mamedox Final. Is this the old release above? The original torrent I had just said CoinOPS?
  7. Man thats a shame. By the way my ex was Greek and so is one of my best friends. He says he won't marry an american. Wow!
  8. BritneysPAIRS do you have California Speed? Its my favorite arcade game and its available for mame, but I never seen it compiled in any mame? I think I gave you the wrong name at first.
  9. Greattttttttttttttt. BritneysPAIRS I know you aren't the one who uploads it places, but can you make sure this sees its way to mininova? This is the main download site I go to. Long live torrents! Everything else is second rate. I will help seed it for a few days there at least. Thanks. Also just my opinion, you might want to shorten the selectable cursor? It seems a little to long? Thanks for all your hard work on the scene. I just hope I can downlload it? I don't have an account at xbox-sky, and they currently have closed registration? Mininova please.
  10. Tron deadly disc. There seems to be a problem with this rom. You can't move the target in the background, it just stays on the bottom left hand side of the screen?? This is my all time favorite, hopefully you can fix it. Nice upload to the game area.
  11. You might want to check the ini file in the kawaks folder. It usually reads D:\Roms by default. You can change it if your roms are somewhere else. Hope this helps.
  12. Thanks brothers. I will stay around and get to know you guys.
  13. Thanks you guys for the advice. Better than the retard on top.
  14. I know the rules here are no one say anything. But how are people ever supposed to get anything here without help? All I know are torrents. If some members could be so polite as to direct me to the proper websites of other usres here I might actually get somewhere. Thats why in the past I never really cared for this site or its users. I felt like everyone is stuck up! Even after offering money for the discs people declined? Even though they can get it for free???? I know rules are for a reason, but this is getting rediculous! I have read several news groups tutorilas.....And still nothing! Someone pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese help. God blesses those who help others! If I can help someone, im not going to be an ass and keep quite, I will help. Thanks to the big guys that decide to hand me a torch in the darkness.
  15. I have waited patiently for these discs to be released. Its now 2008 and I still can't find them anywhere. Is there any way you could upload these discs 1-by-1 to either xbox-sky or mininova? I hate news groups and mIRC as they are much to complicated to use & I never can get it to download at all. Please help. I will seed each disk for a week.
  16. I have waited patiently for these discs to be released. Its now 2008 and I still can't find them anywhere. Is there any way you could upload these discs 1-by-1 to either xbox-sky or mininova? I hate news groups and mIRC as they are much to complicated to use & I never can get it to download at all. Please help. I will seed each disk for a week.
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