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Everything posted by gizmo_ult

  1. well go on youtube for help on how to do it thats how i learned cause i don't know a lot about programing
  2. ok so i have the emu for snes called the znes so i add that to the r4 and then the type of rom game i want to work on znes will it work
  3. ok i found this item at this website http://www.modmyds.com/g6-lite-4gb-512-megabytes-p-46.html and i wanted to see if anyone knows if this item is a good buy or not edit: topic title revised - gamecop
  4. ok i found it but wihch one is better and cheap because i don't have a lot of money to waste but i want to find something good.....i was looking at the super card lite and with the key thing but idk how would i be able to put games in it i don't see the connection thing or it doesn't even come with it
  5. ok i know there is a thing for the nds to play many games on it idk what it is called it's like a memory thing but idk if u know what i am talking about just tell me what it's called and where can i get it edit: topic title revised - gamecop
  6. yea every single little thing on that u have to name the file and the select.def thing or else it will not work
  7. if still u didn't understand u kind find help on youtube.com with many thing for mugen
  8. yea so download the first one
  9. if u want to google randomselect.com and find the one with ixcell i don't remember the site cause i haven't been one it in a while but the have full games on there
  10. idk if they r new but i have evil ken and evil ryu
  11. o yea i was off that day not high
  12. well i know a website it's www.myspace.com/winmugen.html and u'll find a website where u get rare chars and 275 stages
  13. ok if ur in doubt just download mugen again and then do everything all over again
  14. also qcf=quick circle forward qcb=quick circle back hcb=half circle back hcf=half circle forward
  15. maybe the system.def is messed up and if u want get another screen pack and try that out
  16. so what do u need help?
  17. i can help u there just go to randomselect.com and look in the extras and just find the screen pack u want or just pm me and i'll send u one but i'll need ur email
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