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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. Why don't U read this topic ? http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...pic=10226&st=10
  2. Ur problem is very weird, man ! Which Kawa-X do U use ? There isn't this problem with the original & the unofficial Kawa-X.
  3. Nice stuff, aquasync ! 266-v1d.bin CRC32 435f33cf 's the right one unwatermarked. As U said there 's only 2 diff. with V1d 352b0a07 : 0x21e0 00 34 0x121e0 00 DC
  4. Never noticed bugs with CPS-2. I 'll try playing Mars Matrix for a while... But about lack of sound in NeoGeo games : after playing Digger Man, even with the original Kawa-X 0.11 default.xbe, U can notice the sound is sometimes cut if U play games like Sengoku 3 or KoF 2001. If U notice some troubles, go in TDATA & just delete the.srm file of the game in gamedata folder. When U 'll replay it, the sound 'll be fine.
  5. Sammaz, the patch 's posted in the the message U 've quoted. To get it, apply the patch to Kawa-X 0.11 default.xbe. To apply it, U only have to run the.exe.
  6. Very weird. I 've no problem with CPS-1, CPS-2 & NeoGeo games, they work perfectly. Which CPS-2 game(s) have U tried to launch ?
  7. I dont know make this... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Finally, I 've added KoF Sp Ed 2k4 instead of 2 homebrews : Neo Pong & Neo no Panepon. Added games in the.xbe : svcnd, mslug4nd, matrimnd, samsh5nd, kof2k2nd, mslug5nd, pnyaan, ghostlop, rotdnd, kof2k3nd, ss5spnd & kf2k4sen. Removed games : neocup98 (Glitched), ridheroh (Glitched), ridhero (Glitched), ssideki2 (Glitched), ssideki3 (Glitched), ssideki4 (Glitched), neopong & neonopon. crc32, romset & roms names to use for KoF Sp Ed 2k4 : kf2k4sen.zip The King of Fighters: Special Edition 2004 (bootleg, descrambled P2) 2k4-p1.bin crc32 5f482757 2k4-p2n.bin crc32 698679a7 2k4-s1.bin crc32 a3c9b2d8 2k4-m1.bin crc32 5a47d9ad 2k4-v1.bin crc32 8ad2edbd -> V1 & V2 'R joined, V1 's now 8 Mb ; 2k4-v2.bin crc32 b887d287 -> V3 & V4 'R joined, V2 's now 8 Mb. 2k4-c1.bin crc32 7a050288 2k4-c2.bin crc32 e924afcf 2k4-c3.bin crc32 959fad0b 2k4-c4.bin crc32 efe6a468 2k4-c5.bin crc32 74bba7c6 2k4-c6.bin crc32 e20d2216 2k4-c7.bin crc32 fa705b2b 2k4-c8.bin crc32 2c912ff9 Here 's the patch to apply to Kawa-X 0.11 default.xbe to get the edited.xbe :
  8. All the former unofficial edited Kawa-X posted in the other sites 'R out-of-date. The patch to get the last one (updated to support the last NeoGeo dumps) 's available there ; read the thread : http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...pic=10226&st=10
  9. In using the decrypted P1 without author's tag from the bootleg PCB version : Winkawaks Loader dat (with S1 & M1d of 128 Kb to use them with Kawaks 1.45 Loader) : System: NEO RomName: kof2k3bd Game: The King of Fighters 2003 (Bootleg PCB, fully decrypted) [Program] 271-p1bd.bin,0,800000,57A1981D,0 [Text] kf2k3_s1.rom,0,20000,DF422440,0 [Z80] 271-m1d.bin,0,20000,396E17CD,0 [Samples] 271-v1d.bin,0,800000,FA107F15,0 271-v2d.bin,800000,800000,0E84F8C1,0 [Graphics] kf2k3_c1.rom,0,800000,E42FC226,0 kf2k3_c2.rom,1,800000,1B5E3B58,0 kf2k3_c3.rom,1000000,800000,D334FDD9,0 kf2k3_c4.rom,1000001,800000,D457699,0 kf2k3_c5.rom,2000000,800000,8A91AAE4,0 kf2k3_c6.rom,2000001,800000,9F8674B8,0 kf2k3_c7.rom,3000000,800000,374EA523,0 kf2k3_c8.rom,3000001,800000,75211F4D,0 [System] CartridgeID: 271 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 Nebula dat (with blending effects on lifebars) : System: NEO RomName: kf2k3bdt Game: The King of Fighters 2003 (Bootleg PCB, fully decrypted, transparencies enabled) [Program] 271-p1bd.bin,0,800000,57A1981D,0 [Z80] 271-m1d.bin,0,20000,396E17CD,0 [Samples] 271-v1d.bin,0,800000,FA107F15,0 271-v2d.bin,800000,800000,0E84F8C1,0 [Graphics] kf2k3_c1.rom,0,800000,E42FC226,0 kf2k3_c2.rom,1,800000,1B5E3B58,0 kf2k3_c3.rom,1000000,800000,D334FDD9,0 kf2k3_c4.rom,1000001,800000,D457699,0 kf2k3_c5.rom,2000000,800000,8A91AAE4,0 kf2k3_c6.rom,2000001,800000,9F8674B8,0 kf2k3_c7.rom,3000000,800000,9965D632,0 kf2k3_c8.rom,3000001,800000,989BC5C9,0 [System] CartridgeID: 271 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 13
  10. System: NEO RomName: pnyaan Game: Pochi and Nyaa (Decrypted C) Parent: pnyaa [Program] 267-p1.bin,0,100000,112FE2C0,0 [Text] pnyaa_s1.rom,0,20000,88FFBB15,0 [Z80] 267-m1d.bin,0,20000,C13895B9,0 [Samples] 267-v1d.bin,0,400000,1AC7DB71,0 [Graphics] pnyaa_c1.rom,0,800000,2BD02A33,0 pnyaa_c2.rom,1,800000,8FB27B0B,0 [System] CartridgeID: 267 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 %%%%% System: NEO RomName: pnyaa Game: Pochi and Nyaa [Program] 267-p1.bin,0,100000,112FE2C0,0 [Z80] 267-m1d.bin,0,20000,C13895B9,0 [Samples] 267-v1d.bin,0,400000,1AC7DB71,0 [Graphics] 267-c1.bin,0,800000,2E20617A,0 267-c2.bin,1,800000,4EDFA720,0 [System] CartridgeID: 267 GfxCrypt: 2 GfxKey: 2E ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0 %%%%% They work well with Winkawaks Loader. M1d 128 Kb 's recommended (see the dat above) if U use Winkawaks Loader 1.45 which doesn't support 512 Kb M1 roms.
  11. It works finely, I use the byteswapped V2d & V4d (4 Mb each) : V2 crc32 945F8831 V4 crc32 393C9A62 I 've joined V1d with V2d & V3d with V4d to get 2 V's (8 Mb each). Btw, after playing Digger Man, even with the original Kawa-X.xbe, U can notice the sound is sometimes cut if U play games like Sengoku 3 or KoF 2001. If U notice some troubles, go in TDATA & just delete the.srm file of the game in gamedata folder. When U 'll replay it, the sound 'll be fine.
  12. Iq_132 posted them : FBa driver : Init for MAME : Nebula/Kawaks dat (in using descrambled P2 [P2 was scrambled as kof2002 P2])
  13. What kinds of errors ? mslug5 driver give me an error (when I compil it for PC vers.).
  14. OK Here is the patch : kof2k3bd-p1_8740e1a5_to_57a1981d.zip P1 decrypted without author's tag made from P1 bootleg PCB. Author : Zhaosili
  15. Well, about MAME, decrypt codes & drivers for kof2003 PCB, svcchaos PCB & MVS have been posted : http://www52.tok2.com/home/foge/ (there'R No roms or links to roms on this page, there 'R only the codes & the drivers)
  16. Some samsho5 C roms from the alien emu 'R watermarked &, U can notice some very small glitches in playing.
  17. Matrimnd runs perfectly. Btw, about samsh5nd C roms : they come from the MVS set after decrypting them. Mslug5nd P roms 'R the decrypted & fixed ones by HappyAsr. Mslug5nd P roms patches : mslug5nd_p1_3b4eda6b_to_p1n_d99c035c__p2n_768ee64a.zip
  18. Matrim C's Xor ^ value is 6A, it works fine. Btw, in this case, U've to use matrimnd (fully decrypted). Here 'R the roms patches U need : 1- 264-p1_b8cc969d_to_3b0bc22b : Author : HappyAsr Release : 2004.03.xx Version : - crc32: 3B0BC22B sha1: 0F5097304D834A0F32DC22519F52E473060AD89B size: 4194304 Expl.: - Bases on p1 crc32 B8CC969D (to be percise the first 6 512k segs) - Useless data removed (10x 512k segs) - Console mode enabled - Some timing issues fixed 2- svc-p1_1cc8fb7a_to_46828b7f ; 3- 266-p1_5d4c2dc7_to_7be60e6b : - MVS protection removed - NRX freeze fixed - useless data removed source crc32: 5D4C2DC7 target crc32: 7BE60E6B
  19. This is normal ; here is the explanation : p1 CRC 9EDE7323 -> needn't decrypted stuff p2 CRC 327266B8 -> this P2 is the original one, it needn't decrypted stuff but it is scrambled. After descrambling P2, U get P2n crc32 432FDF53. That's why FBa-XXX named kof2k2 decrypted C's set as kof2002d (for decrypted C's only, P's 'R unchanged).
  20. OK, here is the patch to apply to Kawa-X 0.11 default.xbe (+ sets & roms names inventory) : Default_patch.rar
  21. So, is Kawa-X.xbe patch allowed ?
  22. As far as I know, roms patches 'R not allowed on the forum... am I wrong ? Here is a pic of decrypted & fixed roms crc U should use (mslug4nd, svcnd & kof2k3nd 512 K S1's 'R not added yet) :
  23. Here 'R my dat + cheats :
  24. I 've a nice Kawa-X with matrimnd, mslug 1 to mslug5nd, kof94 to kof2k3nd, samsho 1 to ss5spnd, rotdnd, pnyaan, svcnd & ghostlop on the same default.xbe (only 6 Glitched games 'R removed : ridhero, ridheroh, ssideki2, ssideki3, ssideki4 & neocup98). Decrypted bootlegs 'R not added : ms5plsnd, ms4plsnd, svcplush (hack), kf2k1pln, kof2k1bn, kof97pls, kf2k4exn, cthd2k3n, kf2k2pln, zintrckb (hack CD to MVS conversion), kofsp4kn.
  25. David Biagini aka SirJaguar, webmaster of Consolemul, died during Thursday to Friday night in a car accident. RIP SirJaguar.
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