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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. Yes, U can play it with Mame on PC. Also, I don't know if the game works with Satourne (Saturn & ST-V emu).
  2. FBA was the reason I thought of Matrimelee in the beginning... I guess he talked about Power Instinct 4 : Matrimelee (& not Groove on Fight as in his title...) but I 'm not sure. Oh so Marimelee is basically Power Instinct 4 and not 3... I know Power Instinct 4 is Matrimelee (a NeoGeo game), but I 'm not sure if he talked about it, cuz the topic title 's about Power Instinct 3 : Groove on Fight.
  3. FBA was the reason I thought of Matrimelee in the beginning... I guess he talked about Power Instinct 4 : Matrimelee (& not Groove on Fight as in his title...) but I 'm not sure.
  4. Power Instinct 3 : Groove on Fight (romset : groovef.zip) 's a ST-V game, so U can't use it with FBa. Actually, groovef video & sound emulation 'R not 100 % accurate, but the game 's playable.
  5. http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...st=0#entry73292 I was writing that as you posted this. At the same time ... I read that news on RomShare forum.
  6. Interesting... SFa3 Karin style. I hope her moves 'll be original.
  7. Just read & see the following pics : http://benjamin.francois.free.fr/artwork/g...x-consoles.html Index : http://benjamin.francois.free.fr/artwork/gcubix/index.html
  8. OMFG !!! Do U mean : perhaps, SF2MJ 's trying to find a way to earn a lot of $ in applying patches to protect his backups for sale ???
  9. I think you misunderstood or maybe I am. I think he is asking so that once he makes a backup of an XBOX game on a DVD-R or something, he wants to patch his own backup so no one can copy it. To answer this question, look on http://megagames.com or http://gamecopyworld.com Yes, it seems U 'R right : He 's looking for a mean to solve the opposite problem ; but I 'm not really sure...
  10. The softs like Craxtion remove the protection in applying a patch to the default.xbe of your back-up. Those patches work with most of the commercial games & allow to play on the HDD.
  11. To recall Mukuro's moves. Yes, all the screens in Magic-Box mainly come from S.C. or Ign. But the real pics come from Famitsu magazine scan : http://img20.imageshack.us/img20/5160/CFJfami0702a.jpg
  12. Mukuro seems to be a fair & nice fighter. Pics from snk-capcom.com forums, then www.the-magicbox.com/0406/game061804d.shtml
  13. Maybe Young Geese + 6 edit charas... Each user could create his own chara...
  14. U mean 100 Mb instead of 6 ? 100 Mb for free ? (I guess : no )
  15. There 'R awesome games like Slash Out, DoA 2 Millennium, GGX, Out Triggers, Virtua Tennis 1 & 2 etc... But I want to play Spike Out (Model 3).
  16. I know I spend too much time on 1emu when I 'm sad, tired or when I need recommendations about GF !
  17. Ah OK. So, Samsho5 MV-S vers. was already out, but in very limited edition.
  18. U can see some inserts there : www.neostore.com www.neostore.com/images/products/releases/artwork/index.html www.speksnk.net/galeria/nfpicturepro/thumbnails.php?album=23
  19. Samsho5 Special AES release : 7.15.04... Samsho5 (not Special) PS2 release : 7.29.04 www.snkplaymore.jp/consumer/en_playstation2.html#samurai
  20. No, cuz I dislike MAMEoX GUI & there 'R 4953 romsets in Mame 0.83. So => Has any1 tried Daraku Tenchi with 128 Mb RAM ?
  21. Does Daraku Tenchi work with 128 Mb RAM ?
  22. Summer means : Sea, girls , Arcade games...
  23. Never observe Sun without specific sunglasses !!!
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