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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. From www.tessin.co.jp/user/index.html
  2. I'm using Nero too : Close the windows to make a new compil, then just click on Files, Burn image, select your Cue (Where your iso + mp3 are), confirm in clicking on OK, & Nero'll burn. That's all & works perfectly.
  3. Good News : U can read & play backups perfectly. Required softs : - CDRWin (or Nero or other softs to burn U want) ; CDRWin : http://telecharger.01net.com/windows/Utili...fiches/274.html - Sega Cue Maker : Sega Cue Maker.zip 1/ If U've Iso + Mp3 only (without Cue) : - Create a folder with your Iso + Mp3 inside (all unzipped) ; launch Sega Cue Maker, select the folder where your Iso + Mp3 (remember : all unzipped) are, & click on generate Cue, then on Save Cue. Now, U must burn : launch CDRWin (or the soft to burn U want), click on "Record Disc" icon (the 1st on your left), then click "load Cuesheet" on the new window, select the Cue (in the folder where your Iso + Mp3 are), click on open to confirm, wait 3 seconds then click on "Record Disc". Your backup'll work with NeoCD-SdlX. 2/ If U've Iso + Mp3 + Cue (U've already your Cue) : - U've only to burn : launch CDRWin (or the soft to burn U want), click on "Record Disc" icon (the 1st on your left), then click "load Cuesheet" on the new window, select the Cue (in the folder where your Iso + Mp3 are [all unzipped]), click on open to confirm, wait 3 seconds then click on "Record Disc". Your backup'll work with NeoCD-SdlX. * Thx to elrayzeur, about this trick.
  4. I posted twice, cuz connection trouble... Sorry
  5. Happy Birth-D both. I'll be 20 in 3 yrs. Hahaha !
  6. Could any1 tell if Pokemon Colloseum works fine with this emu ?
  7. Just go to #xbins...
  8. I believe it's mainly Shintoism in Japan.
  9. I think it's not natural !
  10. - The name of the company (Capcom, SNKP etc) - Charas (number of charas, charisma, fighting styles & moves) ; - Gfx (charas & backgrounds) ; - Animation ; - Game system + technicality ; - Sound & BGM ; - Scenario ; - Maniability ; etc...
  11. We dislike Al Qaeda !!! Al Qaeda R flocked morons !
  12. There's gotta other lifeforms out there yo!!! No wonder I always see those lights when I sippin'...... Electricity is living too (but not like living beings)...
  13. Is it Kung Lao in a Shaolin monaster ?
  14. I guess U mean (kof 2k3 Beta = KoF 2k3 Bootleg zipped) & (KoF 2k3 Full = KoF 2k3 Original vers. unzipped). There's only a FBA driver to play KoF 2k3 Bootleg with FBa-X with P rom in the right order.
  15. I remember "Supreme Squadron" in Marvel Universe... LoL
  16. No, I don't. But possibly there'R forms of life like unicellular beings on some distant planets with the required conditions.
  17. Thx very much ! But finally was the PS2 port cancelled ? About charas, I found only that :
  18. Could any1 write the names of Capcom Fighting All Stars charas ? (coz I don't know this game very well...) Thx
  19. Exact, Thx, Ingrid comes from Capcom Fighting All Stars.
  20. Excellent, Capcom's back in Arcade ! The 2 charas from WarZard/Red Earth seem terrible ! But who's Ingrid (the woman like Karin from SFa3 on this page ?
  21. Just try to forget girls to do what U want in Ur life.
  22. Yes, but Star Gladiator's a 3D beat'em-up, not a 2D.
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