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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. Just rename 271-s1.rom in 271-s1.bin. Just replace ng-lo.rom (CRC32 : 5a86cff2) with ng-lo.rom (CRC32 : e09e253c) in your bios neogeo.zip. http://bioshouse.free.fr
  2. Formidable bug with Mai ! (LoL) Iori has burnt her clothes !
  3. I haven't girlfriend because I'm 17 years old
  4. In using Ciccior techniques (Thx to him for roms names locations), it's very easy to replace Encrypted sets + Alternative sets with SVC, Powerin4, Samsho5 & others on the same default.xbe.
  5. They'va added bonus missions. www.the-magicbox.com/Feb04/game021104a.shtml www.snkneogeousaconsumer.com/corporate/press/ms3_xbox.shtml
  6. About NRX, if it's made by EGCG, maybe on emuother.com, emubar.net, emucn.net, www.emu-zone.org.
  7. It's all the same to me really, although I'd like to see KOF2003 on EGCG NRX. Yes, but if kof2003 is released on a special version of NRX made by EGCG, maybe P roms don't allow to run on Nebula & Winkawaks Loader.
  8. Does people want it on an old version of NRX or a special & modified version of NRX ?
  9. In fact I know, the 3 SF3 opus : Street Fighter III : New Generation ; Street Fighter III 2nd Impact : Giant Attack ; Street Fighter III 3rd Strike : Fight for the Future. I know SF3 W Impact (New Generation + 2nd Impact) & SF3 3rd Strike were out on DC, but I don't understand why it's in this topic ("worst fighting game"). This game seems to be excellent.
  10. Where have U seen it ? I've never seen it.
  11. Launch a game &, "left" with right thumb stick.
  12. Source : http://cps2shock.retrogames.com/
  13. M1 (128 Kb) & M1 (64 Kb) is in fact the same thing, because when U split the first one (128 Kb) in 2 parts, U can notice the 2nd part (64 Kb) is a dummy file. So, M1 (64 Kb) is useless.
  14. It's weird, from a DVDRW, I've no problem without deleting data files.
  15. In CFG folder : just delete romsets.dat.
  16. U need registration, but it's free : http://www.emu-zone.org/ http://kof.94game.com/kim/du/index.htm http://emubar.net/ http://www.emucn.net http://allgames.gamesh.com/kof/index1.html http://emuother.com http://kof.94game.com/k3team/main.htm
  17. 271-m1d.bin -> 512 Kb is wrong. The file is x 4 -> i.e : Sound Driver(ROM)Ver 1.9 00/03/22 To SNK appears 4 times. Correct 271-m1d is 128 Kb, just split the one of 512 in 4.
  18. I know, but you can post yours.
  19. I know, but Barbie & Ken are Toys.
  20. http://tom.madoka.be/stuff/funstuff/shockw...kwave/stick.swf
  21. Make your mini-film : http://www.fanta.dk/default.htm Example : http://www.fanta.dk/showmovie.asp?mid=A20D...B1-FB78346039FA
  22. So, have you tried to find this message on forums like http://www.emuother.com, http://fightbbs.yeah.net, http://www.emu-zone.org or http://www.emubar.net if it exists ?
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