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Everything posted by Mr.X

  1. Ciccior, check your PM.
  2. I've hex edited Kawa-X on 2 default.xbe to play all the censored games with their original roms names & sizes.
  3. On Romshare forum you can find help : - patch for P1 02247965 & Datfile at the 1st page of the topic.
  4. I can't help you because Kawa-X SE isn't updapted for mslug5nd : I haven't updated it.
  5. It's just info about KoF 2k3. But about KoF 2k3, possibly it won't be released (rumor for the moment) because mslug5nd was leaked : http://fuego.red32.net/~mature/moregames/v...topic.php?t=831
  6. You can install XDK & debug bios on your X-Box. On your PC, use SDK & M$ VSN (Visual Studio.Net).
  7. No, it allows to encrypt & decrypt C roms only. Xor values & table to use for C are specified in NeFe
  8. What is the P1 where some stages are missing ? I want to compare it.
  9. About Mslug4n with Kawa-X SE : mslug4n.zip (Metal Slug 4 predecrypted : decrypted C & V roms) : 263-p1.bin -> 1 Mb 263-p2.bin -> 4 Mb 263-s1.bin -> 128 Kb 263-m1d.bin -> 64 Kb 263-v1d.bin -> 4 Mb 263-v2d.bin -> 4 Mb 263-v3d.bin -> 4 Mb 263-v4d.bin -> 4 Mb ms4n_c1.rom -> 8 Mb ms4n_c2.rom -> 8 Mb ms4n_c3.rom -> 8 Mb ms4n_c4.rom -> 8 Mb ms4n_c5.rom -> 4 Mb ms4n_c6.rom -> 4 Mb
  10. When Kawa-X SE web page on the Kawa-X Plus web site will be updated.
  11. About "Blood", when it is enabled Zero's bug can appear.
  12. So, about the changes, on the 1st default.xbe (called Kawa-X 0.11) you can notice : - mslug5nd instead of kof2k1nd ; - kof99nd instead of garoup (prototype) ; - kof2k1nd (now called kof2k1n because it is only predecrypted, but not fully decrypted) instead of kof99nd ; - cthd2k3 (use Neorage X version because it is fully decrypted) instead of kof99p (prototype). Finally, the only removed games around the 2 default.xbe are just the prototypes : kof99p & garoup. But garoun & kof99nd (the decrypted romsets) are fully playable. On the 2nd default.xbe (called Kawa-Hex 0.11) you can notice : - pim instead of kof98 ; - kof2k2nd instead of kof2k1nd ; - rotdn instead of s1945pn ; - svcbl (bootleg) & svcplus instead of kof99p & kof99nd ; - mslug4n instead of rbff2 ; - samsho5 instead of garoup (prototype). Finally, kof98, kof2k1n, s1945pn, kof99nd & rbff2 are fully playable on the 1st default.xbe.
  13. PRican, Kawa-X is now ready on 2 default.xbe + mslug5nd support with all the censored games, all the games work perfectly
  14. Default.xbe to play mslug5nd isn't mine, because I've not updated Kawa-X SE (SE means Second Edition).
  15. I like Evoga beat'em-up ROTD system.
  16. i do not think you understand the p rom needs to be downloaded as well I've already downloaded it. & I've added V roms CRC according to the result with the patch on RomShare forum.
  17. you need the new p1 as well or it still wont work http://www.neogamez.net/Downloads/Utilidad...g5_p1%201.1.zip The new P1 for NRX, Nebula & Winkawaks is already added in this.dat file : [Program] 268-p1n.bin,0,600000,02247965,0
  18. The last.dat file for mslug5nd, it works with NRX, Winkawaks & Nebula (rename.bin roms extension in.rom to use them with NRX) : System: NEO RomName: mslug5nd Game: Metal Slug 5 (Non encrypted P, Decrypted C) Parent: mslug5 [Program] 268-p1n.bin,0,600000,02247965,0 [Text] ms5n_s1.rom,0,20000,64952683,0 [Z80] 268-m1d.bin,0,20000,6FA01C9A,0 [samples] 268-v1d.bin,0,400000,DC7F03F0,0 268-v2d.bin,400000,400000,EEB7C926,0 268-v3d.bin,800000,400000,02FD519E,0 268-v4d.bin,C00000,400000,D7C67794,0 [Graphics] ms5n_c1.rom,0,800000,969C0D62,0 ms5n_c2.rom,1,800000,C69AE867,0 ms5n_c3.rom,1000000,800000,D7BEAEAF,0 ms5n_c4.rom,1000001,800000,E1B1131B,0 ms5n_c5.rom,2000000,800000,2FA1A5AD,0 ms5n_c6.rom,2000001,800000,6DE89589,0 ms5n_c7.rom,3000000,800000,97BD0C0A,0 ms5n_c8.rom,3000001,800000,C0D5BC20,0 [system] CartridgeID:268 GfxCrypt: 0 GfxKey: 0 ButLayout: 9 Fix: 0
  19. How can I call hex edited Kawa-X SE with 2 default.xbe + mslug5n support ? HacKawa-X ? LoL Kawa-Hex ? LooooL Kawa-WX (Kawa-Double X -> 2 default.xbe) ? LooooooooL
  20. There :
  21. All I have is the original, the plus version that was posted on suprnova, and now a build for samsho5. Now I'm going to have 4, for mslug5. Then there's going to be one for kof2003. Thats 5 total. And I still havent gotten the 8meg p1 that allows ROTD to run arcade and console modes. God what a mess. EDIT: I realize now that my samsho5 build can run the ROTD I mentioned, so that takes out one. All we are looking for is a mean to reduce Kawa-X default.xbe numbers on our X-Box. For the moment, we need 2 default.xbe to play all the games perfectly. But when KoF 2k3 will be out I've no alternative to keep it with original roms names.
  22. funny you just mentioned those 2 cuz i was gonna ask if its possible to add them About V-Liner I know it's possible. But about Jockey GP, it's difficult, because it uses V-Liner M1 rom + M1 rom in his own romset.
  23. About kof 2003, I don't know because there won't be games to remove. You said : "some ppl collect all the roms" ; they can notice Jockey GP & V-Liner are missing.
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