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Everything posted by NEIL222

  1. This really is the business...awesome job BP.
  2. How do you make them work? Do you have to overwrite any existing maps, or just add them into a folder. Also, are they only multiplayer maps or single player?
  3. OMG!!! This runs f%$#@ng sweet! This is magic playing this on the big tv rather than a monitor...check it out. Sirlemonhead is truly magnificent...
  4. I just hope this isn't a hoax...
  5. Same here, can't wait to sit back on my couch to play this... hope it will be out soon.
  6. Long story, but basically I'm not a modder or programmer. Instead, just someone that is looking for various working links to files so a friend can do the modding for me. Here is the link to the game http://spyshadow.dyndns.org:90/XBOX/XBOX%2...ES/SNIPERALPHA/ Just tested this out, seems to be an unfinished homebrew game. Not worth looking at.
  7. Hey BP, I got the coinops itself to load (after patching the default.xbe with "dexbe", as I have an older mod chip) but when I try to load most roms, it goes back to the dashboard. Funny thing though, is that some roms load like "gyruss" (which is from my mame 0.72 package), really pulling my hair out over this one...
  8. I have pretty much tried everything. I got the emu itself to load ok, but even when I get individual roms from packs that say Coinops roms (plus/gold), they fail to load, and reset back to my dashboard. After so many attempts I just decided to give it a miss, pity really as Coinops looks the business & BP has done excellent work on it and still is.
  9. I have to say any version OTHER than Coinops. I have never had so many problems getting games to work.....EVER! To download a whole romset for just 1 version of an Emu is a pain in the a@#... I'm not bagging BP or anything like that, just my opinion.
  10. Yeah, I was hoping for some kind of update, but no one is saying anything on the thread over at xbox-scene (regarding updates). Oh well....
  11. Have you tried patching the "default.xbe" files on things that don't work? I have to do this on my Xbox with some of the games/apps that come out. I use "dexbe" to turn the "debug" default.xbe file into "retail" default.xbe file. Works 99% of the time....
  12. Yeah, I might give this a try....
  13. I can get some of my CD32 games going, it's just the rest that give me grief. Just the looping thing & the gold key screen puzzle me....
  14. Hello, I asked this question over at Xbox-Scene, but had no luck with help so I thought I might try here... Does anyone have problems running some CD32 games on this emu? I can get an .iso file going, but when it gets to the Amiga CD32 logo screen, it goes to load then either loops back to the logo screen again, or comes up with a gold key in a grey box, when I push a button the key comes out of the grey box and the game resets...very frustrating. I can get some other CD32 games going, so I don't think some of the Kickstart ROMS are missing. (Is this some sort of protection?) Also, has anyone gotten Skidmarks 1 past the blue network screen, where you click on the word "Skidmarks"? I have tried numerous things, but nothing works...
  15. Thanks for the info.
  16. Did you use XBMC to transfer it? I have read that will rename it on the fly to a different name then transfer it, but the new name may not be recognized in game.
  17. Does anyone have trouble transferring this file to the xbox?: DrHammer_pirates of the Mushroom Kingdom.map Does this mean it will crash? Cheers.
  18. Hi, Can anyone please tell me if there is a version of this that runs without needing other programs? Also, Is there a certain Rom set needed for this, and can an older rom set be made "playable" in any way? Any help would be appreciated.
  19. Thanks for the info guys.
  20. thanks a lot prican,just got to get a hold of it somewhere. Is there difference between MK3 on Mame, & the MK3 on Midway Arcde Treasures 2??
  21. Can anyone please tell me if there is a setting that stops the shadows flashing in some Neo Geo games (sam shodown 4, some Fatal Fury's)? Any help would be great.
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