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Everything posted by NEIL222

  1. OMG, you are still the biggest cocksucker around these parts bp... Why would the xtras site want a thread for you over there? You constantly bag the work they do, saying you are better, constantly mentioning thread counts, views, etc.... this really does get quite sickening. Things really haven't changed since I last visited this site, you are such an egomaniac its unbelievable!! As hard as it may be for you to believe, other people don't think/worry about thread counts/numbers, they would rather produce a thread then move onto another one... YOU are the one obsessed with numbers, get over it... That is why you tack the new thread for coinops onto the thread of the last, to keep those "views" high. Really, how old are you? And do you ever get out into the 'real' world, rather than the "digital" one...?
  2. How funny, you start talking about figures of threads again, predictable stuff. lol. Did you really look properly on Xbox Scene? SurrealXXX 64 update coming, Odamex updates coming... But hold on, I'm sure that you would grab the source for the updated SurrealXXX in a flash to put in coinops? I can't speak for anyone else about downloading "epic", but I know for sure i won't be....more console stuff or other homebrew stuff in it, that is already up & running fine on my Xbox...no thanks. Comparing the Xtras to epic.... How exactly have you improved the console emulators...? Do the games play better? Can you choose different skins in coinops...? Or just the same dull grey background...?
  3. Its actually quite funny to see you are still rolling out the same old speech...download figures, I told you so, etc, etc.. If Xbox Scene is dead (which it isn't), what is this forum? The only activity on here is to do with coinops...don't see much else happening. There is another forum now that sees more action than this one, to do with a certain Xtras...lol. Your attitude really does not help matters at all, by punishing other users. Quite laughable really.
  4. Yeah, thanks for everything you put out nes. I use Final Burn Legends on a regular basis, really looks the business in 1080.
  5. Very well said, Neoryu.
  6. While playing a game, click in your right thumbstick to bring up the in-game menu. Go down to "load game guide", then select the guide from the list. If you don't have it there you need to get a text file guide from the internet (eg, Gamefaqs.com).
  7. Thats why you love it...lol.
  8. lol.... I want a bit of that action too kenshiro.
  9. Thanks guys for the feedback.
  10. Thanks for the feedback everybody, appreciated. @ frankmorris: Haven't seen you on the forums for awhile mate, nice to have you back.
  11. Thanks for the feedback everyone, much appreciated. No worries Darknior, anytime. I'll probably get round to doing the 3D boxart release too properly, but this will suffice for now.
  12. WinuaeX rocks... Good work from the Xtras team on this one.
  13. Is this what you are thinking of Darknior? HD Mockup: And SD Mockup: If so, here is a link for a small zip file that contains a new "rombrowser" file to insert into my skin directory, that will replace your current one with this one. You may have to manually adjust the positioning of the 3D boxart yourself to get it the right size etc (easy). Just do that through the "image" options. Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?4g844wh6wgurr1n EDIT: Before I forget, to keep this setting (pic placement, size etc..) you will also have to copy out the "Zsnexbox.ini" file from the "ini" folder of Snexbox, and rename it to the name of my skin (whichever one you are using SD or HD), ie, Neil222 SnexBox 720.ini. Then transfer that renamed ini file into my skin directory (overwriting the old one). This will keep your new settings when swapping between skins in future...
  14. Here is my character themed skin for ZsnexBox v3.7 I have done 720 HD & 640 x 480 SD versions, with Single & Dual options on each version. Thanks go to nes6502 for the emu, & weinerschnitzel for the great update. Enjoy. Emuload mockup: Main menu mockup: Rombrowser Single HD setup mockup: Rombrowser Dual HD setup mockup: Download: 720 HD DUAL: http://www.mediafire.com/?09p0vp43lec4dms 720 HD SINGLE: http://www.mediafire.com/?tv2uwe6a61avwtk 640 x 480 SD Single: http://www.mediafire.com/?asmhylr9j6x23ed 640 x 480 SD Dual: http://www.mediafire.com/?1cb276v7yc4l0u5
  15. Here is my Boing Ball themed skin for WinuaeX v18. Since WinuaeX is very memory intensive, I created this skin without using any sprites to maximise memory usage, all graphics are incorporated into the background. I have done 720 HD & 640 x 480 SD versions, with multiple setup options on both versions, i.e., Single, Dual, Triple screen setups, with options for the 3D artwork out there too. Also included is a "blanks" option for you to set your own config as you may wish. Thanks go to Madmab for updating this awesome emu. Enjoy. Emuload mockup: Main menu mockup: Rombrowser Single setup mockup: Rombrowser Single with 3D Boxart mockup: Rombrowser Triple setup mockup: Rombrowser Dual setup mockup: Download: 720 HD version: http://www.mediafire.com/?1erzmx3z4xggrc0 640 x 480 SD version: http://www.mediafire.com/?6zzvrylq6edmwqr
  16. Here is my Castlevania themed skin for PcsXbox v21. I have done 720 HD & 640 x 480 SD versions, with multiple setup options on both versions, i.e., Single, Dual, Triple screen setups, with options for the 3D artwork out there too. Also included is a "blanks" option for you to set your own config as you may wish. Thanks go to Madmab for updating this wonderful emu. Enjoy. Emuload mockup: Main menu mockup: Rombrowser Single setup mockup: Rombrowser Single with 3D Boxart mockup: Rombrowser Triple setup mockup: Rombrowser Dual setup mockup: Download: 720 HD version: http://www.mediafire.com/?dsmjolafo16m7tv 640 x 480 SD version: http://www.mediafire.com/?2inw3z9033d8wpv
  17. Yeah mate, Super Skidmarks had more vehicles & bigger ones. (Pretty sure the title screen said Skidmarks 2) Ultimate Skidmarks is good too, that was on the CD32, has all the other versions in it too, like Silly Skidmarks etc (cows, caravans).
  18. Is that sequel you mention Super Skidmarks (or Ultimate Skidmarks), which were both released?
  19. I can also confirm this to be the truth. I noticed at the time about the thread views huge increase, & thought "hmm, thats a lot over-night."
  20. Skidmarks is an isometric racing game, very cool. Its also on Megadrive/Genesis, but not as good imo. Check here for info on Skidmarks, & all Amiga games in general...great site! http://www.lemonamiga.com/?mainurl=http%3A...php%3Fid%3D1788
  21. Arcade Pool, Skidmarks & Kid Chaos in WinuaeX
  22. I had some feedback from Megaman regarding overscan with SD TV's, so I have adjusted the skin released at the start of this thread for those people using SD TV's. You will still get some overscan, its just the way it is till the new skin engine comes out, but this is more tuned for SD than the one released at the start of this thread , That link is more suited for HD users. I ran the blue boxes off-screen, and moved things slightly, also redid the characters on both screens, so they don't get squished up. Download (SD) : http://www.mediafire.com/?tgy1qgtrqzt
  23. Thanks for all the nice comments everyone, much appreciated.
  24. Here is my quick skin for Surreal XXX CE B5.4. Started it last night and finished it at work today, lol. I'll do a full proper one when the emu gets it skin engine made over with editable items. As for now, very little can be done with placings etc, as they are hard coded to the emu Didn't have the time to do a full mockup with text on, but you get the idea... Rombrowser pic: Ingame BG: Download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?qqxmyzdjmwi I noticed that SD TV's suffer a little more than HD TV's with overscan on this emu. Hope you like it.
  25. No links sorry, but I would like to skin it "down the line" when I have finished with what I am currently working on.
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