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Everything posted by NEIL222

  1. If you ever left this retardville called the xbox section and interacted with the rest of the forum you would know that we have no administration. GameCop has been MIA since the board update and he never gave the other mods and admins any power to manage accounts or bannings. So in short there is no issues with biased administration. There is however a problem with mental midgets and social retards hanging on the nuts of emu authurs like monkey's in a tree. Let go of the nuts then...
  2. Fuck, I've lost count of the amount of times you have said that...lol One day you may actually mean it.
  3. I think its more to do with the biased administration that this site has...pathetic really.
  4. Understand bp....unlikely. lol. Can't wait for the new thread for coinops (showroom?) to start up.... Will it have the posts from all his other threads added to the thread count, to make it look like it has over 94,000 views...lol.
  5. Sounds like WinuaeX is quite popular, always loved the Amiga since i was a young(er) fella...lol
  6. Thanks for the nice feedback, much appreciated. Going to do a few skins for Xport emus as mentioned above, maybe nes' ZSnesX too (can't remember exact name...lol)
  7. Thanks XBOX. The MD 640 x 480 link had a glitch in it. Link above is updated now....
  8. Thanks for the compliment. No plans for a CoinOPS skin at this time. Maybe later on.... As for other skins I have released so far: Final Burn Legends Blue Fire Arcade Cab: 1080: http://www.mediafire.com/?ndtn2mejznb 1280 x 720: http://www.mediafire.com/?nh5yijvyrzl 640 x 480: http://www.mediafire.com/?zhm2zmzjf5z Final Burn Legends FIRE & STEEL (Red Flames) 1280 x 720: http://www.mediafire.com/?y0nyoimn2nw 640 x 480 DUAL SCREENS: http://www.mediafire.com/?hjgn4zknlmd 640 x 480 SINGLE SCREEN: http://www.mediafire.com/?m2oouzgznzi Final Burn (not FBL): 1280 x 720: http://www.mediafire.com/?2zdymzjajxt 640 x 480: http://www.mediafire.com/?mwzjkw5yl1i FBA Pro: 1280 x 720: http://www.mediafire.com/?toqqdndlkyj 640 x 480: http://www.mediafire.com/?mhk2mhlmyim Other skins In progress at the mo, WinuaeX, PCSXbox, GameBoy Advance. Maybe more...
  9. Here is my skin for this awesome emu, based around Sega characters. I have done separate skins for Mega Drive & Genesis, as I was sick of seeing "Genesis" on stuff when I was a PAL "MegaDrive" user. (HD & SD) Use the one that you prefer. HD (720) emuload screen mockup (Mega Drive version): HD (720) Main Menu mockup (Mega Drive version): HD (720) Gameselect mockup (Mega Drive version): One DUAL with Boxart example: (Other setups are included) HD (720) Main Menu mockup (Genesis version example): Included in the download is an "Extras" folder which contains a wide icon & a normal icon, I personally don't use these, but have provided them for those that do. When you load this skin from your Select skin menu, your "rom screen" screen may look all messy, if that is the case, go to "Configure Skin" on the Main menu, then select a config that you want through the "Load Skin Configuration" option (previews provided). That will sort any issues out. Several configs are provided, depending on how you like your setup to look. I also created new BG's for the Xtras help file screens, to match my skin. Thanks to Madmab for updating this great emu, & the Xtras team. Download links: ============ HD (720) Mega Drive: http://www.mediafire.com/?nyitt2zyzmm HD (720) Genesis: http://www.mediafire.com/?5muny2zrzmm SD (640 x 480) Mega Drive: http://www.mediafire.com/?yzyyuwqlmfw Fixed Link SD (640 x 480) Genesis: http://www.mediafire.com/?mwj2zmtzndn Hope you like it. Now, back to finishing those WinuaeX & PCSXbox skins....
  10. That initial loading time (1st time only) that takes about 8-10 mins or so, is when the scenes all get parsed together, so that subsequent plays will play fluidly without having to load that up again. After that I find the emu generally loads in about 40 seconds or so (some are quicker). Really is incredible they put this out in the 80's, back then it was mind blowing compared to other games of the era... Definetly worth checking out.
  11. DaphneX is great, especially like rx said, Dragons 1, 2 & Space Ace. Pity the emu was never fully fixed so Cobra Command can be played without having to clear your cache out everytime you load it.
  12. I also noticed this the other day, had to laugh really. BP quote from above: "I dont look at stats or stars here as much as overal from the big download sites " This is a joke isn't it? You thrive on figures/numbers/downloads....almost every post you make has a reference to statistics.
  13. Watch out here Ice-Man/cbagy, you'll give him/her the attention he/she is so desperately looking for...
  14. Haven't tried those games myself, maybe they were never playable to begin with..? You never know about more stuff being playable in the future though...
  15. Well said. Status-X likes to preserve stuff like this, not delete it.
  16. Sure does.....
  17. Hell yeah, definetly the one to use for CPS1,CPS2, Neo Geo, plus the Sega games you mentioned (& others). That, and it has an awesome GUI that can be easily reskinned to suit your own particular tastes... Also lets you play games full speed with filters on (even with 1080, a few games don't, not many!)
  18. Haven't used XXX-pro for awhile now, as I mainly use Final Burn Legends ( ) , so can't say. Whats wrong with using FBL for that game..?
  19. Thats good to know about mameox128, regarding Lightguns cba.gy. I was wanting to get one of those ones you recommended me...nice. Not much hope of getting that lightgun support in CoinOPS, as we all know...good old mameox128!
  20. NEIL222


    How do you know? Assuming you're planning to release your sources I may have a go one day. Thats sounds great +T+....
  21. NEIL222


    'CoinOPS Pro' anyone??? That sounds good....Coinops PRO...then we can have another coinops thread!
  22. Biased admin goes a long way....
  23. Getting tea-bagged......LOL. pretty funny.
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