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Everything posted by NEIL222

  1. Very nice work there Frank
  2. White background is actually the easiest to deal with when using photoshop to extract them from the background. Thanks for the link.
  3. Thanks for the coments everyone, been wanting to convert this for awhile now. Pretty happy with how it turned it out. Can now convert some of the other skins I'm working on too.
  4. After finally getting an HD TV, I had to re-jig my 640 x 480 skin for my new setup, so this is the HD 1080 & 720 versions of my Blue Fire Arcade Cab skin for Final Burn Legends. It supports a single video or screenshot preview, video will take precedence if you have both on your HDD. Looks better with videos anyway... Just drop this folder into your skins folder & select through the GUI, its all good to go. I have it setup with Bilinear filtering & Superscale2X, as that looked the best, imo. Now I know what nes6502 meant by 1080 with filters at full speed is awesome.. Hope you like it. HD Splashscreen mockup: HD Main menu mockup: HD Rombrowser mockup: 1080 version download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?ndtn2mejznb 720 version download link: http://www.mediafire.com/?nh5yijvyrzl To keep all the download links together, here is the 640 x 480 link also 640 x 480 SD version skin: http://www.mediafire.com/?zhm2zmzjf5z
  5. quality is awesome.
  6. OpenBOR v3.0 will be done on Xbox when The Dreamcast & Wii ports are finished. Streets of Rage remake is a possibility on Xbox, just not a guarantee at this point in time. Is OPENBor 3.0 confirmed on Xbox?? I hadn't heard anything about it. From information I have read over at lavalit the port is still is going ahead once those other 2 ports are finished. Should be really good too... The Shiva & Lisa 3 mod looks great, Shiva & Lisa 2 works fine now though, so do many more mods from there. Can't wait for Streets of Rage XXX to be playable...
  7. OpenBOR v3.0 will be done on Xbox when The Dreamcast & Wii ports are finished. Streets of Rage remake is a possibility on Xbox, just not a guarantee at this point in time.
  8. Didn't realise this. That game rocks along with Redneck Rampage...
  9. Updated DaphneX
  10. Use the speed up cpu feature in FBL to get rid of slowdown in-game, its in the options.
  11. I had a quick skim over those posts you link to (couldn't be arsed reading through all your blurb again really) & couldn't see where cbagy said that. Even so, you contradict yourself in that very post..."cba told me not to release the latest showcase" in one sentence, then "ill go forward with or with you guys its allways been that way and allways will be...." in another sentence. Really....this stuff is getting old now bp. Time to grow up, onwards & upwards as they say.
  12. lol. Same old stuff again....use both emus for different games, then you get the best of both worlds. FBL has the best CPS1, CPS2, Neo Geo emulation accuracy.
  13. As Ice-man said, rotating your analog thumb-sticks in a circle will correct any drift. I do this every time I power on my Xbox
  14. DVD-R, burnt at x4 speed or slower.
  15. You have taught him well mate. Good stuff.
  16. Arcade wheels really are the business...I still play Daytona on my Dreamcast with the Ferrari steering wheel. Awesome stuff. Just like the arcade.
  17. I'll have to look into getting one of those EMS guns, as they sound pretty good. Only have a lightgun for Dreamcast at present (Mad Catz) which is great for House of The Dead 2.
  18. Would you like me to drive to Napier to come & see you? Face to face....
  19. Yeah, you're a real supposed tough guy...woo hoo. High opinion you have of yourself. We can all concoct stories... Do you know the background of other people on here? No. Do we all spout off about ourselves? No. There is a difference between attacking someone on the forums & attacking people about children...do you have kids? I very much doubt it. If you did, you wouldn't be laughing as you typed it! Sicko. If your not proud of your so called history, don't say anything about it then! Do you realise people give bp a hard time because of how he used to treat people who would come along with questions that seemed innocent to them, only to be rudely shot down without answering their questions? Gillies asked a question about skining CoinOPS awhile back, very nicely too. Bp decided to give him the arrogant shoulder and not really help him out at all, from memory even mentioning the word newbie.(from memory, my years of drug abuse have faded my memory...lol) Thats nice isn't it? People wanting to produce other skins for the emu, & getting shot down in the process... This is just one example of why this happens. I have mentioned before that I use CoinOPS & like it, its just his attitude that pisses me off.
  20. Attacking each other on the forums is one thing, saying something about a forum members child is a totally different kettle of fish.... even if it was edited out. That shit is in the same boat as paedophillia, disgusting.
  21. Hey Rx, Just tried those non-working games for you. I had exactly the same results as you. Maybe those games don't work (even on PC maybe, I don't use emulation on PC so I can't check). My Metal Slug 5 parent works fine for me though.
  22. I'll try and find some time tonight Rx to have a look at some of those for you. Really is good having that list, very nice.
  23. Ok, this really is ridiculous. I didn't hint at anything, I stated that I presumed the "bonus" that was being mentioned in the thread was the Final Burn core... which you denied, so thats that, sorted. Move on... "Proof of Final Burn running in CoinOPS".... that would be the post you made showing pictures of the Final Burn games in the emu rom-list....remember? Or has that post been edited already? It makes me laugh that you place such high values on thread numbers, I couldn't care less what numbers my threads are at...unlike you, who happens to mention it constantly. as mentioned by you above. "Stay in my threads".... I can post where I like, thank you very much. Again, you mentioned the thread count at the bottom of your post... Who really cares except you? To sum it up, I use CoinOPS & like it. I have no qualms about saying that. (Not for FBL/Final Burn games though ) The only problem I have is with your attitude, which bugged me a few years ago, when you were being very rude to people asking innocent questions & such, myself included. I can't be bothered with this stuff anymore really, as it just keeps going round in circles, over & over. Almost reminds me of arguing with a woman..... Take care.
  24. Twisting the truth again there I see.... To clear up any mis-understanding here, I do not do anything with CoinOPS except play games in it (not Final Burn games btw, I use nes' superior FBL/Final Burn for that). So to say I am helping people out here is a plain lie. I would never help you out.... People already know the truth anyway really, as reading all your previous posts would explain this. That's if you haven't gone back & edited your posts already, like you normally do...lol. In any future replies, I'll quote you on everything, so this won't be the case! Anyway, I suppose this won't be the end of it, as I know how much you love the attention this stuff generates for your threads! Happy attention seeking.
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