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Everything posted by NEIL222

  1. Wrong about the Final Burn core being the bonus?"...Thats cool then, no ego here...lol. Hint? What are you on about? As usual, you are very hard to understand... I really don't like conversing to you via posts, as you have a tendency to bend facts. I was merely pointing out that I found the skins for Final Burn in the "skins" folder of Coinops, seemed strange to me, especially after you said it wasn't going to be used. Thats all. No need to try and twist things here...lol
  2. Looking at how the "skins" folder contains an "arcade" folder with the Final Burn rombrowser in it (& options screen) I'm presuming you have the Final Burn core as an added "bonus"....
  3. Looks nice there OOKAMI, good work!
  4. Could be mate.....
  5. Saw him post over at S-X the other day...
  6. Very nice Frank.
  7. Not for browsing through the romlist and seeing them "on the fly" (as with screenshots or videos), as far as i know. They could be added to the rombrowser background picture though, but it would mean just one at a time (or a couple etc) for each rombrowser background that you use. How's your UnleashX skin going OOKAMI?
  8. Yeah I hear what you're saying mate.....lol
  9. Nes said that over at X-B scene last week. Pity really.
  10. That and a randomly rotating rombrowser background screen would be great. Just a pity there won't be any more updates to FBL....
  11. Yeah, it is a good idea Ice-Man. Don't think it works though with marquees etc...
  12. All good OOKAMI, that pic was good as it was about 900k in size.
  13. Oh, I think I see what you mean now, you want to do your own project with a cabinet pic? Here is the link to the pic I used for my skin. Note that I used Photoshop to tidy up the pic though, as it was an old arcade machine, but I did a virtual makeover...lol. http://z.about.com/d/classicgames/1/0/1/-/-/-/MagicSword.jpg
  14. I was under the impression that marquee & flyers were only for looking at through the menu system, not as each game gets highlighted... Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  15. @OOKAMI: Which arcade pic do you mean? The characters standing, or screenshot? I could change the pulsing logo to a flyer, but which one? There are so many flyers to pick from....
  16. I'll second that...lol.
  17. I could pump one out for HD... Looking at working on something else at the mo though
  18. An interface similar to FBA-XXX would be a good idea regarding "pages" of systems. Ice-Man had a good question there though, does your add-on "cores" improve on the Xport originals in any way?
  19. Who said anything about not having a visual representation? A screenshot or video preview is good enough for me. That combined with an ability to produce my own skins if needed.
  20. Exactly. Everyone has different tastes in what they want/like. Not everyone will be using RessurectionXtras, so those people (myself included) will opt for other methods. No disrespect to anyone here, just the way things work... No need for anyone to get hot under the collar.
  21. Nice. Keep up the good work mate.
  22. That's strange... Works fine under FBL 1.1. In which resolution do you play? The game boot or it's while loading? I'm still using FBL v1.2, and it plays great in that. I turn the CPU speed to 200% in the options menu too.
  23. maybe its been optimised too much..?
  24. Nice work mate.
  25. Thanks for the comments everyone. @ sbpaabck: Yeah, my skins are all setup good to go, you don't have to rename anything. Just drop it in your skin folder & select through the GUI.
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