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Everything posted by NEIL222

  1. The newer unibios would be nice... Awesome emu though, can't say that enough.
  2. Wow, I thought this was a thread about Final Burn Legends, not CoinOPS....
  3. Thanks for the reply nes, no big deal really was just wondering.
  4. Quick question. For the game screen sizing (in-game), does every game have to be adjusted to fit the screen individually? Or can I set it once for al games? I looked, but can only see it works on an individual basis.
  5. I was using the ini file in one of the folders (can't remember which folder, at work at the mo) to see what games are supported, big list though.
  6. Powerdrift, Galaxy force 2, Turbo Outrun, Thunderblade etc...(most of the ones in Final burn, first release) As well as playing CPS2 stuff much smoother, imho.
  7. Only a small kiss? Fucking awesome emu for sure...incredible options too!
  8. As iq_132 said, no. BUT, it runs games CoinOPS doesn't run though....
  9. Good stuff nes, thank you very muchly.
  10. You can always use the Nintendo 64 version through Surreal...it plays okay.
  11. All good nes, when you're ready.
  12. lol.
  13. .......lol.
  14. I thought that was another string to your bow of many talents there cbagy... lol.
  15. nes has previously said Final Burn v1.1 will become obsolete once Legends comes out.
  16. That, and nes' history of releasing on xbins, then you find your own roms. Good to hear about the release date nes.
  17. aahhh...Roll on Legends. Cool stuff nes.
  18. Free T-shirt?
  19. Yeah, I think there will be a good selection of skins as well. Roll on Legends...
  20. Sweet bro, thanks for the update.
  21. Any more updates on the ETA of the SD version cbagy?
  22. That would be nice, +1
  23. Don't think that will be a problem nes Big anticipation about your project.
  24. Cool, thanks for the update nes. Sounds awesome.
  25. Elevator Action Returns in Taito Legends 2 compilation, Squash in CoinOPS.
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