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rakan boiboik

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Everything posted by rakan boiboik

  1. I have a problem when i try compilate FBAxxx Pro. When i launch the option "build solution" under Visual Studio.net, he returned to me the following error message: "error PRJ0019: a tool returned an error code from performing custom build step". and the compilation stopped... PS: i think my configuration is ok because i can compile Bendermameox on the same PC. Edit: sorry for my horrible english...
  2. will the 1.29 version be release a day?
  3. Any news of the 1.29 version?
  4. Thanks for this answer +T+!
  5. try overclock the CPU in the "in game menu", it will be faster. I have one question: i don't have the original Metal Slug, and i want to know if FBA-xxx Pro runs the Metal Slug at the same speed as the original games (sorry for my horrible english guys).
  6. Metal Slug 3 and X...
  7. Yes, everybody have this problem.
  8. Ok Djohng, thanks for the info!
  9. So you're right Robert, there's only 754 drivers in driver section, i bumped it to 755. The positive point is i had no compilation errors, i obtained my default.xbe and Mameox.xbe, but the 3 Tatsumi games are invisible on my Xbox... Edit: ok i think it's to difficult to do this and i've not the level . I give up!
  10. Thanks Robert for this quick answer. I forgot say that in the XbesectionUtil there's this line: #define NUM_DRIVERSECTIONS 754 So i can't understand why there is 754 driver sections, because the last driver have number"851", and a bit of drivers have the same number Have a nice day
  11. Hello everybody, At first time i have to say i am french, so i'll do my best to speak properly Here is my problem: i started 1 month ago to compile Bendermameox: first i added some clones and neogeo games successfully, all works well. However, i tried to add Tatsumi games( Round up 5, Apache 3 and Cycle warriors) but there's something i don't understand: in XbesectionUtil.cpp, all the mame driver have a number. The last number is for Crystal system( 851 ), so i take the number "852" for the Tatsumi games. in my file Tatsumi.c i added this on top of the file: #pragma code_seg("C852") #pragma data_seg("D852") #pragma bss_seg("B852") #pragma const_seg("K852") #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:D852=852") #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:C852=852") #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:B852=852") #pragma comment(linker, "/merge:K852=852") and at the end of the file: #pragma code_seg() #pragma data_seg() #pragma bss_seg() #pragma const_seg() but the problem is each time i edit XbesectionUtil.cpp by added this line: REGISTER_DRIVERSECTION( "tatsumi.c", "852" ), i have an error at the end of compilation which is: "too many initializers in XbesectionUtil.cpp." Well, somebody could explain to me how add a driver section in XbesectionUtil, because i can't understand how it works. I hope you will give me an answer and have a nice day.
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