Currently there's nothing of that sort - only the EZ 3 in 1 has the RAM pak right now, and the only other card with rumble is the Supercard Rumble series, which don't play GBA games. I'm not aware of any other devices that have all three bundled in but have heard that one of EZ's competitors may bring out a device similar to the EZ 3 in 1. I'm not going to say who.. I'm just saying its a rumor.. whether its true or not.. only time will tell I so hope it's true... and that it works with the R4... The EZ 3 in 1 works with the R4 though.. so far they've got a patch for the Opera browser to use the RAM and there's a program to manage the GBA portion as well. The only thing left to cover is Rumble, and so far its on a game-by-game basis but there's a program in development to take care of that. There's a work around to get it to work on all games that support rumble as well.. however I haven't tested it myself so I can't say for sure that it works properly. Hopefully they do release an alternate to the EZ 3 in 1.. who knows though