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Everything posted by sammaz

  1. go to settings menu in mameox turn on\off : aspect ratio correction and\or in settings menu , rotate screen 90 degrees and turn your TV on its side
  2. the DCS hack i almost forgot!!!! that would rox so many midway games btw DHJOHNG....nice FBAxxx!!!! its going to be my official cab emu...but now i am clrmaming all banned sets to your dats....can you get all the kof2003's or kof2004EX hack working?
  3. should i use the ips patch on the regular official 9-01-04 default.xbe? or mamesets default.xbe from 9-01-04? got a link to a good ips patcher?
  4. thanx djohng....im going to try it on my cab and ill report asap.... your awesome for taking on the mameox update....try not to change much in the UI as i think its complex...but if you can add a 2nd screenshots folder thats all i could ask for.... thanx
  5. well...i am thinking that this will be the last big effort to get ki2 running faster....i have to accept now that ki2 just wont be playable.... but i heard some good news today about the zinc 1.0 emulator release...apparently there will be a 1.0 release this week and sources will be included...so maybe we can get this source and maybe see zinc emu on xbox the final gamelist is here --> http://www.arcadeathome.com/forums/viewthread.php?tid=41183
  6. i have kof2004EX hero is that the same? i think mine is a hack of kof2003
  7. thanx for detailing the problem..... if this can be resolved that would be awesome
  8. THANX djohng!!!!!
  9. some stuff to look at --> i want em all Removed please step away from the cabs...there is nothing to see here i would do up the KI2 cab real nice Please stay with the topic of this thread !
  10. lol...i saw JAMES and "new post" i was excited till i clicked...
  11. can we put this thread on hold untill someone finds the proper m1 and does a scrn shot? makes it easy to keep track
  12. sorry ididnt mean for it to be a flame against you...i didnt know you have a xbox-cade...thats a different story me too but when i tried 9-01-04 against 8-02-04 (for banned roms only) it just wansnt the same... but all psikyo\cps2\cps1 stuff is PERFECT in 9-01-04 and in your build im sure... why do we care so much about these roms...? cause you always want what you cant have.... lol
  13. bad idea to use the 9-02-04 as your compile...the sound is whacked....try svc chaos...the sound is 1 sec behind the action...happens on all banned roms sounds...crackly and broken...please consider using 8-02-04 sources...they are the correct set its a shame to see that you have already put so much time in on this compile...sorry
  14. cool looks like we are just waiting on someone to make a "vliner.exe" for the 272-m1.bin that is 512k like the one in my last pic cause my 272-v1d roms are good
  15. i got vliner.exe to work properly on my encrypted real v roms set...and i have a new m1d decrypted...James can you verify this is the set you got too...and look at the m1d roms and tell me which is real...thanx http://img37.exs.cx/img37/7591/decrypted.jpg
  16. i got the final v and m roms for ss5snd.zip... i have them---> http://img9.exs.cx/img9/2517/mandvroms.jpg pm me if you want em going fast
  17. i have them---> http://img9.exs.cx/img9/2517/mandvroms.jpg pm me if you want em going fast
  18. WinKawaks 1.48b / dev Matrimelee [ Bootleg ] well not a new game but a new dump.... Bootleg
  19. here is a tool that de crypts the 272-v1d.bin roms http://hargisjerry.tripod.com/vconv.zip (just "save link target as..." )
  20. i was refering to the lag in sound on most neogeo games in the new "unleashed" version gogo released last night...ss5snd.zip i know is messed cause of the v roms
  21. i got ss5snd.zip working fine...just do "copy /b 272-v1d.bin+272.v2d.bin....+272-v4d.bin 272-v1d.bin" it will be 16 megs then do same thing to the 124k 272-m1d.bin just add it up 4 times and it will be the 512k 272-m1d.bin that fbaxxx wants sound still blows in this new build i hope gogo knows
  22. can some :blah...i cant get mine in order thanx ahead of time no rom requests on the forum, pm the person
  23. man...the sound in this version is like 1 second behind the action....this sux try svcchaos.....sound lags bad
  24. excellent...!!!!
  25. hey zero you have to use the new skins setup...get the 9-01-04 version and use the skins from that version in the new fbaxxxspec we just got....its a skinning problem what is the proper samsho5sp.zip filename...cause samsho5sp.zip aint showing up thanx alex for the PM
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