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Everything posted by sammaz

  1. I would like to know as well!
  2. oh i thought they were executed by the xbox360 and read remotely
  3. Soon we will find out what kinda bawls this new console really has --->Homebrew run! HOMEBREW RUNNING ON XBOX360
  4. Trying to get as many eyes on my auction as possible... AUCTION LINK FOR NEOCANDY 29 Just wanted to show off my babies...(when you live in a quake zone you keep your cabs locked down) Big Red - NEOGEO MVS-2 original contains : Xbox and Ps2 on a switchbox inside the coindoor. when plugged in the xbox auto-powers on and boots a dash in about 3 seconds! The ps2 has an 80gig hdd and i leave the hdd loader dvd-r inside the machine all the time...so you can switch the switchbox and press power on the ps2 and your playing tekken 4,5,soul calibur 3 in about 30 seconds. NeoCandy 29` Vertical cab EBAY AUCTION GOING ON NOW!!! click HERE contains : Shuttle SB61G2 p4-2.8 512MB 3200 RAM 80G SATA AVGA(latest model) J-pac(latest model) and auto-powers on and boots XP (with no xp-traces visible) to verticaal mamewah. but before doing that I have scripts that do the folowing... 1. rotate screen 90degrees left 2. run ppjoykey (for pc games) 3. run mamewah while in mamewah..you press the game selection button and the following scripts run... 1. rotate screen 180degrees 2. load mamewah2 mamewah2 is a launcher for the PC versions of Shikigami I, II. Pressing the game selection button from this Mamewah2 loads the original mamewah...so its a nice loop :cool: the videos are finaly up... [Edited on 11-26-2005 by sammaz]
  5. Everyone that I know that got a xbox360 is returning it. 4 xbox360's between everyone I know. All bad. Mine was going to go inside my arcade machine when DOA4 comes out but it frooze the 1st time I turned it on. I have been posting like mad on lotsa sites.
  6. my neogeo MVS-2 upright sticks are the original bat style 1991 set and amazingly they are in perfect shape...i think sometimes you just get a good set and sometimes you get a lemon. I woulod love to have a six button fold down control panel that i could swap out for the original neogeo 4 button setup for capcom fighters...
  7. Best build ever. Thanks so much HK...For my arcade machine taking soften\flicker off in menus made everything perfectly clear...can you add a simple mp3 player that just plays a /mp3 folder while in menus? doesnt have to be anything special. (I know ive seen an open sourced xbox mp3 player...) Thank you !! Oh what the hell why dont you just add video previews like mamewah!!!! (I know ive seen an open source.avi player...) While im in the asking mood
  8. flicker and soften off in menu makes the games so easy to read!
  9. some nice updates from HK What's new: ver 20051002: 1. Added Jaleco Rock'n series (rockn1 / rockn2 / rockn3 / rockn4 / rocknms) 2. Fixed player number always 4 in the MAMEoX launcher 3. Change to 3 aspect ratio mode, added stretch display mode for the ppl who dont like the correct aspect ratio(ex. 384x224 for cps games) but the 4:3 full screen. 4. Added SoftDisplayFilter and FlickerFilter code in MAMEoX launcher (the flicker filter and soften settings in the option now affect the launcher too) 5. Changed scancount in CPS2 drivers (this fix the felicia icon flicker problem in Darkstalkers) 6. Updated ddenlovr.c (added mjreach1/mjchuuka/hkagerou/rongrngg/animaljr, and hanakanz playable now, for some reason mjchuuka works but only sound no graphic) 7. Added regenerate driver list option in the start menu (disable VSYNC before regenerate driver list, or the regenerating will be really slow) 8. Added xbox led color option 9. Added new option page(misc options, right now there is only one option on this page: led color) 10.Added 6 new IGS games supported in MAME0.97u7 (lhb / chindrag / chugokur / chmplst2 / xymg / grtwall) 11.Added Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2 and TGM2+ 12.Cleaned code and some other changes NOTE: This is still a wip version, so there may be bugs. Delete your MAMEoX save at msdash (or use the regenerate driver list option in the start menu) *AND* the cfg directory in MAMEoX folder(no need to do this if you already did this when updating to ver.20050726) before you install this version!
  10. More interesting like Taito G-net emulation!!! Shikigami and XII Stag!!!
  11. I cant wait to see Gogo's next build. but +T+ what are your thoughts on adding the following... - video preview support - simple mp3 music in menu (from /mp3 folder) - seperate config menu for menu control buttons only (so you could lock down the Menu...not allowing certain buttons to be pressed) like disableing X so the config couldnt be touched.. --basically you would just copy the controls menu that is there now but have it just affect the controls while in menu-- These enhancements would be sweet.
  12. no way i say give us the BADDest ass hardware you can (cost unimportant) and make it a big deal when 1 game comes out...thats how it used to be...read (NES Nintendo Power issue 1)...you could focus on each release and make it way more intriguing
  13. your the best Gogo! 08_02_05 FBAxx is still the best!
  14. Maybe gogo can use this somehow to get KI : 2 working better
  15. Developers of SxB linux distro for xbox have achieved full hardware acceleration from the unique Nvidia xbox Gpu!!!! What this means is that mamedox and especially FBAxxx can now take a huge leap forward in terms of performance. There is no reason now that games like Guwangerun, Gigawing, and Tengai shouldnt run at full speed. hell, now someone could even make specific xbox emulators for mame roms like R_belmont has done with his system 22 emu...the future of xbox emulation has been given a huge present from these linux geniuses.. Thanks link http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.p...lease_id=362187
  16. well you got a lifer here...I think that most people stick to the site that tought them everything...for me the xbox section was a great hub for word on kawa-x hacks...then with Bpairs and Tmaul (godfather of "Flicker Filter : 0" ) were available here.... Since I came here I got 2 cabs : 25in Neogeo MVS-2 BigRed 29in Neocandy 29 rotated Vert for shooters Thanks to 1emu they both have bullet proof frontends that will only get better!
  17. next up will be the toaster and coffemaker, and refrigerator trojans...
  18. Open the source code and watch this project come together faster than ever!
  19. I just got Shikigami 1,2 for PC! I found out they released it about a year ago but even the best video game importers could not get it for me so i had to resort to old P2p tactics... Let me tell you, if you have a vertical mame cab like mine (29`in vertically mounted Neocandy) with p4-2.8 512mb you neeeeeed this! http://hardmvs.com/xml/jpn/NeoCandy25/NeoCandy25b.jpg this is a link to a japanese site where you can d\l the full version for a bunch of Yen http://www.sourcenext.com/products/shikigami_2/ It is a PERFECT arcade port just set to free play...you guys wouldnt believe how crisp it looks in 480x640! It also conforms perfectly to the jamma standard 3-button setup been playing for 2 hours and cant get past level 3-1 most amazing game ever!
  20. wow...there is only one vertical shooter on ST-V hardware but it runs way better after.99u8 update!!!
  21. Pebble Beach - The Great Shot...Mame finally gets a good 3d golf game!!!
  22. .99u8 ------ MAMETesters Bugs Fixed ---------------------- demonwld37b5gre [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] batrider099u1gra [Mamesick] Source Changes -------------- Added save/restore of tilemap parameters. [Aaron Giles] Improvements to the ST-V driver: [Mariusz Wojcieszek] * dma: added another checking for dma parameters * stv: changed v-blank timing * vdp1: implemented two framebuffers and flipping * vdp1: added manual changing and erasing of framebuffers * vdp1: added manual trigger for drawing * vdp1: mapped framebuffer into memory (for 16bpp only) * vdp1: added shadow and half luminance for RGB sprites * vdp2: fixed bitmaps scrolling (fixes bad gfx in batmanfr and bakubaku intro) * vdp2: added preliminary window effect for tilemaps and sprite layer (for batmanfr) * vdp2: added scaling for 8bpp and 15bpp bitmaps (fixes vmahjong and myfairld backgrounds) Fixed sprite-sprite priorities in toaplan1 games. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Fixed background color in Jolly Jogger. [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] Made input port conditionals work more generically. This necessitated a bit of a minor reorg in the input port code. Please verify that controls work as before. This change has also required a modification to how analog ports are recorded, so existing INPs may not work. [Aaron Giles] Minor tweak to fix Time Crisis crash. [Phil Stroffolino] Fixed spurious vectors in Top Gunner. [Mathis Rosenhauer] Added new functions memory_configure_bank() and memory_set_bank() which abstract bankswitching better. This allows current memory banking states to automatically be saved for drivers that use this feature. m62.c games have been updated to use this new feature as an example. [Aaron Giles] New games added or promoted from NOT_WORKING status --------------------------------------------------- World Trophy Soccer (Arcadia) [Mariusz Wojcieszek] Funky Head Boxers [Mariusz Wojcieszek] Pebble Beach - The Great Shot [Mariusz Wojcieszek] Air Rescue [Anonymous] Cuore Uno (Italia) [Roberto Fresca] Elephant Family (Italia) [Roberto Fresca] Royal Card (Austria) [Roberto Fresca] New clones added ---------------- 1000 Miglia: Great 1000 Miles Rally (94/06/13) [Corrado Tomaselli] Frogger (Falcon bootleg) [Pierpaolo Prazzoli] New games marked as GAME_NOT_WORKING ------------------------------------ Cookie and Bibi 3 [David Haywood] Soccer Superstar ver EAA [Corrado Tomaselli]
  23. 08.02 is the BEST i have gone back and dont some comparisons...new one sux
  24. I just want some input...The job is about 10% scripting and im sure Ill get better at it but I just need a headstart and dont want to get this wrong...Once im in im in! Thanks anyone who can help
  25. Sony sent me this test for a job interview and I need a little help...This would be huge for me if anyone can scratch out a quick script to do these simple things. QUESTION_2 : Basic UNIX commands ----------------------------------- At Sony we often use a command-line tool named "itstat" which will display the resolution of an image file and some other lines of information. It accepts a list of image files as arguments (i.e., "itstat FILE1 FILE2..."), and its output looks like this: File: pet_mocap_comp_v1_tvfa_vd8.1713.jpg Resolution: 720 x 547 Channels: 3 Channel Types: RGB without Alpha Bit Depth: 8 You are in a directory with 50 randomly named and sized images, and you want to know quickly the resolution of each file. Write a script called `JasonGilbert_getres' that takes no arguments and uses itstat to print the filename and resolution of each file in the current working directory in the following format: g50_comp_v6_2kfa_lg10.0310.rla: 2048 x 1556 g50_comp_v6_2kfa_lg10.0610.rla: 2048 x 1556 g50_comp_v6_2kfa_lg10.0710.rla: 2048 x 1556 Please name the attachment for question 2 results: JasonGilbert_getres Then, describe how you would use this script to send a list of files matching the resolution 2048x1556 to a text file named `/tmp/2klist'. Please name the attachment for this description: JasonGilbert_getres_usage ----------------------------- QUESTION_3 : Scripting skills ----------------------------- You've just loaded a CD's worth of reference images from an outside company. The images follow a naming scheme such as DSCN-1.JPG, DSCN-2.JPG... DSCN-10.JPG, although the frame numbers may be noncontiguous (i.e., there may be gaps between numbers). Although the frames were stored in separate directories on the CD-ROM from which they were loaded, all of the frames have now been placed into this directory: /shots/spi/home/pix/out/home_test_v1/misc_bg8 The structure of the directory you've loaded them into is this: /shots/$SHOWNAME/$SHOTNAME/pix/out/$ELEMENTNAME/$RESOLUTION_$COLORSPACE Your task is to rename the frames in accordance with SPI standard naming conventions. These include: 1. No capital letters in the filenames 2. No dashes allowed in the filenames 3. The images should be re-numbered so that they are a contiguous sequence (i.e. no gaps) 4. Frame numbers need to be padded to four-digits. ie, "1" becomes "0001" This is denoted by the symbol # so a range of 1-240 would read 1-240#. 5. The frames should be renamed to match the directory in which they are placed in the following manner: $ELEMENTNAME_$RESOLUTION_$COLORSPACE.#.$EXTENSION So, in other words, each frame should become: /shots/spi/home/pix/out/home_test_v1/misc_bg8/home_test_v1_misc_bg8.0001.jpg /shots/spi/home/pix/out/home_test_v1/misc_bg8/home_test_v1_misc_bg8.0002.jpg /shots/spi/home/pix/out/home_test_v1/misc_bg8/home_test_v1_misc_bg8.0003.jpg ... /shots/spi/home/pix/out/home_test_v1/misc_bg8/home_test_v1_misc_bg8.0240.jpg However, the incoming frames are part of a series and must be kept in the exact same order as they were when loaded (i.e., the incoming frame with the lowest index will map to `home_test_v1_misc_bg8.0001.jpg', while the second lowest index will map to `home_test_v1_misc_bg8.0002.jpg', and so on). Hint: sorting by name is not enough! You have a limited time frame to rename these frames, as they are going to be sent overseas to another house before the end of their working day. You also have good reason to suspect that there will be many more requests just like this one. Write a script called `JasonGilbert_cd2spi' that takes a single argument which will be the directory containing the images described above. Use the current working directory if no argument is provided. Your script should then rename all of the images in that directory to match SPI naming conventions. Sample usage: $ JasonGilbert_cd2spi /shots/spi/home/pix/out/home_test_v1/misc_bg8 DIRECTIONS FOR SCRIPTING PARTS OF #2 AND #3 - You will have access to the standard Unix toolset (grep, sort, wc, etc.). - You may submit your solution in any of the following standard Unix scripting languages (or a combination). The first line of your script must include a "shebang" line pointing to the appropriate executable (e.g., `#!/bin/sh'). - sh or bash v2 - csh or tcsh v6 - ksh v5 - perl v5 - python v2.3 - sed v3 - GNU awk v3 - Your script will be executed on a Red Hat Linux machine. Please try to minimize unnecessary portability problems. You can find free linux shell accounts on the Internet if you don't have access to one: http://www.google.com/search?q=free+linux+shell+account - Syntax errors are unacceptable. Test all of your work. - Pay close attention to the input and output requirements stated below. Deviations from this spec will be penalized heavily. - Your coding style will also be under consideration. - Incomplete submissions will not be considered. If someone can help me with this they will be compensated greatly. Thank you,
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