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Everything posted by Hawq

  1. Try showing a bit more patience, bumping the thread within minutes if it isn't answered immediately is not good & will most likely annoy the staff a bit, likewise quoting the same thing wont help you get the answers any quicker either. Also making another thread asking for help wasn't needed when you could have just asked the other question in the first one.
  2. ready patched info.dat also a mirror of the PCB info's that got updated to .117u1 recently AGEMame .117u2 binary
  3. A Ghibli one for me, Laputa Castle in the Sky on its strange late 80's/early 90's tv screening over here in the UK, as it was made in 86 it was amazing that it was shown back then, took many years to be shown again though
  4. Yes I did, after it had pretty much flopped though so it was cheap from a market stall with about 5 or so games, something like £59 in total for it with the games so it wasn't too bad as it had Star wars Arcade & Doom plus a few other good uns
  5. 32Hp4, the info.dats the same just a mirror for neatness and is it just me or is the command.dat link on that page hidden? cant seem top find it
  6. Ignoring PC's & going straight for machines used primarily for gaming (OK so the PC is used for lots of gaming but its not really a console is it). All Pal unless otherwise stated or portable: Binatone TV Game (not sure which specific model it is, generic 6 game jobby) Master System (original type with Snail maze game built in) Megadrive (1st model) 32X Saturn Dreamcast (Asian no modem model) Nomad Nes Snes N64 (1 US, 2 Pal) Game Gear Gameboy Gameboy Pocket Gameboy Colour Gameboy Advance DS Gamecube Playstation (x3 all old type) PS2 PSP Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx mk2 C64GS Game.Com Xbox PC-Engine GT (forgot this one last night) Goldstar 3DO (spotted when digging around for something else the other day) If old computers from the 8 & 16bit days count as they were mainly game machines then I'll add them in as well but I'll leave off for now with them
  7. MAME Plus! 0.116u4a Mame32Hp4 .116u4 now that theres some source on the mame plus site
  8. Theres a few over at random select to take a look at
  9. Nice, I only got the regular health ones so far, time to update my cheat.dat
  10. mame Plus Plus # updated to mame plus .116u3 # Added region hack to CPS3 # Strange venture of ジョジョ of hiding character effective edition - to future heritage - addition... cps3.c ready patched info.dat AgeMame has had a new 116u3m.zip put out due to some problems with the old one, thats the version with the limited mame source included, so it may be usefull if anyones tried to compile it from that to know. Also Agemame binary
  11. Mame32b.116.3 AgeMame patches SDLMame .116u3
  12. Seems an appropriate enough location for this, the latest public beta form this cycle is out, news: »» Grab it here
  13. CPS3 Tile Compression Part 3 Sean’s Stage in SFIII New Generation uses a different compression scheme to the other games. For some reason, Capcom decided that one stage, in one game would use a different system. The Compression used on this level supports 8bpp tiles instead of 6, thus allowing for more colours, but a less efficient compression scheme. I’ve spent some time looking at this, and mostly figured out how it works. There are still a few problems, but I now have reocgnizable background tiles at least.
  14. Hmm maybe its just me, keep getting a bad file, no matter I'll just wait for u3 when it hits
  15. Damn .116u2 has seen more updates than some full Mame cycles I can remember with all the CPS3 stuff going on, the fast moving nature makes me almost glad the mame plus source downloads aint working right as no sooner would a version be compiled than it'd be out of date at this rate
  16. Ugh it seems to use some of the cartoon history with Quintessons where they shouldnt be but mention comic continuity with something from G2 as well? an interesting mix, not one that lasts for long though as the bit on the dinobots is pure cartoon version and then it swings back to the comics later. Thats gonna confuse the hell out of some people, especially as some of the events are from the British comic (OK so they did get reprinted in recent years in TPB's & Generations) & with some later Beast War era stuff mentioning characters from the Japanese versions its an interesting read but not for newcomers.
  17. Excellent news, nice to see a couple of clones in the list in this version as well I guess, JoJo(alt) & SFIIIa
  18. Mame Plus Mameinfo.dat v0.116u2 info.dat
  19. RC & cmp dats linked in this thread if you need to check yer sets
  20. Romcenter & ClrMamePro .dats for the ElSemi emu handy for checking yer games
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