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Everything posted by Hawq

  1. Not completely screwed as its still gonna be legal to own a copy, import time for this one then it seems and time to make a new slide card to boot it, may work out cheaper to import as well, if it does thats a nice two fingers to the BBFC decision aint it?
  2. I take it the only way to use this is if you know how to recompile MAME? Yah. It's not all that hard if you've got everything set up- the process is pretty thoroughly documented. Still I'm not gonna go and get all the tools all over again just for WIP stuff. The screenshots say enough. Now if it was a playable driver that was being added... that would be another story... Theres a couple of links here to a Mame32 with CPS3 stuff enabled, runs SF III quite nicely, though the colours are messed up of course, if you cant wait for some CPS3 action have at it chaps
  3. Theres a couple of links here to a Mame32 with CPS3 stuff enabled so you dont have to wait long, runs SF III quite nicely, though the colours are messed up of course
  4. Seems the source for the CPS3 stuff was made available & someone's compiled a Mame32 with the drivers in and stuck it up at the following links http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5TU9Y09K http://rapidshare.com/files/38289912/Mame3..._alpha.exe.html I haven't tried it so I don't know what its like, just saw it mentioned in the ElSemi WIP thread by [MaD] & figured it may be worth mentioning edit OK I've tried it now and considering the early status of the drivers the Streetfighter's run very well, JoJo seemed OK as well but I preffered trying the SF's
  5. Also got some colours working now news with shots and in sort of related news ElSemi's working on a CPS3 emulator, info here though it is in Spanish
  6. The u1's have started 0.116u1 Mame32b.116.1 MAME32XT 0.116u1 SDLMame .116u1
  7. Also updated are the mameinfo.dat which'll probably end up mirrored on my page later when the Mame Plus source downloads working but as its a full version its ready to go form the homepage anyway Mame Plus! Mame Plus Plus
  8. ^ That is the better way, mine was said before I got a screenpack installed for it, it works but isnt as nice as a screenpack
  9. AGEMame binary gotta love how fast this one compiles, hardly any waiting at all
  10. 32HP4 now updated as well, failed to notice a new font download yesterday when I first tried it, Doh!
  11. The agemame source patch downloads aint working right atm, the links on the homepage are bust ending in,zip & the zips themselves are empty, I mentioned it on the agemame forum so hopefully it'll be sorted fairly soon and a binary can emerge. A bit more on topic Mame History.dat 1.15 its been a while since we last saw an update of this one
  12. A few more: SDLMame Mame Plus! Mame Plus Plus Mameinfo.dat ready from the box Info.dat
  13. You want to go to the 'DirectX mode' bit and alter that, the options it lists are windowed or overlay for running in a window
  14. The bit you wants in the mugen.cfg, just open that up look for the screen size bit and follow the instructions in it to select what you want
  15. Edit the system.def in the data folder and change rows = 2 columns = 5 to whatever you want to get more slots for your characters, assuming you are using the no limit version of course
  16. I know that feeling, AGEMame binary & 32Hp4 are up now as well
  17. Also updated Mame Plus! Mame Plus! Plus! SDLMAME 0.115u2 Mame info.dat & of course the ready to go from the box infodat
  18. Well my GFX bits gonna imporve, when I get round to installing it, just got an agp x1950gt, cant afford to build a new system so its eke out what I can from this ancient beast
  19. Lucky you that stuff never worked on me, remain a constant 1-2 on that scale rising to 3-4 at happy times
  20. By this point I'm not sure even the authors understand it, Surreal was bad enough but whats next? Boy? than maybe Dog?
  21. They may have done, I've tried to block that stage from my memory as much as possible
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