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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. So, me and some friends have started up a youtube channel gonna be posting some walkthroughs of newer games and we'll eventually get to some older games. I'd be awesome if you guys could come over rate, subscribe and comment Here's a video I made of me playing ModernWarfare 2. Not the best match in the world but still pretty decent Let me know what you guys think.
  2. There's a petition going around trying to get them to give us dedicated servers back but it's not working even with like 120,000+ signatures. Everyone hates how their trying to change pc gaming so do I but who knows their matchmaking might be good on PC.
  3. The upcoming Resident Evil Marathon starts October 30th at 6:00PM and will run for 48 hours. TheSpeedGamers have been streaming video game marathons for over a year to raise money for various charities. In total they have raised over $90,000 dollars and played 13 marathons. They have raised over $50,000 in a single marathon, and have made multiple news appearances. This marathon will be for Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation. This charity's mission is to "help find the cure for diabetes and until that goal is achieved, to provide the care needed to combat the detrimental and life-threatening complications of this terrible disease." During the marathon we will promoting good health habits for the trick-or-treaters. We will also have a "Pumpkin Cam", Costume contest, and much more. They've got some big news, and will have prizes to be won. http://www.thespeedgamers.com I'm SnowPin over there. ~ The marathon is now over.
  4. Well, I don't know exactly what they plan on doing but They were talking about it before I think it's not gonna be a playthrough of it but Just maybe a dungeon or two or something like that.
  5. Chocobo Holding TSG's Logo TheSpeedGamers have been streaming video game marathons for over a year to raise money for various charities. In total they have raised over $32,000 dollars and played 11 marathons. This marathon will be for ACT Today, whom they have donated to in the past. They've got some big news, and will have prizes to be won. Check out www.thespeedgamers.com The upcoming Final Fantasy Marathon starts July 17th at 6:00PM and will run for 7 Days, that's 168 hours! Their longest marathon yet. See you there~! I'm SnowPin on their forums and in the chat!
  6. The Speed Gamers are 12 hours into the mother marathon. They're attempting to play all 3 mother games within 72Hours! Come check them out! The charity that they are trying to make money for is Susan G. Komen. The goal they are trying to reach is $6,000 and in 12 hours they've already raised $3,300! www.thespeedgamers.com come check them out hang out and just have a good time. The Speed Gamers has been streaming gaming marathons for over a year, and have raised $22,000 for various charities to date. The charity to receive all of the donations will be Susan G. Komen for the Cure (http://www.komen.org) dedicated to the fight against breast cancer. Edit: Now we're 44 hours into it and somewhat near the end of Mother 3! Come check them out before it's to late!
  7. I really want people on my friends list that'll play so PSN: HighSpeedMan Games: Little Big Planet Metal Gear Solid 4 Guitar Hero: World Tour Killzone 2 Street Fighter 4 Burnout Paradise Socom: Confrontations
  8. Hey guys, TQ has released a new MMORPG called The Warlords, it has been in closed beta for around 2 weeks now and I just though I'd let you guys know that it's pretty fun I play it and I'm known as SnowPin on the forums over there. You guys should check it out and come play with me Official Site: http://wl.91.com Official Forums: http://forums.91.com/wl See you there!~ SnowPin/Rawrthness
  9. Hey guys Snowpin here! http://www.thespeedgamers.com/ - http://forums.thespeedgamers.com/ These guys just finished a 3 day (72Hour) Marathon of Zelda games The list that they played and completed are as followed. The Legend of Zelda Zelda II: The Adventure of Link A Link to the Past Link's Awakening The Ocarina of Time (Master Quest) Majora's Mask Oracle of Ages Oracle of Seasons The Wind Waker The Minish Cap Twilight Princess Phantom Hourglass Four Swords Adventures (Note they beat all 13 in just over 72Hours and raised $6,130.54 for a charity called Ally's House. It is a charity that Toby Keith started because his friends daughter died of cancer so their a charity that helps families who have children doing cancer treatments who can't afford it. The Speed Gamers had their first Marathon which was a Zelda Series run on March 14th 2008, and have raised over $15,000++ for various charities to date. Next Marathons So make sure to tune in May 15 - 17th for the Mother/Earthbound marathon the weekend after Mother's day Weekend! Also you should participate on their forums and keep an eye on it because they'll talk about the new marathons they'll be doing and they actually listen to the people on the forums and see what kind of marathons they want to do! I'm SnowPin on those forums so come and join us! It's fun to watch these guys play these games and it's for a good cause! These guys do alot of crazy stuff for donations! They've eaten some disgusting food and shaved beards off all for the sake of donations! ~SnowPin
  10. Donkey Kong Final Fantasy 2&3 Chrono Trigger I played those games like it was my destiny.
  11. O.o... Okay... Roight.
  12. I would of raised it 20%
  13. All online games should all be rated M for mature anyways for the simple fact of the language. That would solve all the problems lol.
  14. I`ve owned my 4870x2 for like 1 month and had to get the fan replaced 3 times ; Can`t wait for my 295 to come in.
  15. Congrats
  16. Yeah... mine crapped out on me to so I called microsoft and demanded my money back took a little while but I got it. Note to self: Never EVER buy another microsoft product.
  17. I play like 2-3 games at once but always finish them completely and always on the hardest mode.
  18. it is easy, But it's fun and I love pixel shaded games.
  19. For what? The new Prince of Persia 4 I have it on PC but it's also on PS3 and Xbox360
  20. Left for Dead >,<
  21. Prince of Persia :0
  22. xD, I hate people who just come to sites/forums sign up just to leech don't talk don't help don't nothing
  23. Oh many I put my pc on my 52" hdtv and I felt like dying at how amazing it looked with s-video to component cables blue green red and it just looked sooo nice and with 7.1 surround sound omg i was shitting myself lol now I always have my pc in the living room and when no ones watching i plug it into my tv and when someone is watching it i put it on my monitor only until christmas when I get my 42" for in my room <3
  24. lmao that was pretty good.
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