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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. my math teacher giving some crappy lecture about calculus
  2. start watching shippudden its so much better
  3. I was molested by santa one night when i was 7 and i loved it and yeaaea
  4. no but this also happened back when gunz and soldier front from ijji first came out there was alot of lag issues with the game and once they came out of beta they got half decent servers and the lag went away they've even announce that they will be getting better servers so the lag at least a little.
  5. Why do insist on crushing the dreams of millions? as long as kids don't read this, then, it's safe OMG HES NOT REAL OMG OMG OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I BELIEVED SO MUCH IN HIM AND YOU RUINED IT YOU flockING RUINED IT I LOVE YOU THANK YOU OH GOD bet that was stupid wasn't it? lmao im in a weird mood tonight If you believe in Santa, why don't you give us (a) proof(s)? man he does exist GOD DAMMIT PEOPLE xD see omg hes so real you dont even know
  6. we'll finish this on vent so we dont confuse and scare the other members here
  7. omg is anyone else here but me scared of cody atm? cause man oh man i want his babies tooo *im creeping myself out at the same time*
  8. so just because i talk weird on vent doesnt mean im weird GAWD i love you
  9. Why do insist on crushing the dreams of millions? as long as kids don't read this, then, it's safe OMG HES NOT REAL OMG OMG OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I BELIEVED SO MUCH IN HIM AND YOU RUINED IT YOU flockING RUINED IT I LOVE YOU THANK YOU OH GOD bet that was stupid wasn't it? lmao im in a weird mood tonight
  10. I dont know you but awesome your back lmao
  11. man her house arrest would be like flocking paradise lmao
  12. ummm, new character skills and stuff but its more of a pain in the ass due to lag cause the servers on the other side of the world and half the next not showing up.
  13. yes i have been addicted to this all day lol! its awesome with the english patch well told my friends i would show them some screenies so here we go
  14. ok guys you decide! you guys pick and in 3 days when i can make a guild ill set it up and get you all in it
  15. well i just left my guild so i have to wait 3 days before i make it. so once the 3days goes by ill make the official 1EMU guild now what to call it 1Emu or 1Emulation you decide! actually ignore this ill make a new thread with a poll for this.
  16. the game is just out of Closed beta and currently in open beta so the lag is a problem for now but it should be fixed soon
  17. why must people complain about that.... they should know how to speak and type perfect English and people say oh its just to make it quick and simple... well half the time you don't know what the hell they are trying to say.... little story thats true. i was at school one day and this new kid was trying to hang around with us and he was like yo da foo is stupid so i turned around and i smacked him a good smack in the face and hes was like... wat da hellz wuz that for... and i was like leave NOW and hes like why though i dint do nuffin and i smacked him again and told him to leave again because hes too stupid to speak proper English.
  18. i would actually buy that but... it's going to be so much flocking money when it comes out it'll be ridiculous ill wait another 10 years before i get it lol!
  19. i was so pissed off when they released her after 3 days due to "sickness" and put her on house arrest but when she was thrown back in i was eating dinner and we were watching the news and when i heard that i was swallowing milk and i accidentally spit it back up laughing so hard luckily i had a napkin in my hands so it didn't go all over the table lol!
  20. at least its still up and kicking
  21. alright well i have to go right a 6000 word essay for chem :S so ill be back in awhile.
  22. here is a fun game i've been playing for quite some times now but silkroad is still my main http://kwonho.ijji.com the servers are split up. there is a east server for eastern only people, western for western people only, world server for everyone and a tournament server. this game is like an online version of tekken but some lag does occur during playing but only every now and then there are quite a few different fighting styles Teakwon Muay Thai Judo Tai Chi Ba Ji Quan its fun over all and great to play with friends i am currently playing my favorite class Teakwon my name is x33x Screenshots of me playing: full room lets get it on the beautiful loading screen tossing the master in the infinity challenge like a rag doll I beat him again!!! a few rounds later he beat me....
  23. i could actually start up a guild i have the money and the level for it... although it wont be on my level 63 since i made a new char level 21 so im closer to all of you guys now
  24. yeah teachers here dont care about sleeping and this is pre calc and geo its a mixture
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