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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. It's Caturday already? No, it's friday. And you know what that means... PARTYYYYY??? no, it's furry friday! furry friday ? O.o wtf does that mean xD
  2. dane cook xD http://youtube.com/watch?v=7Unir5jyN3o
  3. yeah... well my first language is french second is english yet im terrible at speaking english but can type perfectly I can speak french perfect but i suck at typing it ahahah
  4. yeah but they barely keep any of the good elements that were in the comic i don't like it when they do that.
  5. It's Caturday already? No, it's friday. And you know what that means... PARTYYYYY???
  6. apparently in spidey4 venom isn't dead.... he comes back somehow all tho its just rumors but you never know it could be true...
  7. Agreed with you. Total bullshit there. Good behavior suppose to be awarded when you are IN the prison, not before. Seems like they bought the system already. man it's Paris Hilton what do you expect she probably got on her knees for this sentence
  8. hope you have a good rig.... it's going to require a good one
  9. why do i have a feeling after SC2 there going to make a World Of StarCraft lmfao or something on the lines of that just like they did with WoW which would sorta piss me off if SC became a MMO.....
  10. lol, english is crazy for him.... hes what Indonesian or what not?
  11. bleh you suck!!!! hahah oh well i got you yesterday and stole 60 something frags ^^
  12. They Preach on their stilts, pointing and daring me to break custom - Saosin
  13. and your absolutely right!!! i saw the first play of it at the theater here was packed!!!!! holy crap man people were standing around cause there weren't enough seats and they wanted to see the first one not any other screening lol luckily my gf works at the theater and got the best seats reserved xD
  14. but you know for a fact Bill Gates is going to fight his ass off to save 2.5million just because its money watch its gonna last months before he looses or wins then when he looses he'll just be like 2.5million out of my uncountable accounts...... oh well wasn't worth that fighting
  15. this movie is going to be a complete difference to the comic books... i wish they would just stick with the normal lines
  16. i hated the dog food... killed my dog that i had since i was 3
  17. Wow, you're a woman? You might just be one of the first on 1Emulation. Enjoy your stay and hopefully you'll decide to be a regular here. We need a little bit of feminism here anyways. As you can see, we don't get many females around here. People are excited, for sure. my girlfriend has an account on this forums and is pretty active o.o just can't tell ya who ^^
  18. im bored in class look what i have to do we have all period to do it and im done in 5minutes... pathetic ohhh she gave me more work ^^ andddd not to long after finished
  19. I believe i have met my rival in the game of sexiness! i dont know shoma LSD was pretty sexy in that picture xD where's yours? hahaha
  20. i know man its crazy like someone gets a top of the line pc few months later its like trash.... then they waste another couple thousand dollars for a few months and over and over @_@ getting abit to crazy
  21. there's also a 340 mb video card o.o or is it 320mb? Same make of card, but 340MB. Who is coming up with this crazy crap? Neither makes any logical sense. Multiples of 2 pairings make far more sense than an odd number. The only way for an even pairing of RAM is 10x64, and thats just nuts......though it might explain the rather large size of that card. Looks like it is indeed 64x10, and the same PCB is used for the 768 version as there are 12 BGA points on the board. http://www2.bfgtech.com/Preview.aspx?imgID=1506 As far as I'm concerned it's a gimmick. For the price of those cards, give me 1024MB FFS. next will be the 1280mb vids cards haha
  22. and ill support the steroids!!!!!
  23. dude i loved this one xD just got back from the movies seeing it with my girl
  24. my crazy ass girl singing some random song i dont want to know
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