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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. lucky you dont live in a small town like me something happens everyone knows about it 2hrs later
  2. starcraft 2 will blow away C&C3 and will require a good pc haha
  3. yeah i think there just money hungry so they release more versions xD
  4. tell me if this is the song you were talking about "Red River" by The Walkmen
  5. Yeah cz is a waste.. yet my crazy gf is addicted to it and her team is in top10 for cal i dont get how she can play.... im trying to pull her back to 1.6 but it isnt working ahahaha
  6. Unsurprisingly.. I didn't think he could find as much meaningless crap to say to stick around. I'm impressed that he stayed as long as he did. oh man i could find lots of stuff to talk about xD
  7. imma break that >_> this weekend 1day... goal... 150 posts how does that sound? god i hope people are on this weekend to reply fast enough
  8. ahaha you really want me to? hook me up with someone that would talk back quick enough hahahah
  9. I honestly think I went a bit overboard with posting today.... I just get bored during my first 3 periods so I sit here and argue with PokeMaster if hes on hahaha heres the update >_> add another like 2-3 posts to that too xD (maybe more t hen that)
  10. yup i sorta find it stupid how they did that like 2 different versions to get all pokemon pisses me off
  11. Yeah, but that Poke Master dude also posted a thread about Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire in the SNES section, even though they are GBA games. You can never really tell with noobs these days. that is a good point just because nintendo made it doesn't mean it goes in that section >_>
  12. I googled, i asked jeeves, i yahoo'ed no luck xD You need to train in the ways of Google... Assuming you have 32-bit Windows XP... http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseand...%20Windows%20XP If not, go here: http://www.microsoft.com/hardware/mouseand...d/Download.mspx haha thanks, i actually found this just wasnt 100% sure if it was the right one
  13. Welcome Terri GoRDoOnE attacked Terri with a Pimp Slap (1 str) and took off 30! Terri has 0 HP left! Terri is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). You gain: 1 EXP points!!!! 1Emu Style. awe you beat me to it you meanie.... anyways welcome terri
  14. pc's shouldnt be allowed to have vista on them for another 4-5 years lol
  15. i bet jitway still has more then you
  16. O_O do you have vista?
  17. —I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n— Cannot join channel: #1emu (Invite only) thats what i got..... im a registered gamesurge member since my cs team uses gamesurge irc ... help
  18. anyone with skype add me rawrthness hmmm we have an irc? imma get on right now i know if we had a vent /teamspeak i would be on all the time
  19. but common!!!! what's better then a classic donkey-kong game!!!!
  20. Umm Which Hitman do you Like the most, i wanna get one but dont know which one. I already Beat Part 2. i like contract
  21. Three days grace - never too late
  22. oh well i was going to say no anyways xD
  23. this is the FIRST thing I post here xD crap teacher caught me on forums computer is being taken away till the end of the period xD I might be back on at lunch maybe not till after tennis practice tonight after school 5pm est bye
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