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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. xD my mom walked in when i was checking this out again and she almost passed out of laughter when i showed her
  2. own a chain of stores? marry a rich person get on there will then kill them? rob a bank? one of the few
  3. that site links off to roms/emulators..... why the hell are you posting it................ anyways i own the game.. i don't need to look for it i was wondering why that and pokemon ranger wasn't up there.....
  4. me and my friends are getting a 10 man private server tonight probably if its up ill announce and we should get a full server and have fun!!!!!! would be higher then 10 but its only for 5v5 scrims for my cevo team and cal o team, so if anyone wants in check back later for the announcement of the ip/port
  5. It's short, it gets boring, its controls suck and its framerate is all over the map. As I said, I really think it was a generous move to give it a 7. While its approach was original, its execution was greatly lacking. No way in hell do I think this game deserves a 10. xD your right your right.... maybe if you take all that into consideration it only deserver's a 7 XD
  6. >_> dude thats the link to the pokemon website..... there is also a pokemon GAME called "POKEMON LINK" so why isn't that on the poll >_>
  7. man there are too many 300 gif/animations out there lol
  8. hey could anyone help me find my drivers for my mouse... it didn't come with a cd my pc won't identify it... i was wondering if anyone could help me find it.. I've searched the microsoft site for it and also googled it but no luck.... its a Microsoft Optical Mouse 2.0 if anyone could find me the drivers i would greatly appreciate it (Y) thanks
  9. xD that must suck................. anyways i got bored and took more screenies enjoy! me doing a trade run my guild / union going after the stupid flocking thieves who killed me and stole my goods.
  10. I sincerely doubt you could kick Chuck Norris' ass. i would... he has a kick that could shatter bones i have a kick that is lethal to the head
  11. Same thing works in Windows XP Home as well. I use Windows XP Media Center 2005 Which is just Pro with added (And useless IMO) bells and whistles. oh lol never knew that is there a program that would scan my pc and remove anything that shouldnt be there?
  12. actually there is 1 site that has all n64 roms sorry but not allowed to say anything more Not one, many. A game being "protected by the ESA" is just another excuse for some romsites to justify their existence a little longer before they fall under the scrutiny of certain eyes. completely true lol
  13. after playing the first one for years this is a definite buy!!!!
  14. are you sure shes your sister? of course I'm sure... stupid question <-- stupid answer That falls under, "Give to beggars and poor kids." do you mean : 1emulation is the beggar and poor kids? just askin' just asking cause you never know with the youth of today xD
  15. say anything - marianas trench
  16. someone check his link i think its attack and if so i dont want to have to own him later on lol!
  17. Same thing works in Windows XP Home as well. I use Windows XP Media Center 2005
  18. well after i rebooted it went away and stayed away... but still 52 processes
  19. i agree!!!! thanks for the backup GoRDoOnE my turn Rawrthness attacked Poké Master with a Hand Grenade (60 str) and took off 61! Poké Master has 0 HP left! Poké Master is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 2 frag(s) (1 stolen). You gain: 25 EXP points!!!!
  20. yeah and where is pokemon link >_>
  21. what is it with you people and resurrecting old ass threads?
  22. nice man!!! yeah 40k on a mangyang xD i should test my dmg on one ahahahaha
  23. lol i always knew you were the crazy one of them all The people at first couldn't handle all the sexiness that was forced on them so quick. Which brought an argument (i was ganged on) about the jealousy of my style which was later deemed.....Acceptable. *Takes cap off* I show my scars....for i am proud of them... AW man, i just found dat old thread.............. Man you guys were soo mean!!! Ah i found it! *blows off dust* I forgot about this, even though i was hated on i still luv it! Check it out rooks! Follow the link, then the next link: http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...19419&st=33 hahaha nice (Y)
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