my friend showed me this on gamefaqs forums just though i would share it cause its too funny. I got the Diamond version of the game because I did not want to deal with that dreadful Palika, I'm still in shock that Nintendo would add such a phallic object. The first thing I noticed was the female trainer's attire. I am a woman, I want to play as the female character, but they made the female into a harlot. Her skirt is very short and horribly inappropriate. I felt offended looking at her design, I can only imagine what it would do to my poor son. The female swimmers in their bikinis were also bad. I also noticed some of the dialog in this game is fairly inappropriate, for instance some trainers directly insult the main character. My son does not play games to be put down, but Nintendo insist on being derogatory. In addition to pokemon with obvious sexual designs like Electivire, Lickilicky, and Palika. I'm glad I made the responsible choice to not let my child play this game. for all of you that dont know what hes talking about here are the pictures Palika says his head looks like a censor basically. Electivire says the tentacle things on the side of his head look like inappropriate things.... Berobelt no clue whats wrong with this... maybe his tongue is too long and can please people easy?