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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. if you like quads and stuff PURE is really fun they have awesome tricks xD
  2. My cousin said it was horrible... I'll just wait to get it.
  3. new job ^-^ Just moved into my new house with a few friends and doing some old school console gaming
  4. This is an old story xD I knew this MONTHS ago.
  5. This is a few months old but I find it completely awesome and still have to watch it every now and than cause It's completely True XD What do you guys think?
  6. Haha that's great... Btw did you know Toy Story 3 is in the making xD
  7. Sell fast fast.
  8. I just hope it comes out for ps3
  9. /gg UAT baby! lol It's going to be sweet if we both go!
  10. Glad you're ok I had a friend who got in the same situation as you ... but unlucky him he got a broken leg and arm but nothing to serious you got really lucky bro
  11. it's not really that great =\ it's just women playing football in lingerie and the odd kiss like that =\ they dont even contact properly.
  12. hey guys, anyone here good with photoshop that can help me with a banner for my clans website?
  13. This is one reason I like vista. Windows Updates will get you all your drivers for everything <3
  14. That'd be awesome to see.
  15. I know envy your guts. Pray that I don't find you. Should I run to my underground hideout?
  16. I bet they get fed up with all the deleted porn that people have on youtube and all the private porn lmao.
  17. Welcome back XD
  19. I would want to hang out with the guys from Angels and Airwaves again <3 Last 3 times I hung out with them backstage was flocking amazing! I'd do anything for it again and I would want it to be the last thing I do in my life.
  20. That is so freaking pathetic it's funny xD
  21. It's a machinima video that someone made. damn... that must of taken a long time had me all excited I though it was a preview to a new game comming out XD
  22. >_> What exactly is this? DOA vs FF game?
  23. lmao Triple H is going for the part of thor? xD
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