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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. what windows is that 98 or 2000 >_> or ME
  2. congrats man ^^ so planning on anymore?
  3. yeah thats true it is helping her career but think about it jail... paris.... jail... paris... jail... big women... paris.... big women... paris.... man oh man do i really hope she gets knocked out a few times like i know she will... she comes out with black eye and lumps it would be awesome!!!!
  4. haha nice i see your windows is as fake as mine i think you need the new patch to fix
  5. i heard that on the news lmfao i started crying tears of joy lol i hope she gets some sense knocked into her
  6. yeah same you use windows blinds? or something else?
  7. i loved this movie
  8. that better be a vista skin or ill slap you lol vista blows
  9. doom hexen wolfenstein alf
  10. i'd like to grow a bit and have blue eyes instead of green and thats about it
  11. wow, this is too great to be true lol!!! i so wanna see the outcome of this keep us up to date man!
  12. nice desktops everyone
  13. well your right source pros come to 1.6 and get owned all the time then cry out hacker hacker hacker and then go back to play source and when 1.6 players go play source which is much much much easier people call them hackers for being good there too it gets pretty funny after awhile
  14. don't know if this is the right place or if it's been done but basically what you do is take a screenie of your desktop on it's daily form >_> here's mine for example
  15. i play piano and guitar
  16. well if you like her i say wait till class is over and talk to her and walk her to her locker or her next class or something or wait till lunch even
  17. 85% and im canadian >_>
  18. yes the lazy wii guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjLg1NeWDE8 real life pokemon xD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-QCMc6KwpLw battlefield 2 teh pwn3d life http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwaMHJzruDU
  19. hmm thats easy myy one and only i'd put a picture but she'd get mad
  20. Jim Carrey Ben Stiller
  21. NFL, NBA, MLB (Mostly MLB)
  22. im a torrent man myself
  23. hmm just watched episode 12 of shippuuden and wow it was boring too much talking @_@ not enough action i think naruto is going to kick the crap out of itachi
  24. video downloader skype extension
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