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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. Woot A new remake of FF:IV I want it nowww D: Trailer: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/34660.html I always though you pronounced Cecil as SeeSel but I guess not
  2. xD, This is like every one of my online convos with girls haha made me laugh.
  3. Picture - no blood/not graphic much: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/photo/19052008/2/...n-mcgeeney.html By The Associated Press ADVERTISEMENT PROVO, Utah - A newspaper photographer got a little too close to the action at the state high school track championships - and was speared through the leg by a javelin. Ryan McGeeney of the Standard-Examiner was spared serious injury in Saturday's mishap, and even managed to snap a photo of his speared leg while others worked to help him. "If I didn't, it would probably be my editor's first question when I got back," McGeeney said later. The 33-year-old McGeeney, an ex-Marine who spent six months in Afghanistan, was taking pictures of the discus event and apparently wandered into off-limits area set aside for the javelin throw. Striking just below the knee, the javelin tip went through the skin and emerged on the other side of his leg. "It wasn't real painful. ... I was very lucky in that it didn't hit any blood vessels, nerves, ligaments or tendons," McGeeney said. Much of the javelin was cut off at the scene. The piece in McGeeney's leg was removed at a hospital, and he received 13 stitches. The javelin was thrown by Anthony Miles, a Provo High School student who said when he saw what had happened, "my heart just stopped." "One of the first things that came to my mind was, 'Good thing we brought a second javelin,"' Miles' coach, Richard Vance, said Monday. He said Miles was "in a little bit of shock," but he assured the athlete that it was not his fault. With a subsequent throw, Miles went on to win the state title in javelin for teams in Provo High's size classification, 4-A. Source: http://ca.news.yahoo.com/s/capress/080519/...ared_by_javelin
  4. Me and my grandpa went back down to our old cottage and took this back home he used to ride it years ago when it ran but sadly it doesnt due to it just sitting outside for years. FRONT: SIDE: OTHER SIDE: BACK: Yes the motor is in the back.
  5. Meh, I prefer to watch on a 52" HD tv rather then a 22" LCD widescreen D:
  6. Hey!! I got it today add me to friends 2148-9033-8753 I need friends D: blah I put this is the wrong section.
  7. It's not broken! it's a dawnload! not a download! gawd!
  8. Can't wait. New drums
  9. wow... to put beer before your own kid. . .how sad.
  10. it's on the A channel wednesdays at 8 and the CW thursdays at 9 I get to watch it both days! and Man! Supernatural oasifjasdkmfasd why must these asses leave me like this I want the new seasons to start NOW!
  11. I wasnt saying it was bad! i said dammit they left me in crazy suspense! it was awesome! but i just hated the ending because it was soo awesome and left me hanging!
  12. Anyone else watch smallville and the season finale tonight? that was freaking pitiful! I hate how they must leave me in suspense for the next couple months till the next season D:
  13. I never really liked one going to give 2 a shot though.
  14. For movies coming 2009 http://www.boxofficemojo.com/schedule/?vie...2009&p=.htm for movies coming 2010 and beyond http://www.boxofficemojo.com/schedule/?vie...2010&p=.htm
  15. Lmao, good find!
  16. I got to the point where I just left call of duty 4 open all day everyday and never closed it and never checked anything. When I actually decided to close it.... It was a nightmare, Emails, IM's everything out the yingyang.
  17. iPhone FTW.
  18. FFVIII was so much better FFVII sucks best game would have to be either Double Dragon V : Shadow Falls or Super Mario RPG legend of the seven stars.
  19. Sounds like a plan, but no suggestions from me.
  20. JUMPER and it was flocking awesome.
  21. Hands down Final Fantasy. End Thread.
  22. I use both 1600x1200 on my laptop and PC
  23. Either BF2 or CoD4 I prefer CoD4
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