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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. lmao! then they'll just go home with friends and eat the cake?
  2. God of War? it's GW not GoW
  3. I decided to get it and i wanted to know if there is any way to get like N64 games and stuff on here for free other then the shopping mall? also how the hell do you play like wii sports online with people?
  4. I'm having problems with my FFXI i got my play online setup and i put in the ID's for FFXI's 3 expansions but i cant find the place to put my FFXi one in... or my tetra master one in.. it tells me i have to buy some... why would it ask me to buy some if i already have them that came with the game?
  5. Well, I bought my new PC case and DVI cables today for my PC I got the NZXT Blackline case http://www.xsreviews.co.uk/modules/FCKedit...kline/stock.jpg and I bought some DVI cables since it's supposed to "IMPROVE" the picture quality well uhhh I don't see any difference... is there something I'm supposed to do? Like add a setting?
  6. I creamed myself watching that video.... Can't wait!
  7. Welcome to 1Emu
  8. I stand with Gara, Firefox
  9. http://youtube.com/watch?v=SpPwhYP5sAE I've had it on youtube for about over a week decided to post here since no ones posting comments
  10. we were just talking about this on my guild forums for CoD... I remember when I started playing me and my friends went out for coffee and we sat down for about an hour and we were talking about the quests we've done and we started talking about how we robbed a bank and everyone was looking at us weirdly and some old lady who owned the store actually called the cops on us thinking we actually robbed a bank lol....
  11. If it's your passion you have to take a go at it
  12. I've heard mixed options of alot of emu's for the DS..... what one do you guys find is the best?
  13. How do I check that out? Control Panel --> Game Controllers, of course. oh no it's not in there
  14. How do I check that out? Like I've went into Guilty Gears X2 and went to the config and nothing working with the remote but if I hook up my old piece o crap one it works fine...
  15. Anyone know a good one? I bought my Logitech ChillStream gamepad today and I finally got it working and now it doesnt work in games..... the fans on it work but the buttons aren't working... I open up ventrilo and I goto set my push to talk key as one of the buttons on the gamepad but nothing happened... Anyone know if there's a program to fix it? I tried ControlMK or w/e it's called but it says that I have no installed gamepads.... I've installed the drivers from the cd and the popup windows ones..... any clue?
  16. Thanks for the help got it to work.
  17. no clue what kinda noise it is... never heard it before and i tried rebooting and updated DirectX still no fix =\
  18. well i tested it on my other pc and it works...... now when I plug it in my pc instead of making the normal connection noise it goes like DODODO really fast..... any hints?
  19. ; tried all 8 USB ports and the controller doesnt even want to turn on... but I read alot of people had this problem but i posted on the logitech forums ill wait for a response before I bring it back. Thanks
  20. I just bought this nice game pad and it doesn't want to work ; I installed the drivers from the disc that came with it plugged it in and nothing wants to work it doesnt even want to turn on.... anyone have this or know how to fix it?
  21. Sweet I'm deff joining Steam: ragingMAD
  22. I'd smack him and call him a fool xD
  23. Hope to see you active again soon
  24. I think it's that whale/crab/it the clown thing XD
  25. I watch movies on my sansa all the time.. and I hook my 5.1 surround sound speakers to it >_> what am I missing?
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