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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. I love Steam <3 I've put over 300$ on my steam @_@ I'm Insane!!!!
  2. Good... Been waiting for this damn thing.
  3. Exactly... I'd be like you people keep thinking I'm some kind of flocking retard... why don't you do it then have fun and walk out.
  4. o.o, Creeeepy.... I wonder if that's where iPod got it's idea O.o
  5. Bell rogers dies to much.
  6. Nothing Free Hang
  7. I hope this sets an example for future members >_> that here at 1Emu we don't take that crap
  8. That could cost him in the long run in both $$ and girls thinking hes gone wacko
  9. Just finished watching resident evil extinction - about to watch alvin and the chipmunks xD
  10. Correction, as long as their over 16 when your 18, it's free game! I should know! But yeah, if your passed 20 that can raise some issues... where i am its over 17 o.o at least thats what everyone is saying
  11. but here in Canada if your over 18 you cant do anything with anyone younger then you :S if you are they can just say you forced them to do anything and they believe the girl over you.
  12. So what is it with people on Xfire and being stupid? - I'm =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] - CoD - and the uscgurl claims to be a girl yet on her profile says its a man xD [16:46] uscgurl: hey' [16:46] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: ? [16:46] uscgurl: i said hello [16:46] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: hi [16:46] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: so do you have proof? [16:46] uscgurl: do i have proff of what [16:47] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: that your actually a girl [16:47] uscgurl: i actually a girl [16:47] uscgurl: ask any of my family membbers [16:47] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: was it you that told me you loved me the other day? [16:47] uscgurl: yeah [16:48] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: do I even know you? [16:48] uscgurl: on xfire and u said i love u back [16:48] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: no i didnt [16:48] uscgurl: yes u did [16:48] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: no because when you said that I was sleeping and when I woke up I saw that message and you were offline so I logged off [16:48] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: I don't even know who you are. [16:49] uscgurl: and i dont know u [16:49] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: then how the flock do you love me [16:49] uscgurl: on xfire!!!!!!!!!!! [16:49] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: Your crazy. [16:49] uscgurl: ur crazy [16:49] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: No actually I'm the opposite of that. [16:49] uscgurl: no i am [16:50] uscgurl: whatev bye [16:50] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: Not if you're going around saying I love you to every guy on your X-fire, When your profile says your male yet you use the name uscgurl... [16:50] uscgurl: i am a girl [16:51] uscgurl: loser bye [16:51] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: Lmao, Cya... Man-ish Women-ish, Whore? [16:52] uscgurl: im a girl [16:52] uscgurl: im a 14 year old girl [16:52] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: Take care hope you find someone who likes that kinda stuff in life. [16:52] =WFC=1Lt.Reks[X] -CoD4-: and I'm 17.. why the hell would I love someone that much younger then me... O.o, I'm no pedophile you know. <uscgurl logged off.>
  13. i've seen up to a certain part then the pirated copy cut out =X stupid piece o crap
  14. the whole single player is wicked
  15. Hah, He sorta looked like someone who would do that O.o
  16. Took it out... Just realized that I shouldn't of put that in there....
  17. Alright, I was at the movies with my girl watching "The Bridge To Terabithia" they had some special movie selection tonight and It was actually a pretty good movie..... and I'm one of them guy's who doesn't give a crap to show his emotions like when all that tragic stuff happened yes I became teary eyed like I do every other sad movie and then at the end of the movie my eyes were a little red and so were my girls but on our way out some guy had the nerve to call me a fag cause I can show my emotions and don't give a crap but he just kept bringing it up all the way till we got to my car and so I turned around and I slugged him right in the kisser.... and he had to get his girl to defend him... Like what's so wrong about a guy shedding a few tears to a good movie? someone please tell me cause I am truly puzzeled.
  18. Thanks Man, it's an awesome game bet you'll love it I've had it since release date.... I'll never get bored of the online multiplayer
  19. Well. . . the fastest time I've seen so far is something like 12.46 seconds. . . I think I did pretty damn good. for people who don't know they make you do a little run through training course at the start to recommend you a difficulty level. The fastest time IW ( Infinity Ward) staff beat the training was 15.1 seconds here's mine. Show's at the top right IW's Time and then my Attempt.
  20. not everyone can look like you
  21. I Loved the book the movie they left alot of it out :S and dummed it down to much i though.
  22. Welcome Hope you enjoy your stay
  23. This song is awesome
  24. She's good can't wait to see if she does a good job
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