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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. my opinion is silkroad lol i quit all the others ^^
  2. nah not online doesnt matter just a fighter game if at all possible i wanna try and find a emu and rom/iso for Dead or Alive games ^^
  3. So, Stupid ass Ijji.com took away KwonHo the only online tekken type game from me..... so now i must resort to emulators... anyone know of a good system that has an emulator for tekken or any other really good fighting games like tekken? please say console if there is an emulator that works for those games and let me know of the games. Thanks.
  4. Dang, I broke my psp ^^; not going to buy a new one cause ill break it again..... guess ill have to wait the months/years it'll take.
  5. are there any PSP emulators for the pc? and do they run the final fantasy anniversary or what? i've been away missed alot
  6. completely disregard this post i though i was making a thread but for some reason i was posting sorry!!!
  7. the new joker creeps me out!
  8. 2moons - free to play completely open flyff - completely free to play open zero3000 - completely free to play open beta test silkroad online - completely free to play fully open
  9. cant wait! here's a video clip for you guys http://kotaku.com/335793/duke-nukem-foreve...r?autoplay=true
  10. *Resurrection* hahaha I bet people are tired of it
  11. Smiley Face in 2Moons! my old silkroad character my old flyff char my old character from Zero3000 - I was Moderator SnowPin
  12. it's better the first time you watch it in the movie.
  13. thanks ill try it out... I have a 1TB drive now so i hope it works good lmao
  14. I said to make videos like edit them not record... I already bought fraps a few years ago.
  15. Anyone know of a good program to make videos with like I'm making videos on Call of Duty 4 and I'm using windows movie maker right now but I want to get a program that's better with allot more options? anyone know even if i have to go out and buy it let me know.
  16. @_@ my pc can run everything on that last at max settings ^-^ I love it!
  17. heh I've beat the first level of single player on the ship lol! here's a few screenshots of me playing online. I had bad ping cause at the end of the game my mom started downloading/uploading... but i had roughly about 40-60ping.
  18. dude what's your steam ID we should play some TF2 sometime mines ragingMAD add me
  19. Isn't shipment an indoor/outdoor map? at least for the pc it is.... anyways Vacant is a nice map... there's one map i really love but it's only on the pc version i believe it's one where your in like a little base and theres these steam holes and it's the map i rack in all my kills and it's nice. -------------------- No wasn't indoor it's outdoor with a bunch of crates...... Im searching................ SHIPMENT! I hate that map with a passion! it's an outside map with a bunch of those crates... I'll go on my clans server tonight and ill make a video of it and post it up for those who just wanna see
  20. GHOSTBUSTERS!!!!!!
  21. I never played the single player for any of the UT's I just bough UT-3 for online play but sadly i quit after the release of CoD4
  22. This one better be good ;the others dissapointed me i dont have high expectations for this game.
  23. Silverstein - Smile In your Sleep
  24. hahahahaha Lmao, "(7:58:17 PM) Ryan: but sex is the most important thing in a relationship" that was the best line i read in the whole convo.
  25. Hey man at least you tried, alot of people just keep it inside and never go for the hit.... at least you took it and got a good answer... even if it turned out bad.
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