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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. anyone else buy this for the pc? what are your views on the game? I personally think it's an amazing game nice scenery nice graphics nice explosions... good tacticle search and destroy harcore mode . Nice maps except that stupid ass one where it's small as crap and there's no point to it. single player was nice but wicked short.... The way to unlock the guns is nice and the challenges are really fun. Shooting the broken down cars so they light on fire and then just let someone walk by as it blows up and you get the kill is always nice to see. Another thing I really love about this game is when you throw a nade at someone just from hitting them with the nade without blowing it up you can get the kill! that's one of the best parts in this game. so what do you think about this game? -- If you plan on buying it go buy the cd's don't buy it off steam like I did so many bugs/problems --
  2. meh eudemons was half decent for a little while... then it got bad boring at 120... play silkroad online Oasis server. It's just a pain in the ass to login unless you buy a gold ticket.
  3. We have snow already here in northern ontario.
  4. the orange box was pointless and crappy the only two things i bought in it was Team Fortress 2 Episode 2 and I bought them seperated from the orange box. I don't want my steam clustered with stupid stuff like Portal and all that crap.
  5. Do like me, buy a NVidia Geforce 8800GT then you wont be complaining.
  6. well I was looking forward to playing Crysis but those flocking ass's pushed the date another month Anyone wanna help me kill 'em?
  7. *********** ***MUSIC*** *********** From First To Last Norma Jean Taking Back Sunday Alexisonfire As Blood Runs Black *********** ***STUFF*** *********** biking skateboarding drawing snowboarding fixing my dirbike
  8. this is what I though since Halo 1, eventually Halo will just crash and burn and never be heard of again. . . it's not that great of a game that everyone says it is. . . i'm surprised so many people actually like it :S im not saying it's all bad it has some good stuff in it like backgrounds cut scenesand stuff buts that's about it . . . it basically aims for you >.<
  9. could you not of just resumed mine from a long time ago http://www.1emulation.com/forums/index.php...sktop+Screenies
  10. i can't stand arcady ones but Counter-Strike: Pro MOD is going to freaking rock! graphics of Css and the gameplay and gun layouts of 1.6! this is basically the last hope for cs1.6 since valve is gay and wont update it anymore. let's pray they did a good job
  11. this could be the best season yet, So far I like how this started off compaired to the others.
  12. creepy, I just bought this yesterday xD
  13. and it seems like your last post also haha
  14. it's called LastVista they also made a modded version of XP i've test both and i like LastVista better then LastXP pm me if you would like the site that creates them.
  15. well i've been watching these guys since they first released their first video over a year ago. they've released over 37 videos and also release bloopers and extras. you could also find them on youtube http://www.youtube.com/user/smosh and you can find other videos of random stuff they do on their other account on youtube http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=IanH they have been interviewed on tv quite abit for their popularity here is one news session about them
  16. well.. I went and downloaded a modded version of vista (( it's 1000000x better then vista doesnt have the crashes or anything)) and now my pc works fine no more blue screens could of been something with the windows.
  17. Ok this is a computer I bought a few months ago . . . worked excellent and no problems at all . . . until now. . . it just randomly reboots on me and sometimes I get the blue screen of death when all I'm doing is surfing websites! if anyone knows what I should do to fix it I'd be very happy! Computer Specs: --------------------- System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 2 Comptuer: LastXP v16 AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+ 2.41GHz, 2.00GB of RAM Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600+ Thanks in Advanced.
  18. im on two of three www.myspace.com/kira4fire and no clue what my facebook one is too lazy to look it up.
  19. nah just delete that game well im off to download cs zero .... terrorist win EWW condition Zero. 1.6 is better. Servers arent filled with bots. Agreed.
  20. i've already given up on this xD never liked it.
  21. non-vac = none protected = hackers galore.
  22. what do you mean addbot and update patch? hacks?
  23. sorry been gone for awhile mines integrated and it's nvidia chipset is all i know
  24. NES - Super Mario Bros SNES - Super Mario World Nintendo 64 - Zelda majora's mask Gamecube - Zelda master quest Wii - Wii Sports Sega Genesis- Sonic Playstation - legend of legaia Playstation 2 - final fantasy 7 dirge of cerberus XBOX 360 - guitar hero 2
  25. ok i've got my new pc and this mic worked fine on my other pc now it's going all static at times and i have to reboot to get the mic working again and im thinking it has something to do with my sound card and maybe it's drivers but i can't find the newest drivers.... could anyone help me? my sound card is a SoundMAX if anyone could help me fix this problem i would appreciate it. thank you. i run LastXP as my operating system. (same as windows xp without the authentication bullshit.)
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