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Everything posted by Rawrthness

  1. in total with shipping i paid $1,168.48 Canadian. ill post pictures of it later.
  2. my new pc came in about 2hrs ago and i just finished setting everything up and omg its amazing i love it haha here is what i have Manufacturer: System manufacturer Processor: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+, MMX, 3DNow (2 CPUs), ~2.4GHz Memory: 2046MB RAM Hard Drive: 500 GB Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600 GT Monitor: Flatron Wide LG 19" Widescreen LCD Sound Card: SoundMAX HD Audio Speakers/Headphones: Logitech Z5500 Digital 5.1 Speakers 500W RMS SILVER-BLACK Analog Coax Optical Operating System: Windows XP Professional (5.1, Build 2600) Service Pack 2 (2600.xpsp_sp2_qfe.070227-2300)
  3. i wanted to cry...
  4. >_> theres no more lag on gunz ijji >_> at least for me and everyone else i've played in the last few months...
  5. sorry been away for a few days... yea i have the cash its 500,000 and i have like... i dunno 1-4 mil havent been on inawhile and my and my friend fool around on the alexander server
  6. ok today.... in 6hrs im supposed to wake up... eat.... brush my teeth .... take a shower.... shave..... get ready run out the door at 7 get on the bus get to school at 8 30 get to history by 9 sit there till 10:02 then 10 minute break hang out with my girl walk her to class then i get my spare so i hit up the skate park, then at 11:19 i goto advanced chem/geo till 12:41 and then LUNCH woohoo get to hang out with my girl and go swimming with friends till 1:50 i think.... no clue when this period starts but i end up being late with my gf everyday and me and her get back to school and end up going to math..... then at 3:15 i walk her home and go back to school get on my bus at 3:30 and then get home at 5:00 and i sit my ass down grab my grand fathers visa card and ORDER MY NEW PC!!!!!! lmao i had to tell you my day before i say the sweet freaking news about ordering my pc! lmao once i order it and i know for sure what i get ill post it here so keep checking! but maybe my mom will be an asshole and say i want you to wait till Wednesday for my final math exam.... and make sure i pass and if so ill be so flocking pissed off ill go insane. GOod night
  7. going high speeds and smashing into stuff maybe a piece of his head to moved to his shoulder? xD
  8. heres me my hair is different now though.... cant really see my hair though cause i'm wearing that gay hat
  9. Its the PSP Anniversary Edition. You commented on my review of it ohh yeaaaaa... is it out for emulation yet? You're kidding right? It's a PSP title. hey you never know lol! i dont keep up with 3/4 of the emulators and stuff only nes and gba lol!
  10. What server is that? it was my old server from years ago... just happened to find a screenie lying around lol!
  11. Its the PSP Anniversary Edition. You commented on my review of it ohh yeaaaaa... is it out for emulation yet?
  12. I hope they add better boob physics. lmao typical mooney
  13. male 13>18 60-80 love the teenage life wish there was one 17-19 though that's so much more fun
  14. hey what FF game is that... i want it i love the way the graphics look! here are some of mine my messed up old WoW UI before i fixed it my old double client flyff days god i loved this day they called me a dragon hacker cause i got dragon 3 times in a row good old conquer online days ( i still play ) i miss my old ragnarok server...
  15. wahahahaha me and cody are the facebook masta's of 1emu lmao
  16. heres mine http://hs.facebook.com/profile.php?id=651315379 add me if you wish
  17. hell yea backyard baseball is fun i have the cd for that somewhere lol! ill have to reinstall it
  18. roadside by rise against
  19. hope its as good as all the rest <3
  20. my answers santa: yes heaven/hell: no ghost: yes easter bunny: yes toothfairy: yes the old man who stalkes my bedroom window: HELL YES
  21. Rawrthness


    maybe it has something to do with the wireless? or the router?
  22. i was actually tempted on making a 1emu group last night on facebook i was going to ask about that same thing tonight after school. we'll talk more when im home since facebook is flocking blocked at school.
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