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Everything posted by Goenitz

  1. damn. of course i'd see this right before i had to leave for the weekend. i'll check this out when i get back
  2. well, this is ciccior's. i've been trying out the roms and i haven't had a problem since Metal Slug X, which he fixed a while ago. right-click, and "save target as.." double-clicking won't work unless you have something like FlashGet
  3. i know. usually, dvdrw's work better than dvdr's. if a movie skips on a dvdr, it'll probably work fine on a dvdrw. the problem is, my seven other friends can't use them, and i'd say they all play these games more than i do. i'd still like to know what you did to get both xbe's on one disc. did you use the CDX menu, or something else?
  4. alright, i'm back. i deleted the cfg files from TDATA, remade my dvdr disc from scratch, and the those same roms freeze at the same places. kof2k1n: -freezes at 262-m1d.bin (crc DFB90CA) mslug5nd: -freezes at 268-p1n.bin (crc 975EB06A) svcplus: -freezes at svc-v4.rom (crc B57B4EA3) kof2k2nd: -runs, but glitched, and i swear it's playing kof2001 instead. anyway, those are my problems. if anyone has gotten all of the games to run from a dvdR, i'd like to know how they did it. everything's fine from my HDD, but once i make a dvdr, this is what happens.
  5. of course. it's only a matter of time. less than i thought, actually.
  6. good luck, gentlemen.
  7. hey that sounds pretty good. i really wish that i could get my disc back from my friend. it's taking way longer than i thought. i'll try deleting the CFG files first in the TDATA folder, then i'll try hexing one of the xbe's to save in another folder......then i'll make another disc if necessary. for mr. x it works on a dvd/rw, but most of my friends can't play those, and they're known for running better than dvdr's. i'd like it if someone could try replicating what i've done with using both xbe's in a CDX menu. just put them both in the same kawa folder so the specialized roms for each xbe can all go in the same ROMS folder. if anyone can get them all working on a dvd-r, i'd love to hear about it.
  8. hmm, i'll do that. my friend has my disc, and i think i'll wait to get it back from him and try that before i make another one.
  9. no, like i said, everything's named correctly: i had already gotten them all to work on my HDD. i can copy the files from my disc to the HDD, and they'll play from there. i'll remake my disc, but the fact that the roms freeze right before they're about to use the neogeo bios leads me to think that the same thing will happen.
  10. no, the burner's fine. 200 good, 1 bad. and all of the roms worked on dvd with the SE that ran samurai showdown 5. i renamed them properly to work on these two xbe's (they worked on my HDD), but once i tried to load them from my dvd-r, they freeze where the neogeo bios files are supposed to come in. i'm gonna try my solution one day, but like i said, it still won't fix the kof 2002 problem, and i'm low on disks. maybe once i get some dvd-rw's. and as for the xbe that now needs a patch to run metal slug x, i might try that one again, but if it couldn't run msx without a patch, i'm really reluctant to use a dvd-r hoping it'll play everything else.
  11. hmm, since people are talking here again, i had this brilliant idea to put all the roms together on one disc and mr.x's two xbe's. using the cdx menu, i figured i could throw everything together and have both xbe's use the same roms folder. great.....except: once i threw everything on the disc, everything showed up fine, it's just that metal slug 5 won't load past its p1n rom (freezes), kof 2002 is all glitched up, svc chaos (either one) won't load past.....er, some file i can't remember, but it's not the first one. i'm pretty sure the others are fine, but if ms5 won't work, it defeats the whole purpose of all that work. and it's not the roms, btw. i tested all of them on my HDD before making a dvd-r, and they all worked using the cdx method. it seems to me that ms5 and svc freeze up right before it goes to the neogeo.zip file. my plan is to put the files from the neogeo.zip into each of the games that freeze up, but that wouldn't solve the problem with kof 2002. anyway, just reporting in.
  12. i'd loove mr.x's and i'm sure it DOES work great. i've been waiting for "the site to be updated" for a little while now. if someone would send it to me, that'd be great, but until then, it looks like i have to work with what's released. nm. odd timing, i guess.
  13. which xbe do we patch? i patched the kawa-x SE (from Dec. 24) and it plays metal slug 5 (thanx, man), but it won't play Metal Slug X (the warning sign shows up). it was fine before.
  14. is there any way for me to get kof2002 working on kawa-x......without the V roms that come with it? can i use any others? i DLed it once and the V roms were missing. i can't get anyone to send the whole thing again, so i just want to try it without them.
  15. ah, moving along. my zip of kof2002 doesn't contain the V1-V4 roms. if they don't come from here, where do they come from? i tried to use the ones from '2001, but i see that's not the answer.
  16. works wonderfully. i have asked and i have received. thank you guys. [edit] if someone can explain how they know where to find the hex values for these rom sizes in the default.xbe, i'd love to find that out. i could be one less guy bugging you about next time.
  17. thanks, but where in the xbe can i modify the C5, C6, and M1 files? i assume it's somewhere different from the SVC roms. [edit] like i said, i already patched the xbe to play the rbff2.bins. the problem was that some of the files in my metal slug 4 zips were different sizes than those from your.jpg. i don't know which ones are right and if i got good dumps. i also only ever see filenames, so i don't even know for sure which one is "Metal Slug 4 encrypted romset." it seems like the NRX version has everything, but the files mentioned above were different sizes. instead of hexing the.xbe (which i can do if i know where to go) i'd prefer to just use the roms that you used in your.jpg [another edit] if it helps, i've had it running for a while, but the video's screwed up. the characters and the music are perfect, but the background is all glitched. maybe someone could tell me what rom is bad that way. also, it's been like this whether i used the kof99p clone or the rbff2 clone.
  18. CVS is working perfectly now. i reinstalled flashget and DLed the whole pack, so it's good. now i can't get metal slug 4 working. first off, i'm not sure which one to use. is it the mslug4 containing the.bins or the NRX containing the.roms? the mslug4 doesn't have the 3rd and 4th v files, the NRX has everything, except the 5th and 6th c files are only 4MB instead of 8MB. i patched the.xbe to use the rbff.bins, but i can go back if it's easier. i just need to know where the roms come from. seems like i got a bad dump....or two. hey wait, none of them had the 7th and 8th c files. did they come from kof99p? i forgot to ask about that.
  19. *sigh* i had it, but i deleted it since i never needed it. looks like i need it now, huh?
  20. hm. that is a little more clear. in that case, i don't need emule at all, but now i don't know why i can't DL that kawa-x plus pack completely. it always says it's done before it is, and always before it gives me the only thing i needed: the svc PandM roms. i've tried three different houses with other friends, and no one can DL it completely. for the record, i had split the P1 rom myself over a dozen times (with a P1p at 1,024 kb, and a P2p at 5,120) but the P2p freezes during the load. i gave up on it since it was available elsewhere, but for me, it's STILL not available. the link don't work for me. maybe if even that were seperated a little simpler, i could complete my DL. for a guy on dial-up, 3 Mb's are a lot easier than 10.
  21. i hate for my first post to be a complaint, but does the package really HAVE to be in a huge lump sum? i can't use emule (and i'd rather not for just one DL) and what i could DL from the package without it was everything.....except the CVC PandM's. of course, right? anyway, can't you just seperate some of that stuff to make it 100 times easier to get? not everyone needs all of it.
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