A family is trapped in an island and need go to another island. They are: Father, Mother, 2 sons, 2 daughters, maid, and a dog. they have a boat. But it can only hold 2 people at once. so, how can they go to another island? (range doesn't matter) sounds easy, right? I'll make it harder 1.If father left his son(s) & mother is in present, she will kill him(them). 2.If mother left his daughter(s) & father is in present, he will kill her(them). 3.If the dog separated from the maid, it will kill anybody around. 4.only father, mother, and maid can drive the boat. made it with a format of back and forth. example GO:father, mother Return: Mother G: Mother R: father, mother all the family member (including maid and dog) must not be killed to the another island can solve it?