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Everything posted by Deoxys

  1. shut up n drive -rihanna
  2. I got it from gamefaqs
  3. time's out the answer is x: 1,5 y: 3 z: 4,5
  4. The chicken, by way of evolution. Huzzah! Creatures were laying eggs long before the Chicken ever evolved... or birds for that matter. I think i made a poll about this somewhere
  5. okay, I understand about that. But, is .sps file OK?
  6. my homework is lot easier than that, i figured that myself
  7. I just get another one: x+y=z x*y=z if x was 2 and y was 2 it's right, right? 2+2=4 2*2=4 if x was 0 and y was 0 it's right again, right? 0+0=0 0*0=0 find the third x & y, feel free to choose any numbers, not alphabet
  8. terribly wrong
  9. I didn't expect anybody to solve it... this fast. yes, you're right.
  10. A family is trapped in an island and need go to another island. They are: Father, Mother, 2 sons, 2 daughters, maid, and a dog. they have a boat. But it can only hold 2 people at once. so, how can they go to another island? (range doesn't matter) sounds easy, right? I'll make it harder 1.If father left his son(s) & mother is in present, she will kill him(them). 2.If mother left his daughter(s) & father is in present, he will kill her(them). 3.If the dog separated from the maid, it will kill anybody around. 4.only father, mother, and maid can drive the boat. made it with a format of back and forth. example GO:father, mother Return: Mother G: Mother R: father, mother all the family member (including maid and dog) must not be killed to the another island can solve it?
  11. I think anyfile can opened with notepad... is .xps file really a worm or something? is .sps file is OK?
  12. that's a damn good thing
  13. how can I open .xps file in my computer?
  14. Aim so boring nauw end donnow wot tu du. Anybody got a joke or something?
  15. kGO--> because there's robert yes-->maybe jegermeister, he lvlup soo fast no-->agozer's post is 16k, an unbeatable number of posts
  16. make choice, especially robert and agozer
  17. I use speedy but not a fixed monthly fee, too expensive in us$ it's $200 a month
  18. because robert can attack someone else with bigger exp
  19. I'd said mario will win underwater because, well.. um..er... I don't know
  20. in this vacation, I'll leave 1emu for awhile. why? I think I too young to be here..., my internet billing is really expensive and my parents pay them, they keep yelling at me
  21. you're the smart one, you can answer a stupid question
  22. mario can only jump
  23. I fail sometimes, and it all because I run out of luck
  24. post more pictures! please
  25. irreplacable-beyonce
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