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Everything posted by Deoxys

  1. Generally school is quiet and teachers get all pissed off if you're loud because it interrupts their job. Even then, I sleep in all kinds of noisy situations. Drunk people partying? Sleep. Loud ass movies playing (300, I'm looking at you)? Sleep. you really love to sleep... how long does it take for you to sleep? 1 minute, 1 hour, or what?
  2. how much does it costs now?
  3. how can you sleep in a noisy situation (school is noisy, isn't it?) I can't sleep in school even If I want to... (why?)
  4. is WoW means World of Warcraft? don't ask me anything about that, I don't play. If I wrong, don't keep in mind
  5. my school's teachers will force sleeping students to wake up... But, some teacher will let him/her sleep (maybe that's because the teacher wants to sleep to?)
  6. yeah, you told me before, just copy it! just for you to know, it is alt + 130
  7. if you think so... but I don't
  8. did your teachers notice your 6 hours of sleeping?
  9. i'm middle school, I never sleep @ class and will never! I usually got sleepy in class when I study history 1_i-i_4_7_3_i-i_1_5_7_0_12_Y_!!! hope you do too
  10. your grammar screwed to, shoma! you can't even type poké master (you typed poke' master)
  11. LSD is eating a ton of meal... he doesn't have time to even look at this page XD
  12. i'm a catholic and that is not a christian, so I just choose the 'other' choice I believe in heaven and hell and God. I think any religion is OK as long as they taught good thing. about shoma's grammar screwed, I did to.............. but not everytime
  13. really? for what? I played many games and only met some math games
  14. if you did and your motherboard undamaged, I believe you
  15. this can make we cheat on some games, right? like roulette, mario bros, puzzle games. how slow can it be? make it at 10% speed is enough. fast games like tetris, real arcade games, and other are sucks.
  16. why don't you make a poll about 'math' so we know if math is a road block or fun. Actually, I like math
  17. I think revive a topic with an unanswered question is ok, as long it's not a dumb question or dumb answer. A new member sometimes revive a worthless topic (I did) the staffs should lock old topics to prevent it
  18. playing pokémon is just for pass the time, and see the face of your friends when you beat him/her
  19. yep, everybody can do it. they just mix Japan and English languange + mon
  20. no, they are not genius, everybody can do it, whalemon, crabmon, tyrranomon, etc. that digimon names are easy to make
  21. your imagination is too much besides, the name is too long: F*** YOU!!! I QUIT!!! and even has longer name after it evolve : Without me, you're F***** broke son! anyway, it's good
  22. Then why would he post it in the first place? don't know either, it's a mystery.... why don't you just ask him?
  23. groudon is a Big thing. most of Pokémon names sound funny when I first take a look on it. but, they feel farmiliar somehow as time goes
  24. I still grade 8 but my private math teacher taught me about the 'cos' a bit I am not really understand about it
  25. it's enough if you understand what I mean
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