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Everything posted by Deoxys

  1. I think he's gonna be embarrased IF it's real his photo
  2. I still Junior High School and don't understand even a tiny piece from that how do I post images from my computer?
  3. hey, I'm right here and I have read all posts in this topic
  4. have you poll emerald here? I like emerald too (more than that ruby sapire version)
  5. I believe i have met my rival in the game of sexiness! i dont know shoma LSD was pretty sexy in that picture xD where's yours? hahaha I'm not really sure its him... maybe it is his brother or somebody else
  6. hey, this is not an english course. i'm too lazy to type completely
  7. I think LSD is stressed out and get crazy
  8. you fall for that too, aren't you?
  9. I'll do better next time
  10. well... sorry. I only learn English languange at school. and i just 14 when I post this
  11. why? too easy or to hard?
  12. can't change name, smash me and I'll give you Volt Tackle as counter
  13. okay, I'm coolin down. next time, do better pose
  14. your photo look like a ghost. show me a more clear picture
  15. you must know : 30 second to fill 3 polls are a long time normal vote just took 3-5 second per poll
  16. You get all the attention of pretending being a girl in a male-dominated area really? is that true?
  17. No,no,no... just want to see your real face
  18. my school starts at July and end up at June there aren't any of season holiday my country only has 2 seasons and the worst : I never touch snow
  19. every october? really? it's about 2 and half months from now. Right?
  20. where is michigan? there are lots of men here. I think there are more girls here. have anybody here poll at Your life is crazy (another) ? poll also there
  21. there still nobody selfish enough to kill 10 of their friends or families keep that up!! have you poll at Your life is crazy ?
  22. most of them said that
  23. it's not 200 MORE weird thing it just 100 more and some adopted from the earlier version of Pokémon
  24. what do you mean by fun? Anyway, when will they make Jigsaw 4... Hope it soon! poll at 'your life is crazy' (no another) if you haven't poll there
  25. Hey Terri! Why don't you change your avatar so we can see your face
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