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Everything posted by Deoxys

  1. are you sure shes your sister? of course I'm sure... stupid question <-- stupid answer That falls under, "Give to beggars and poor kids." do you mean : 1emulation is the beggar and poor kids? just askin'
  2. allright this is the Pokémon link why did everybody attack me? just one thing: BE PATIENT when go to pokémon website...
  3. see this
  4. eww... poll isn't bad. that's all I can say (I guess)
  5. Time to counter attack! Poké Master attacked Rawrthness with a Hand Grenade (53 str) and took off 53! Rawrthness has 0 HP left! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rawrthness is now dead, therefore cannot counterattack!!!! You gain 1 frag(s) (0 stolen). -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You gain: 20 EXP points!!!!
  6. my sister likes tu surf in the internet
  7. teleports why it onl can do to specific places in many games? why don't they give us anywhere teleport? like crash bandicoot or mario bros why don't the warpzone goes to the crystal? why don't the warpzone go to bowser's castle? and many more
  8. what gives... you atk me to dead. how much its worth to you? just 1 exp okay. never mind. my friends always challenge me @ pokébattle and always lose! double or single they lose! my poké 4 batle : swampert,sceptile,blaziken,rayquaza,groudon,kyogre all lvl 100
  9. what do you mean by 'this'?
  10. up 2 u to type whatever the Poké Master (lol) Beside, They have same pronounce (duh) Just copy it!
  11. well,... I much like slakoth(yawn) I'm to lazy to type complicated I rather copy from my data Thanks for da expplanation
  12. I wish you make it to 5-20 from (now) 3-10 that will make better polls and choices <--can somebody stop him? It's Poké Master not Poke Master alt+130
  13. have you play FFT? this one is different from the other FF try it and like it!!
  14. Duh! I just put some that they are often play Pokémon is Nintendo Game freak
  15. for evrybody read this: if you haven't poll, poll now
  16. Congratulations, Andy! Your IQ score is 127 This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results. is this bad?
  17. what is the max IQ? I don't really master English languange and some hard words make me randomize my choice
  18. phew. I just look another topic and when I back here there always someone poll I think you like this topic
  19. "Rock on Dude!" if you watch Spongebob Squarepants you will find an episode which someone say this It's the episode when spongebob's and squidward's body merged Keep up the poll!! guess: what font did I use ^^
  20. Hi! poll here! poll also at the lounge -> your life is crazy
  21. you should try playing pokémon... so many pokémon... you'll learn more by playing. you're gonna like it when you play BUT you're gonna throw you're pokemon cassete when your data is lost T_T SO I suggest to play at computer with CHEAT altough I don't like cheat... just complete your pokédex and you gonna feel the best day of your life (if without cheat) I did once. but that data is lost. I slam the ruby cassete... and the game was unable me to save... that's the first time I play with GBA emulator in computer
  22. yeah. all male... no chick or sissy... haha poor kids will increse it's number who vote the 'kill yourself' ? I still glad no more thief thanks for the poll!
  23. it's 'LICKITUNG' I mean the red blue green yellow are the worst group. well, yellow is better than the other. pikachu is cute <-- playing with a pokeball... (stupid pika) when will it get tired? it do it all day all time!
  24. poll and post here your lifetime.....
  25. what do u think is the best pokemon game? there are many: -ruby/sapphire/emerald -leafgreen/firered -pokemon trading card -red/blue/green/yellow <--worst -pokemon puzzle challenge -pokemon dungeon red/blue many more(i think)
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