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Everything posted by cody56

  1. We don't even have any sun right now.
  2. I am so frickin pissed right now! I live in Iowa and it snowed, HARD, all last night, and it's still a flurry right now. My car's buried, and EVERY school within 50 miles of my school has canceled except for 2 others. That means we're one of the 3 schools in IOWA that is having school.
  3. I think I'm going to like the movie BECAUSE of the camera. It just makes everything different doesn't it?
  4. I already got the RROD. It took some work but I got it sent out and back in just over a week.
  5. ....Oh my god. I'm going to put my 360 in my car, drive to Walmart (it's closest even though I hate it), buy this game, break into my friend's house, and then play this on his 48" HD TV. xD
  6. I actually really wanna see this movie. Best thing is now I have someone to go with.
  7. This is really funny. I love that second screenshot.
  8. Dude, The Condemned was an awesome movie in my opinion. ;P
  9. Don't feel bad or anything. I think it started off a little off track but keep it going, funny crap comes out of these threads. xD
  10. Ok I've only seen commercials for this movie. Anybody else think it looks like it's directed by the same people as "The Condemned"?
  11. That's really weird, no offense or anything. I'd go to the doctor.
  12. Ok it's 6:46 and it is too early for drama....*falls back asleep*
  13. Hey guys I was just wondering if anybody played the game Unification Wars on www.gametotal.com? It's really fun, but I'm trying to figure it out.
  14. I don't bother spending anymore money on the game.
  15. I'm gonna go play RockBand and become a drummer. xD (I love that friggin game)
  16. We're doing the Wizard of Oz and I'm a freegin munchkin.
  17. Hey guys. I'm tired, and bored. Aaaand worrying about contest tomorrow. All day tomorrow and I only have to work for half an hour. I'm in one-act play. Wish me luck
  18. Get out of this. It's not worth it.
  19. $2.99 to $3.07 in Iowa.
  20. I don't really know about this topic, but SWAT 4 was an awesome game. Just wish I could find the 2nd disk. D':
  21. I knew the medic training in that game would save someone someday!! xD
  22. -spam-
  23. It's so true!! So what does her dog do? Does it like sneak around to the back of the military while it's firing crap at her and then piss on the military? I can just picture that. xD
  24. I always liked UTorrent. It worked pretty good for me.
  25. Although I do agree with all this, where did you get the time to think of all this? Is this what you do all day? xD Jk
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