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Everything posted by cody56

  1. I would've like laughed for a sec then be like, "Ok so...where the f***'s my ps3?"
  2. I agree Rock Band is one of the best games ever.
  3. Ok I just saw this movie today and I didn't really like it. I don't think it was my kind of movie.
  4. I went to this movie today with my dad and I say if you liked the first one, you're going to like the second. Good story I'd say.
  5. Do what a couple of guys used to do to my Govt. teacher, just slash the guys tires every day till he gives back the information and has no more copies. xD
  6. Rawrth, if I had been there I think I woulda just turned around and tackled him. And I hate wussies who use GIRLS as protection. Bet he'll be hurt for awhile cause of that. xD
  7. Haha, why does this seem like this should be in that "Future of gaming" thread on here? xD
  8. A girl that I like keeps asking me this question because we talk about everyday. I've always said I couldn't think of one but I think I can have an answer now. I'm not the ah, most confident person in the world and it's stopped me from doing a lot of things that I wish I could've done (mostly talk to a lot of girls I like)
  9. Yea Gears was a fun game but I never bought it. And then Halo 3 was just too much for me. It was the same thing as the last 2 games. But I think I'll be happy with ME one I get into it. I've been reading up and it looks like it's really wide-open.
  10. Hey guys I'm making my Christmas list and I'm just wondering if Mass Effect is as good as everybody says it it. Thanx for input
  11. GAIA IS AWESOME!! Rawrthness, is ripple juice still your main account?
  12. Ok, haven't looked to see if it's out but haven't seen it yet. If it is, please tell me; if it's not, THIS GAME LOOKS FRICKIN AWESOME!! Anybody agree?
  13. WE WILL NEVER DIE!!!!!!!
  14. I am sooo frickin tired of hearing this crap. So just because some people like to play games that makes them different somehow?? We don't spend our entire day STUDYING gamers, so the gamers must have something wrong. That probably didn't make much sense, but I'm a little pissed off right now so yea....
  15. Yea now they're saying that he killed his wife and son and then killed himself a couple of days later.
  16. I love all 4 games.
  18. Oh, and as for the annoying people that just biatch and moan about everyone hacking and all that crap, just get off the server or vent or ts. I think some people get to involved and forget about the big red X in the corner of the window. Hmmm, maybe they should put it right in the middle of the window .
  19. Man I've been using Teamspeak and Ventrilo for about 3 or 4 years. I love them. I love meeting new people on everyone I go to. You make a lot of friends that way if you just try it. It's the same as walking outside and meeting people. There are a lot of 12 year olds and seeming not enough girls . But yea, I'm met dozens of girls that use these programs.
  20. Nah man. All of them were hot just some of them I didn't like. No offense.
  21. Yea I'll even admit it, some of them get a little ugly.
  22. I don't even wanna see my picture. Wouldn't wanna put you guys through something like that. xD
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzToNo7A-94 Love these videos, random. WATCH!!
  24. http://hs.facebook.com/profile.php?id=500526023 Go for it.
  25. There's never enough hot asian chicks. xD
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